UFOs or Hoaxes? [7-14-2010]
7-8-2010 : UFO Shuts Down Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport In China
A HUGE UFO WARNING confirmed by ZetaTalk.com! 
Questioner: Is China really getting UFO visit in its eastern city Hangzhou that 
air traffic was disrupted on July 8? If not what was the thing they saw? … My 
take is: military have found nothing, yet know its a real UFO. So just covered 
some of the loopholes and say its not visible to naked eyes.
Zeta Response: Hangzhou is on the line of breakage as the tongue of the 
Eurasian Plate is pulled down and under the Indo-Australian Plate. This is the 
line so active in sinkholes lately, from the point where the Himalayas are 
pushing into China across to the coast. Hangzhou is also on the coast, at the 
end of a bay which will surely have tidal bore or tsunami compressing to a 
point at Hangzhou when the Pacific does any degree of adjusting. The UFO was 
reported, sighted, as far south as Guangxi and Guangdong provinces, which are 
likewise along the coastlines in the regions being drawn down as the tongue of 
the Eurasian Plate is being bent. These regions, and Hangzhou, are clearly 
being warned about tsunami and a suddenly rising sea level as the plate is bend 
and pulled down. In sightings such as this, telepathic warnings are given to 
those below. The plate bending is at present gradual, and only exhibited by 
dramatic sinkholes that have developed. But
 plate movement, accompanying earthquakes, produces sudden changes, and it is 
then that those along the coastlines will experience sudden tsunami and loss of 
sea level. 
UFOs reported from around the World - Interactive


ET Space Alien Crop Circles
There are so many Crop Circles  and counting -  take your pick!
7-2010   <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/earlyjuly2010.html> 


NOI Minister and Leader Farrakhan on UFOs, THE WHEEL, and the WICKED ENDTIME.
Saviours Day    [2-26-2010]       <http://store.finalcall.com/> 
you are the judge!

The wicked ENDTIME - NOT the RIGHTEOUS! http://Zetaheaven.org:  

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