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Jewish World Review March 25, 2003 / 21 Adar II, 5763

Laura Ingraham

The Dems' Michael Moore Problem

http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | "…[W]e live in fictitious times-a time
when we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious
president-a time when a man is sending us to war for fictitious
reasons." --Michael Moore, accepting his Academy Award for Best
Documentary Feature.

Don't get suckered into believing that Moore's anti-Bush, anti-war rant
is an isolated viewpoint on the far-left of the Democrat party.  The
dirty little secret is that most Dem-elite intellectuals agree with
stupid white man Moore but are afraid to say so publicly.

The truth is that leading Democrat "thinkers" have at one time or
another explicitly or implicitly conveyed the same sentiments.  Take the
"fictitious election" comment.  Bill Clinton, still the titular head of
the Democrat Party, has made similar cracks.  Ditto for recovering
politician Al Gore.  At a speech in the Dominican Republic in December,
Gore asked the crowd, "In your presidential election here, does the
candidate who gets the most votes win the election?"

As for Moore's "fictitious reasons" for war comment, Senators Ted
Kennedy and Robert Byrd have made comparable charges in recent weeks.
When Moore refers to Bush as a "fictitious" president, what he really
means is that he is a stupid president.  When Tom Daschle last week
blamed the President's "miserable failure" in diplomacy for forcing war,
he too was really saying that Bush is dunce.  Tom the Towering Intellect
believes President Bush is woefully incapable of maneuvering in our
complex, interconnected world.  He's no Jacques Chirac.

The Dem-elites in Hollywood and Washington, utterly convinced of their
intellectual and moral superiority, are hopelessly out of touch with the
public whose welfare they claim to care so much about.  Take the
Oscars.  On a day when we learned that American POWs were being
humiliated before Iraqi television cameras, ABC decided the Academy ad
revenues were too big to pass up.  For the Academy, toning down the red
carpet was an adequate sacrifice.  Chef mogul Wolfgang Puck, who was
catering the big after-party bash for the Academy, wailed that if the
awards were cancelled, hundreds of pounds of imported sea bass would go
to waste.

Well, Americans spoke last night.  Ratings for the broadcast were down
23 percent from last year.  Some proudly boycotted the Oscars, others
opted to focus on what was happening in the real world.  Turns out that
the 70+ percent of those stupid Americans who support the President and
the war in Iraq were smart enough to tune out Hollywood's ill-timed
narcissistic exercise.  Actor Tom Hanks was classy enough to bow out,
undoubtedly uncomfortable with the spectacle.  On this channel, see our
brave military men and women in harms way, donning chemical suits.  Flip
to ABC and see Oscar nominees and presenters air-kissing one another for
their artistic sacrifices, clutching their $25,000 "goodie bags," decked
out in couture.  Their idea of an MRE is a take-out order of capellini
with white truffles from the Ivy.

Democrats' confused, muddled foreign policy message isn't playing any
better with the American public than the Oscar ceremony played with
American television viewers.  The reason is that, except maybe for Joe
Lieberman and Dick Gephardt, Democrats have made it clear that they
believe that France should have veto authority over US national security
decisions.  Listen to Rep.  Nancy Pelosi before for war, and it's clear
that if France had agreed to the war, then she would be for it, too.

To heck with the fact that the American president, the intelligence
community, the entire Cabinet, believe the war is necessary for our
security!  To heck with the American people who support President Bush's
decision!  Guinea and Cameroon aren't on board!

That so many liberals see this as an "illegitimate" or even "illegal"
war is why liberalism is on life-support.  The Michael Moore
sympathizers in the Democrat party actually believe that the French (who
helped Iraq build a nuclear plant) and the Russians (who sell
unauthorized radar jamming equipment to Iraq) are acting in "good
faith," but the President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are not.

The Dem-elites trust the judgment of the "international community" on
foreign policy.  Americans trust the judgment of their president.  The
Dem-elites are enamored with the UN.  Americans see the UN as a forum
for America-bashing.  The Dem-elites believe America has become too
"arrogant." Americans think France is too arrogant.  The Dem-elites
don't like the idea of America as a "super-power." Americans are proud
to be the strongest, freest country in the world.  The Dem-elites think
this war is our fault.  Americans think that it's Saddam's fault.

It would be refreshing if more in the entertainment industry confronted
the idiocy of Michael Moore.  Dennis Miller can't do it all.  As for the
Democrats, their ability to win national elections in the near future
will depend on their own willingness to confront their own versions of
Michael Moore.  Don't hold your breath.

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