Hi everyone!

First, say thank you to the developers of Conkeror (and of course the contributors and altruistic developers to help with this project).

This night i had my first really involved situation i have ever been. Yesterday afternoon i thought to improve the system of downloads (to be more productive and insert some features that i really miss before), and i don't know anything about Java-script, but i put lot of energies and hopes to get my "modification"... after 11 hours (yes, all night, i finished this morning at 9hours) i have done it!!

I know that for real developers what i did maybe is something easy, but i don't know anything about Java-script (just Java, MIPS assembly and really the basics of C). The most difficult situation was to understand the code without documentation...just reading and following methods, classes and variables from one to other modules.

I don't know what is the best way to share what i did, the modifications, and if there is any way to can get "feedback", like the developers or other contributors send or post ways to improve the code i did, to integrate better or to optimize, because i just got it with hours and hours (and of course "try & error" procedure...). Maybe my first solution/modification + feedback of others would be a good point for other contributors or users that are thinking to develop/modify something but they are afraid.

The features are:

- Saving a file (overwriting mode) there are two modes:
- Last directory recorded (last directory (parent) we use it is suggested path + filename.extension (and the filename selected) - if is used, is recorded the new one as next "last directory recorded" - Predefined pattern (suggested path in order to a predefined pattern in our script + filename.extension (and the filename selected) - never change, not even the "last directory recorded"

     - Additional information with the URI and Mime Type (if is known ):
            - file size in KiB if is smaller than 1MiB, if not MiB
            - Last Modified
            - Server name

Something weird with the file size: i download it, and then it's different (like, in the headers is 6KB, then the download is 16 or 17KB, i have tested the license of gnu (gpl-2.0.txt) and one image). I will check it out other day.

The point to be selected the "filename" is because usually the names of the files to download are not really good, lot of characters, not really explicit,.... usually i change it. If you start writing automatically rewrites only the filename. But if you want that filename and you just want to change the location (modify the suggestion), just one key-press, and you are modifying the path (without move from the extension to the "/", nor from the first "/" to the path.
Really productive.

Of course it will get improve, but is something i really needed. Now I'm busy, but when i will have again time i will improve more things.


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