

Lots of progress towards GA, we look on track for cutting RC0 this week. I
ran the versions script to check the branch matches up with JIRA and fixed
things up, and also checked that the changelog and release notes look


   - Resource types vote has passed and will be merged with branch-3.0
   - Down to three blockers on the dashboard, all being actively revved.

Red flags:

   - Still need to validate that resource types is ready to go once it's

Previous tracked GA blockers that have been resolved or dropped:

   - Change of ExecutionType
      - YARN-7178
      <> - Add
      documentation for Container Update API RESOLVED : Arun got the patch
      in with reviews from Wangda and Haibo.
   - ReservationSystem
      - YARN-4827
- Document
      configuration of ReservationSystem for FairScheduler RESOLVED: Yufei
      and Subru got this in.
   - Rolling upgrade
      - YARN-6142
      <> - Support
      rolling upgrade between 2.x and 3.x RESOLVED : Ray resolved this
      since we think it's sufficiently complete.
   - Erasure coding
      - HDFS-12686
- Erasure
      coding system policy state is not correctly saved and loaded during real
      cluster restart RESOLVED: Resolved this one to incorporate it in

GA blockers:

   - Rolling upgrade
      - HDFS-11096
- Support
      rolling upgrade between 2.x and 3.xPATCH AVAILABLE: I asked Sean if
      we can downgrade this from blocker
   - Erasure coding
      - HDFS-12682
- ECAdmin
      -listPolicies will always show SystemErasureCodingPolicies state
       PATCH AVAILABLE: Actively being worked on and reviewed, should be in
      - HDFS-11467
- Support
      ErasureCoding section in OIV XML/ReverseXMLPATCH AVAILABLE: Waiting
      on HDFS-12682, I asked if we can work concurrently

Features merged for GA:

   - Erasure coding
      - Testing is still ongoing at Cloudera, no new bugs found recently
      - Closing on remaining blockers for GA
   - Classpath isolation (HADOOP-11656)
   - HADOOP-13916
- Document
      how downstream clients should make use of the new shaded client artifacts
       OPEN: Seems unlikely to make it
   - Compat guide (HADOOP-13714
      - HADOOP-14876
- Create
      downstream developer docs from the compatibility guidelines PATCH
      AVAILABLE: Patch is being actively revved and reviewed, Robert +1'd,
      Anu posted a big review
      - HADOOP-14875
- Create
      end user documentation from the compatibility guidelines PATCH
      AVAILABLE: No patch yet
   - TSv2 alpha 2
   - This was merged, no problems thus far [image: (smile)]
   - API-based scheduler configuration YARN-5734
   <> - OrgQueue
   for easy CapacityScheduler queue configuration management RESOLVED
      - Merged, no problems thus far [image: (smile)]
   - HDFS router-based configuration HDFS-10467
   <> -
   HDFS federation RESOLVED
      - Merged, no problems thus far [image: (smile)]
   - Resource types YARN-3926
   <> - Extend
   the YARN resource model for easier resource-type management and profiles
      - Vote has passed, Daniel is currently doing the mechanics of merging
      - Need to also perform final validation post-merge

Dropping the "unmerged features" section since we're not letting in
anything else at this point.

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