[Apologises for multiple postings]

Call for Papers: Special Session on Computational Intelligence for Games
IEEE WCCI / CEC 2018 <http://www.ecomp.poli.br/~wcci2018/> - Rio de Janeiro, 
Brazil, 8-13 July 2018
Chairs: Daniel Ashlock, Jialin Liu, Santiago Ontañón
Webpage: http://gameai.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/sscig-wcci2018/ 
Important Dates
Paper submission: extended to 1 February 2018
Notification: 15 March 2018

Please select “CDSS-08: Computational Intelligence for Games” as topic when 
making a submission via http://ieee-cis.org/conferences/cec2018/upload.php 

Corresponding contact: Daniel Ashlock <dashl...@uoguelph.ca 

Games are an ideal domain to study computational intelligence (CI) methods 
because they provide affordable, competitive, dynamic, reproducible 
environments suitable for testing new search algorithms, pattern-based 
evaluation methods, or learning concepts.  Games scale from simple problems for 
developing algorithms to incredibly hard problems for testing algorithms to the 
limit.  They are also interesting to observe, fun to play, and very attractive 
to students. Additionally, there is great potential for CI methods to improve 
the design and development of both computer games as well as tabletop games, 
board games, and puzzles.  This special session aims at gathering leaders and 
neophytes in games research as well as practitioners in this field who research 
applications of computational intelligence methods to computer games.

In general, papers are welcome that consider all kinds of applications of 
methods (evolutionary computation, supervised learning, neural learning, 
unsupervised learning, fuzzy systems, game-tree search, rolling horizon 
algorithms, MCTS, etc.) to games (card games, board games, mathematical games, 
action games, strategy games, role-playing games, arcade games, serious games, 

Examples include but are not limited to
Adaptation in games
Automatic game testing
Novel games that use CI techniques
Coevolution in games
Comparative studies (e.g. CI versus human-designed players)
Dynamic difficulty in games
Games as test-beds for algorithms
Imitating human players
Learning to play games
Multi-agent and multi-strategy learning
Player/opponent modelling
Procedural content generation
CI for Serious Games (e.g., games for health care, education or training)
Results of game-based CI and open competitions

About the organisers
Daniel Ashlock is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Guelph.  He 
is a member of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Societies’ Games Technical Committee, serves as an associate 
editor of both the IEEE Transactions on Games and the
new journal Game and Puzzle Design.  Dr. Ashlock is a life-long referee of 
roleplaying games and loves the problems that arise in game and puzzle design.  
Dr. Ashlock is the author of 270 peer reviewed scientific publications, about a 
third of which are on the topic of games, including mathematical games, 
procedural content generation, and puzzle design.  Across his work the issue of 
representation, the study of how to phrase problems for the computer, appears 
in a starring role.  Dr. Ashlock is the Chief of Innovation at Ashlock and 
McGuinness Consulting, Inc.  He teaches and does research in Guelph, Ontario, 

Jialin Liu is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Queen Mary University of 
London (QMUL, UK) since the creation of the Game AI research group in August 
2017. Before joining QMUL, she was a Senior Research Officer at the Games and 
AI research group of University of Essex (UK) between March 2016 and July 2017. 
 Jialin received her PhD in Computer Science from the University Paris-Saclay & 
Inria Saclay (France) in December 2015. Her research interests include general 
game playing, robust game playing, automatic game design, black-box noisy 
optimisation and portfolio algorithms. Jialin is chairing the IEEE CIS Student 
Games-Based Competitions Sub-Committee and also serves in the Games Technical 
Committee, Webinars Sub-Committee, Women in Computational Intelligence 
Sub-Committee and Young Professionals Sub-Committee. She serves as Program 
Co-Chair at IEEE CIG18.

Santiago Ontañón is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department 
at Drexel University. His main research interests are game AI, case-based 
reasoning and machine learning, fields in which he has published more than 150 
peer reviewed papers. He obtained his PhD from the Autonomous University of 
Barcelona (UAB), Spain in 2005. Before joining Drexel University, he held 
postdoctoral research positions at the Artificial Intelligence Research 
Institute (IIIA) in Barcelona, Spain, at the Georgia Institute of Technology 
(GeorgiaTech) in Atlanta, USA, and lectured at the University of Barcelona 
(UB), Spain.
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