That's twice the size of Alaska's reserves and potentially enough to meet all
U.S. oil needs for two decades.

*The U.S. Is Poised to Hit a New Oil Gusher*

*Oil drillers have their eye on a vast oil field in and around North
Dakota, which promises a steady flow of domestic crude for years.*

By Jim Ostroff, Associate Editor, The Kiplinger Letter
March 17, 2008

A new black gold rush is under way, this time in North Dakota. The
potential payoff is huge -- up to 100 billion barrels of oil. That's
twice the size of Alaska's reserves and potentially enough to meet all
U.S. oil needs for two decades.

Until now, the obstacles to production seemed overwhelming. The crude
oil is locked away in rocks that are buried miles underground in the
Bakken Play, a field that stretches into Montana and Saskatchewan,

But times have changed. High oil prices and new technology make it
worth the effort. Computer analysis and remote sensing systems, plus
smart drills that can probe horizontally or snake left and right,
vastly improve the odds of locating new pools and putting them into
production. And though oil is unlikely to remain priced at current
stratospheric levels, prices won't drop to much lower levels, which
happened several times since the 1970s, and cause new exploration to
dry up. Even if prices fell by half, many barrels of oil could still
be produced -- profitably -- from the region.

An official government survey of the Bakken region's oil treasure
trove is due out next month. The report is expected to play it very
conservatively, because it will confine estimates to the amount of oil
that likely can be produced profitably based on last year's oil
prices. It will also not take into account any further technological
advances that might make it even easier to extract more oil.

"The Bakken is much like the enormous natural gas field that sat for
many years under and around Dallas until people figured out the
geology and how to drill it out economically," says Lucian Pugliaresi,
president of the Energy Policy Research Foundation.

There's at least a smell of the "Old West" as petroleum companies rush
to stake their claims in the Bakken Play. Marathon Oil recently
acquired about 200,000 acres in the area and will drill about 300 oil
wells within five years. Brigham Exploration and Crescent Point Energy
Trust are also interested in some of the action. EOG Resources alone
figures it can produce 80 million barrels of oil from its Bakken

Figure on at least five years before the oil starts flowing in large
volumes. A lot of work will need to be done first. In addition to
installing drilling gear, firms must build supporting infrastructure,
including roads, pipelines as well as new water, sewage and sanitation
systems to meet the needs of workers and other area residents.

Note that the Bakken Play region is not an environmentally sensitive
area similar to Alaskan tundra that has stymied much oil field
development because of concerns about damage to the fragile
environment. Still, some environmental protests are sure to emerge and
may gum up development for a while, but they're unlikely to stop oil
production from the Bakken fields.

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