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+    <h2>Spark Release 2.1.0</h2>
+<p>Apache Spark 2.1.0 is the second release on the 2.x line. This release 
makes significant strides in the production readiness of Structured Streaming, 
with added support for <a 
 time watermarks</a> and <a 
href="/docs/2.1.0/structured-streaming-kafka-integration.html">Kafka 0.10 
support</a>. In addition, this release focuses more on usability, stability, 
and polish, resolving over 1200 tickets.</p>
+<p>To download Apache Spark 2.1.0, visit the <a 
href="/downloads.html">downloads</a> page. You can consult JIRA for the <a 
 changes</a>. We have curated a list of high level changes here, grouped by 
major modules.</p>
+<ul id="markdown-toc">
+  <li><a href="#core-and-spark-sql">Core and Spark SQL</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#structured-streaming">Structured Streaming</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#mllib">MLlib</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#sparkr">SparkR</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#graphx">GraphX</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#deprecations">Deprecations</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#changes-of-behavior">Changes of behavior</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#known-issues">Known Issues</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a></li>
+<h3 id="core-and-spark-sql">Core and Spark SQL</h3>
+  <li><strong>API updates</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17864: Data type APIs are stable APIs. </li>
+      <li>SPARK-18351: from_json and to_json for parsing JSON for string 
+      <li>SPARK-16700: When creating a DataFrame in PySpark, Python 
dictionaries can be used as values of a StructType.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Performance and stability</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17861: Scalable Partition Handling. Hive metastore stores all 
table partition metadata by default for Spark tables stored with Hive’s 
storage formats as well as tables stored with Spark’s native formats. This 
change reduces first query latency over partitioned tables and allows for the 
use of DDL commands to manipulate partitions for tables stored with Spark’s 
native formats. <a 
 can migrate tables stored with Spark&#8217;s native formats created by 
previous versions by using the MSCK command</a>.</li>
+      <li>SPARK-16523: Speeds up group-by aggregate performance by adding a 
fast aggregation cache that is backed by a row-based hashmap.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Other notable changes</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-9876: parquet-mr upgraded to 1.8.1</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<p><em>Programming guides: <a href="/docs/2.1.0/programming-guide.html">Spark 
Programming Guide</a> and <a 
href="/docs/2.1.0/sql-programming-guide.html">Spark SQL, DataFrames and 
Datasets Guide</a>.</em></p>
+<h3 id="structured-streaming">Structured Streaming</h3>
+  <li><strong>API updates</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17346: <a 
href="/docs/2.1.0/structured-streaming-kafka-integration.html">Kafka 0.10 
support in Structured Streaming</a></li>
+      <li>SPARK-17731: Metrics for Structured Streaming</li>
+      <li>SPARK-17829: Stable format for offset log</li>
+      <li>SPARK-18124: Observed delay based Event Time Watermarks</li>
+      <li>SPARK-18192: Support all file formats in structured streaming</li>
+      <li>SPARK-18516: Separate instantaneous state from progress performance 
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Stability</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17267: Long running structured streaming requirements</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<p><em>Programming guide: <a 
Streaming Programming Guide</a>.</em></p>
+<h3 id="mllib">MLlib</h3>
+  <li><strong>API updates</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-5992: Locality Sensitive Hashing</li>
+      <li>SPARK-7159: Multiclass Logistic Regression in DataFrame-based 
+      <li>SPARK-16000: ML persistence: Make model loading backwards-compatible 
with Spark 1.x with saved models using spark.mllib.linalg.Vector columns in 
DataFrame-based API</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Performance and stability</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17748: Faster, more stable LinearRegression for &lt; 4096 
+      <li>SPARK-16719: RandomForest: communicate fewer trees on each 
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<p><em>Programming guide: <a href="/docs/2.1.0/ml-guide.html">Machine Learning 
Library (MLlib) Guide</a>.</em></p>
+<h3 id="sparkr">SparkR</h3>
+<p>The main focus of SparkR in the 2.1.0 release was adding extensive support 
for ML algorithms, which include:</p>
+  <li>New ML algorithms in SparkR including LDA, Gaussian Mixture Models, ALS, 
Random Forest, Gradient Boosted Trees, and more</li>
+  <li>Support for multinomial logistic regression providing similar 
functionality as the glmnet R package</li>
+  <li>Enable installing third party packages on workers using 
<code>spark.addFile</code> (<a 
+  <li>Standalone installable package built with the Apache Spark release. We 
will be submitting this to CRAN soon.</li>
+<p><em>Programming guide: <a href="/docs/2.1.0/sparkr.html">SparkR (R on 
+<h3 id="graphx">GraphX</h3>
+  <li>SPARK-11496: Personalized pagerank</li>
+<p><em>Programming guide: <a 
href="/docs/2.1.0/graphx-programming-guide.html">GraphX Programming 
+<h3 id="deprecations">Deprecations</h3>
+  <li><strong>MLlib</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-18592: Deprecate unnecessary Param setter methods in tree and 
ensemble models</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<h3 id="changes-of-behavior">Changes of behavior</h3>
+  <li><strong>Core and SQL</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-18360: The default table path of tables in the default 
database will be under the location of the default database instead of always 
depending on the warehouse location setting.</li>
+      <li>SPARK-18377: spark.sql.warehouse.dir is a static configuration now. 
Users need to set it before the start of the first SparkSession and its value 
is shared by sessions in the same application.</li>
+      <li>SPARK-14393: Values generated by non-deterministic functions will 
not change after coalesce or union.</li>
+      <li>SPARK-18076: Fix default Locale used in DateFormat, NumberFormat to 
+      <li>SPARK-16216: CSV and JSON data sources write timestamp and date 
values in <a href="";>ISO 8601 formatted 
string</a>. Two options, timestampFormat and dateFormat, are added to these two 
data sources to let users control the format of timestamp and date value in 
string representation, respectively. Please refer to the API doc of <a 
 and <a 
 for more details about these two configurations. </li>
+      <li>SPARK-17427: Function SIZE returns -1 when its input parameter is 
+      <li>SPARK-16498: LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe is fixed as the the SerDe for 
RCFile. </li>
+      <li>SPARK-16552: If a user does not specify the schema to a table and 
relies on schema inference, the inferred schema will be stored in the 
metastore. The schema will be not inferred again when this table is used.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Structured Streaming</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-18516: Separate instantaneous state from progress performance 
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>MLlib</strong>
+    <ul>
+      <li>SPARK-17870: ChiSquareSelector now accounts for degrees of freedom 
by using pValue rather than raw statistic to select the top features.</li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<h3 id="known-issues">Known Issues</h3>
+  <li>SPARK-17647: In SQL LIKE clause, wildcard characters &#8216;%&#8217; and 
&#8216;_&#8217; right after backslashes are always escaped.</li>
+  <li>SPARK-18908: If a StreamExecution fails to start, users need to check 
stderr for the error.</li>
+<h3 id="credits">Credits</h3>
+<p>Last but not least, this release would not have been possible without the 
following contributors:
+ALeksander Eskilson, Aaditya Ramesh, Adam Roberts, Adrian Petrescu, Ahmed 
Mahran, Alex Bozarth, Alexander Shorin, Alexander Ulanov, Andrew Duffy, Andrew 
Mills, Andrew Ray, Angus Gerry, Anthony Truchet, Anton Okolnychyi, Artur 
Sukhenko, Bartek Wisniewski, Bijay Pathak, Bill Chambers, Bjarne Fruergaard, 
Brian Cho, Bryan Cutler, Burak Yavuz, Cen Yu Hai, Charles Allen, Cheng Lian, 
Chie Hayashida, Christian Kadner, Clark Fitzgerald, Cody Koeninger, Daniel 
Darabos, Daoyuan Wang, David Navas, Davies Liu, Denny Lee, Devaraj K, Dhruve 
Ashar, Dilip Biswal, Ding Ding, Dmitriy Sokolov, Dongjoon Hyun, Drew Robb, 
Ekasit Kijsipongse, Eren Avsarogullari, Ergin Seyfe, Eric Liang, Erik 
O&#8217;Shaughnessy, Eyal Farago, Felix Cheung, Ferdinand Xu, Fred Reiss, Fu 
Xing, Gabriel Huang, Gaetan Semet, Gang Wu, Gayathri Murali, Gu Huiqin Alice, 
Guoqiang Li, Gurvinder Singh, Hao Ren, Herman Van Hovell, Hiroshi Inoue, Holden 
Karau, Hossein Falaki, Huang Zhaowei, Huaxin Gao, Hyukjin Kwon, Imran Rashid, 
Jacek L
 askowski, Jagadeesan A S, Jakob Odersky, Jason White, Jeff Zhang, Jianfei 
Wang, Jiang Xingbo, Jie Huang, Jie Xiong, Jisoo Kim, John Muller, Jose Hiram 
Soltren, Joseph K. Bradley, Josh Rosen, Jun Kim, Junyang Qian, Justin Pihony, 
Kapil Singh, Kay Ousterhout, Kazuaki Ishizaki, Kevin Grealish, Kevin McHale, 
Kishor Patil, Koert Kuipers, Kousuke Saruta, Krishna Kalyan, Liang Ke, 
Liang-Chi Hsieh, Lianhui Wang, Linbo Jin, Liwei Lin, Luciano Resende, Maciej 
Brynski, Maciej Szymkiewicz, Mahmoud Rawas, Manoj Kumar, Marcelo Vanzin, 
Mariusz Strzelecki, Mark Grover, Maxime Rihouey, Miao Wang, Michael Allman, 
Michael Armbrust, Michael Gummelt, Michal Senkyr, Michal Wesolowski, Mikael 
Staldal, Mike Ihbe, Mitesh Patel, Nan Zhu, Nattavut Sutyanyong, Nic Eggert, 
Nicholas Chammas, Nick Lavers, Nick Pentreath, Nicolas Fraison, Noritaka 
Sekiyama, Peng Meng, Peng, Meng, Pete Robbins, Peter Ableda, Peter Lee, Philipp 
Hoffmann, Prashant Sharma, Prince J Wesley, Priyanka Garg, Qian Huang, Qifan 
Pu, Rajesh B
 alamohan, Reynold Xin, Robert Kruszewski, Russell Spitzer, Ryan Blue, Saisai 
Shao, Sameer Agarwal, Sami Jaktholm, Sandeep Purohit, Sandeep Singh, Satendra 
Kumar, Sean Owen, Sean Zhong, Seth Hendrickson, Sharkd Tu, Shen Hong, Shivansh 
Srivastava, Shivaram Venkataraman, Shixiong Zhu, Shuai Lin, Shubham Chopra, 
Sital Kedia, Song Jun, Srinath Shankar, Stavros Kontopoulos, Stefan Schulze, 
Steve Loughran, Suman Somasundar, Sun Dapeng, Sun Rui, Sunitha Kambhampati, 
Suresh Thalamati, Susan X. Huynh, Sylvain Zimmer, Takeshi YAMAMURO, Takuya 
UESHIN, Tao LI, Tao Lin, Tao Wang, Tarun Kumar, Tathagata Das, Tejas Patil, 
Thomas Graves, Timothy Chen, Timothy Hunter, Tom Graves, Tom Magrino, Tommy YU, 
Tyson Condie, Uncle Gen, Vinayak Joshi, Vincent Xie, Wang Fei, Wang Lei, Wang 
Tao, Wayne Zhang, Weichen Xu, Weiluo (David) Ren, Weiqing Yang, Wenchen Fan, 
Wesley Tang, William Benton, Wojciech Szymanski, Xiangrui Meng, Xianyang Liu, 
Xiao Li, Xin Ren, Xin Wu, Xing SHI, Xusen Yin, Yadong Qi, Yanbo Liang,
  Yang Wang, Yangyang Liu, Yin Huai, Yu Peng, Yucai Yu, Yuhao Yang, Yuming 
Wang, Yun Ni, Yves Raimond, Zhan Zhang, Zheng RuiFeng, Zhenhua Wang, pkch, 
tone-zhang, yimuxi</p>
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
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wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
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wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
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wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
       <p class="small" style="text-align: right;"><a 
diff --git a/site/screencasts/4-a-standalone-job-in-spark.html 
index ac85eaf..35cf6f0 100644
--- a/site/screencasts/4-a-standalone-job-in-spark.html
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@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
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@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
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index 4bc8160..bd9d33e 100644
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
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+          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-1-0-released.html">Spark 2.1.0 
+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
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index 6989c4c..b536846 100644
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@
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+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -171,9 +174,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
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index 731edc6..9b874ad 100644
--- a/site/streaming/index.html
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@
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+          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-1-0-released.html">Spark 2.1.0 
+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -171,9 +174,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
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index 7230ade..230539d 100644
--- a/site/third-party-projects.html
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+          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-1-0-released.html">Spark 2.1.0 
+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
       <p class="small" style="text-align: right;"><a 
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ for details)</li>
   <li><a href="";>Apache Mesos</a> - Cluster management 
system that supports 
 running Spark</li>
   <li><a href="";>Alluxio</a> (née Tachyon) - Memory speed 
virtual distributed 
-storage system that supports running Spark</li>
+storage system that supports running Spark    </li>
   <li><a href="";>Spark 
Cassandra Connector</a> - 
 Easily load your Cassandra data into Spark and Spark SQL; from Datastax</li>
   <li><a href="";>FiloDB</a> - a Spark 
integrated analytical/columnar
diff --git a/site/trademarks.html b/site/trademarks.html
index 09a3307..862701c 100644
--- a/site/trademarks.html
+++ b/site/trademarks.html
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
       <h5>Latest News</h5>
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+          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-1-0-released.html">Spark 2.1.0 
+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
       <p class="small" style="text-align: right;"><a 
diff --git a/site/versioning-policy.html b/site/versioning-policy.html
index 720c7ff..ffa4b8b 100644
--- a/site/versioning-policy.html
+++ b/site/versioning-policy.html
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
           Documentation <b class="caret"></b>
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           <li><a href="/faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
       <h5>Latest News</h5>
       <ul class="list-unstyled">
+          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-1-0-released.html">Spark 2.1.0 
+          <span class="small">(Dec 28, 2016)</span></li>
           <li><a href="/news/spark-wins-cloudsort-100tb-benchmark.html">Spark 
wins CloudSort Benchmark as the most efficient engine</a>
           <span class="small">(Nov 15, 2016)</span></li>
@@ -168,9 +171,6 @@
           <li><a href="/news/spark-1-6-3-released.html">Spark 1.6.3 
           <span class="small">(Nov 07, 2016)</span></li>
-          <li><a href="/news/spark-2-0-1-released.html">Spark 2.0.1 
-          <span class="small">(Oct 03, 2016)</span></li>
       <p class="small" style="text-align: right;"><a 
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ try to. Once they are marked &#8220;stable&#8221; they have 
to follow these guid
 &#8220;experimental&#8221;. Release A is API compatible with release B if code 
compiled against release A 
 <em>compiles cleanly</em> against B. Currently, does not guarantee that a 
compiled application that is 
 linked against version A will link cleanly against version B without 
re-compiling. Link-level 
-compatibility is something we&#8217;ll try to guarantee in future releases.</p>
+compatibility is something we&#8217;ll try to guarantee in future releases. 
 <p>Note, however, that even for features &#8220;developer API&#8221; and 
&#8220;experimental&#8221;, we strive to maintain 
 maximum compatibility. Code should not be merged into the project as 
&#8220;experimental&#8221; if there is 

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