-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ummah.net/dajjal/">The Conspiracy</A>
Many embeds, very active site.
Bits and pieces about the Conspiracy

from a Muslims perspective, but also non-Muslims are welcome to read.
Last updated 26 February 1999.

I haven't contributed many news lately since I study about vitamins,
oils, minerals, enzymes and herbs. A large area to study. Some of it is
contributed into Healthy Living Diet. I am working on a big spreadsheet
model that Insh-Allah will contain information about this + effects of
common poisons in food, water, teeth, tooth paste, toys, plastic and
environment and where to expect to find these good and bad elements.

Latest Months News

Those of you who know about the "Big Bang" might be interested in this
article published in the Christian Newsletter Prophezine. Odd that they
will chose 1 of May 1999 as a testday, (only testday?).26 February 1999
British Army Spraying E.Coli In Germ Warfare Tests26 February 1999
Interesting about most common poisons26 February 1999More about Germ
Warfare26 February 1999Interesting about Milk26 February 1999Genetically
modified potatoes26 February 1999Pesticides in fruits and vegetables26
February 1999Cancer in Polio vaccine before 196326 February 1999Udated
Healthy Living Diet with a little bit more info about vitamins,
minerals, oils and enzymes23 February 1999AIDS where does it come from?
(One of many theories)16 February 1999List of most contaminated foods
 with pesticides and what to buy instead16 February 1999Healing modern
diseases like CFG, Candidiasis, Herpes, Lyme Disease, Salmonella,
Legionnaires Disease, AIDS9 February 1999A typical modern diet contains
too much fat. Children whose diets are changed from the typical Western
high fat diet to a diet low in fat, can perform simple mental tasks 20%
faster and with greater accuracy once their blood is clear of fat.9
February 1999Doctor prescribed drugs kill 100,000 each year in the US9
February 1999The very low efficiency and high cost of chemotherapy9
February 1999MD:s cure themselves with Gersons alternative therapy9
February 1999Added more links to Gersons alternative therapy in the
Cancer fact sheet9 February 1999USA feeds processed slaughterhouse waste
to cows, chickens and pigs as low cost, high protein feed
supplementation. This is the very practice that got British cattle
industry in such bad trouble 15 years ago, feeding cows to cows. CJD
could be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease7 February 1999
Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables may help against cancer,
environmental hazards and diseases.7 February 1999More and more bacteria
resistant against antibiotics5 February 1999Genetically Modified food. 5
February 1999Some serious symptoms of Gulf war Syndrome linked to
Brucellosis Bacteria giving different serious symptoms in different
people5 February 1999The different poisons in cigarettes5 February 1999
Added a link about the neurotoxin Mercury in Amalgam tooth fillings in
the fact sheet about Amalgam5 February 1999A book: Vaccination: 100
years of Orthodox Research shows vaccines represent a medical assault on
the immune system, added to the list of literature.5 February 1999Many
more facts about vaccination of children in the fact sheet about
vaccinations5 February 1999Added a link about Danger of Canola Oil in
Healthy living3-4 February 1999Added a link about how toxic chemotherapy
 is even to the Nurses and Pharmacists in the fact sheet about cancer3
February 1999Added a book about a cancer cure in the list of Literature
 and in the fact sheet about cancer3-5 February 1999Added a link to a
cure of Diabetes in Healthy Living3 February 1999Add a link about
Fluoridated tooth paste in the fact sheet about Fluoride3 February 1999
Added information about two other successful alternative cancer cures in
the fact sheet about Cancer and in Healthy Living.3 February 1999Added a
chapter about how dangerous most unfermented Soy Bean products (like
soya milk, baby soy formula etc.) are in Healthy Living. 3 February 1999
Added a link to the palm oil based product Carotino + facts about Bee
Pollen in Healthy living29 January 1999Added a link about chlorine and
how long time hat is needed to boil water to take away Chlorine in the
fact sheet about chlorine29 January 1999

•Why has USA that is supposed to be against Communism never won any
single war against Communist regimes in Soviet during the Second World
War, Cuba, North-Korea, North-Vietnam and several South-American
•Why does not one single country that is "helped" by IMF and the World
bank get a better economy more than perhaps a short while?
•Why has Cancer increased from around 2-4% in the beginning of this
century to over 30% and still rising today?
•Why does your children need expensive braces when both parents did not
in their childhood, and why do they have so many holes in spite of that
Fluoride is supposed to be so good against decay?
•Why do children become so overactive and why don't they obey?
•Why does TV contain so much magic, violence, materialism, sex and much
more that nobody really likes in spite of complaints?
•Why does sudden death, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, auto immune
diseases and drug abuse increase so rapidly?
•Why does modern life aim at material values instead of spiritual
•Why are children suffering and dying in Iraq when they are under
"protection" of United Nations?
•Why doesn't USA pull out of Saudi Arabia after "helping" them?
•Why are Muslims so often connected with terrorism without a single
piece of real evidence?
These are just a few of the questions that we have to seek the answer to
without blindly believing what News, TV and authorities claim. Start to
think yourself. Don't always believe what others say. Don't accept being
spoon-fed with ready answers to these questions. If you start seeing and
contemplating what is really happening a whole new view opens up. You
start to realize the truth behind all the lies and propaganda. It can be
painful but you have to in order to protect yourself. Both in this life
and for the hereafter.


"Iblis" means deception. Iblis = Lucifer = the Sun God = Ra = Satan
 wants to mislead each individual. (Compare Quran 7:16-18)
Muslims believe in the hereafter and that each individual will be judged
according to his/her own deeds. Each of us is born with a free will to
do good or to do evil until we die. If we do evil we shall regret,
repent and do good. It is our personal choice in each situation that
decides our eternal hereafter. Our deeds must follow the rules in the
Quran and Sunnah (Hadith) and be for Allah only.


'Before the Hour comes, there will be years of deceit, in which a
truthful person will be disbelieved and a liar will be believed; and the
insignificant will have a say'." (Hadith recorded around 1300 years ago
by Ahmad.)"

Before the Day of Judgment there will appear (a number of) impostors.
You are to guard against them. (Hadith recorded around 1300 years ago by
Muslim in Book 19 no 4483)

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: While the Prophet was saying something in a
gathering, a Bedouin came and asked him, "When would the Hour (Doomsday)
take place?" Allah's Apostle continued his talk, so some people said
that Allah's Apostle had heard the question, but did not like what that
Bedouin had asked. Some of them said that Allah's Apostle had not heard
it. When the Prophet finished his speech, he said, "Where is the
questioner, who inquired about the Hour (Doomsday)?" The Bedouin said,
"I am here, O Allah's Apostle ." Then the Prophet said, "When honesty is
lost, then wait for the Hour (Doomsday)." The Bedouin said, "How will
that be lost?" The Prophet said, "When the power or authority comes in
the hands of unfit persons, then wait for the Hour (Doomsday.)" (Hadith
recorded around 1300 years ago by Bukhari in Volume 1 Book 3 no 56)


Muslims know that most of the signs of the end of time has already
happened. This is a clear indicator that it cannot take long time before
the Dajjal appears. Imam Malik said that the Dajjal is an impostor that
will come from the impostors. Several Hadith make clear that the Dajjal
will be a person and that the Dajjal is not symbolic as some people
might believe.

If you believe in the Conspiracy or most of it don't rush to do things
just because you are angry. It might be exactly what your enemy wants.
Check what Albert Pike wrote about the Third World War already in 1871.
Remember that they want riots, terror and war. They are also sure to get
it according to hadith, but Muslims must act only according to the Rules
given by Allah and only for Allah and for no other reason what so ever.
They have probably already prepared leaders that will channel peoples
anger in the wrong direction using nationalism and intense hate instead
of using halal methods. Try to get quality knowledge about Islam and
learn more about your enemy before you decide what to do. A muslim lives
for the hereafter, not for this world. If we live for the hereafter and
do actions permitted by Allah and for Allah alone it goes well for us
also in this world. Strive to improve your Emaan before you decide what
to do. Know your enemy before you decide what to do.

  The host of this web page has nothing to do with its contents unless
there is something positive for Islam. This web page is solely the
responsibility of the web-page constructor and not the host. People
mentioned in the pages have never been contacted. They don't even know
who I am. I have tried to rinse out information that seems not to be
true, but I cannot guarantee that every source is true in all its parts.


My intention is not to insult anybody of any race, religion or culture.
Muslims must help all people not only Muslims as long as they are not
clearly enemies of Islam. Just because somebody says he does not like
Islam does not mean he is an enemy of Islam. Many non-Muslims have not
had the opportunity to learn about the true Islam. They might not know
e.g. that Muslim women are not forced to marry against their will, that
women cover themselves so as not to become sexually attractive to other
than their husbands, that all the five pillars of Islam is meant to make
a Muslims character better, that terrorism is forbidden for Muslims etc.
etc. As Muslims we are to obey Allah's commands even if we don't always
understand them.

I hope these documents especially the fact sheets can be of help also to

Most, perhaps 99.9% of all people are not aware of what is going on.
Many more are aware of smaller parts but they normally only know a small
bit of the truth and don't understand that it is part of a bigger, much
severe, Conspiracy. If you try to tell them perhaps only 1-3 percent
will believe you. Personally I have investigated mostly the Food, Water,
Dental and Medicine branches of the Conspiracy and you should perhaps
concentrate on those parts in the presented material. I have tried to
investigate and add other parts as well, but I know less of those parts.

Towards the end of each fact sheet below about Aluminum, Amalgam,
Aspartame, Cadmium, Cancer, Chlorine, Fluoride, Lead and MSG I have put
in a part about how we should be able to protect ourselves. In the end
of each fact sheet there is also references to literature and Internet

Main content:

•Main content (this section)
•Latest updates
•Dental Care
•News Media
•Population control
•Protection against the Conspiracy
•Water (Drinking water)

Latest updates

Table of Contents26 February 199928 pages250 Signs of the End of Time in
short form20 November 19987 pages250 Signs of the End of Time in
slightly longer form with comments20 November 199859 pages250 Signs of
the End of Time, full source-text20 November 199852 pagesSymptoms of
common poisons in water, food, toys, teeth and medicine. (Best printed
in landscape mode)15 December 199816 pagesOccult and other symbols12
July 19986 pagesAluminum a fact sheet. (Mainly in food, drinking water
and medicine)7 February 19993 pagesAmalgam in Tooth fillings a fact
sheet9 February 19993 pagesAspartame a fact sheet. (Mainly in food)25
January 19993 pagesCadmium a fact sheet. (Mainly in food utensils,
dental care and small children's toys)9 February 19992 pagesCancer a
fact sheet. (Mainly because of our food but also because of common
poisons)9 February 19994 pagesChlorine a fact sheet. (Mainly in drinking
water and pesticides)29 January 19992 pagesCreation a fact sheet
(Evolution deceit mainly in Media, books, education and children's toys)
19 December 19985 pagesFluoride a fact sheet. (Mainly in food, drinking
water, tooth paste, dental care and medicine)7 February 19994 pagesLead
 a fact sheet (Mainly in drinking water, dental care and small
children's toys)9 February2 pagesMonosodium Glutamate (MSG) a fact
sheet. (Mainly in food)7 January 19993 pagesProtection against the
conspiracy a fact sheet3 February 19996 pagesVaccinations a fact sheet
26 February 19993 pagesHealthy Life. A Survival Diet26 February 199927
pagesList of literature5 February 199929 pages

Table of Contents:

b.Internet i.Trust nothing electronic like telephones, smart cards and
Internet. One example can be the Smart Browser feature in Netscape 4.06
and probably later. The URL:s a user is visiting including those behind
a firewall can theoretically be collected etc. Also cookies and web
counters, Statistics-tracking codes in web pages, can be used to some
extent. However these features does not necessarily have to be used with
evil intent.
ii.Some URL:s could theoretically be active using Java etc. in the
background to collect information from your machine. Keywords could be
searched for. Windows 95,98 with its Find Fast utility files cataloging
your whole hard disk with search index over all words used in your
system. Java used in Internet and networks can probably tap this
information about keywords without you knowing it. Compare modern
satellites and automatic recording by NSA of phone calls when certain
key words are said during the call. Ref 1 c.Narcotics. Ref 1
d.Mind control Ref 1
e.Information Systems i.LUCID. Monitoring our activities 24 hours a day
Department and others. LInking with KGB etc. Use of Smart cards and
biological implants. Spanish dogs and cats must be equipped with GPS
tracers already today. Probably a large scale test. L.U.C.I.D. could
possibly mean Lucifer's ID system or something like it. Ref 1
ii.LUCENT an advanced company could possibly mean LUCIFER Enterprises,
but nobody seems to know. Lucent Technologies that has made many chips
in computers, modems etc. have moved to 666 Fifth Avenue. Number 666 is
the symbolical number of the Beast. Number 5 means the number of the
dead. Their network system is dubbed Inferno. It enables interactive
TVs, Radios, phones and other electronic equipment to be tied into the
L.U.C.I.D. net. Ref 1
iii.Satellites run by NSA in USA together with Australia, Britain,
Canada and New Zealand. Probably searching keywords in phone, fax and
email, even if encrypted, GPS and other survey. Ref 1
iv.Bio chips small as rice grains implant able under your skin, now or
already at birth. Complete with all information about you like your
economy, medical history, weaknesses, GPS etc. Ref 1
v.DNA databanks. No false identities possible Ref 1
vi.Smart Cards can follow every transaction, what you buy, where you
buy, when you buy. Ref 1
vii.Complicated tax-system where you have to answer all kinds of odd
questions about your private life.
viii.The banks can control each customer
ix.List of different projects according to one source
x.Keeping track of English convicts
xi.NSA, National Security Agency spending hundreds of billions of
dollars on control systems Ref 1

       Dental Care
a.See over 70 possible symptoms from Amalgam on the fact sheet
b.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to give enough
resistance physically and mentally Ref 1 2
c.Earn money on medical and dental care.
d.ADA i.Published literature stating that every dentist who removes
amalgam restorations due to mercury toxicity is to be considered
ii.Forbidden for dentists with enough knowledge about the dangers of
Amalgam to advertise their services. e.Amalgam with Mercury which is
more poisonous than Arsenic. Ref 1 2 3
f.Fluoride is more poisonous than Lead i.Fluoride does not give
protection to teeth. Around 500 research articles prove the opposite.
There is a total of 220,000 US dollars offered in reward since decades
ago for anybody who can prove that Fluoride is safe for human
ii.Glass Iomer fillings which emit Fluoride.
iii.More common with need for braces because of Fluoride
iv.Toothpaste with Fluoride contains a staggering 4,000 ppm to be
compared with 1-4 part(s) per million in drinking water which is also
extremely bad Ref 1 g.Root fillings with Lead and Cadmium
h.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine and
in the environment

a.Paper Money Ref 1 2 i.Creation of worthless paper-notes with their
value based solely on peoples trust. The value of Paper Money can be
made to disappear overnight
ii.Preparing to take over US economy in 1913 by creating Federal Reserve
Bank which makes US population strangled, enslaved and suffocated by
ever-increasing Trillion dollar debts with heavy interest on interest to
the International Bankers Ref 1 2 3 4 5 6
iii.Printing of more paper notes creates inflation and destroys middle
class who has its assets mainly in paper money. Ref 1
iv.Transfer of wealth from everyone to the already super rich through
interest, inflation, manipulations. Ref 1
v.Meyer Amschel Rotschild: Give me power to control a nation's money and
I care not who writes his laws Ref 1
vi.The whole system with paper money is usury according to a Fatwah in
1991. However as Muslims we don't have much of a choice until a currency
based on e.g. Gold and/or Silver is created. Ref 1
vii.The American organization NORFED has created a currency backed by
silver in October 1998. Over 60 cities in USA print their own
alternative money without Interest. But remember one thing, it is still
Paper Money that can lose it's value overnight unless you are 100% sure
the Silver will be available in a crisis situation. And how can you know
that? But it is a step in the right way. b.Interest Ref 1 i.Let them
swallow hook and bait.
ii.The higher interest the better for them. Creates more turmoil and
more income to the banks. In the beginning it can be low to lure more
iii.Each country has ups and downs in their economy. At the lows the
banks are cashing in on the people and the companies that are bankrupt.
Ups and downs can be planned, sometimes long time in advance.
iv.Compare Quran 2:275-279 c.IMF (supposed to be Communists in the top)
and World Bank i.Pretend to offer help
ii.Higher and higher interest as the country's economy goes down with
iii.Countries towards the end has no choice but to borrow more to cover
cost of interests since they cannot possibly pay back gigantic loans
without extreme difficulty.
iv.Countries have to pay pack in cheap natural assets sold to sinking
world market prices.
v.Attacks against currency immediately after pay out of help in order to
get back some of the paid money making use of expectations of recovery
of currency in the so called "helped" country.
vi.The country has to pay back in US dollars which is a currency which
for some easy to understand reason always is getting more expensive to
get hold of for the paying country as time goes by.
vii.Put demands on increased interest within the country to make
investments in Industry less profitable compared to putting the money in
the bank.
viii.Make use of collapsed stock exchange to buy dirt cheap.
ix.Put demands on foreign ownership of mainly banks so that they can get
a piece of the cake when the country breaks down.
x.Put demands on mergers of national banks to facilitate takeover.
xi.When bankruptcies become common in a country the banks take over.
xii.Let the wolves in after the country goes into turmoil
xiii.This has been repeated in country after country in Africa and
South-America and is now happening slowly slowly in Asia. d.Materialism.
Make people more interested in this life than in the next or even deny
that the next life exists. Ref 1 2
e.Gold, Silver i.Cheat common people in countries that has crises to
sell their gold against paper-notes that can be made worthless over
night in the future.
ii.Gold or Silver security based currencies disappeared. Ref 1 f.
Currency i.Manipulations of countries currencies to create turmoil and
transfer of assets, resources to the controlling countries.
ii.One world currency suggested to solve all problems after many
problems and severe turmoil on the World currency markets
iii.Smart cards with electronic currency combined with control of each
persons habits.
iv.Control of peoples privacy through traceable cash and credit cards g.
John Maynard Keynes. The fake beautiful theories about a countries
economy going up and down. Ref 1
h.Inflation Ref 1 i.Print lots of money to ruin the middle class = all
people who have their assets in money through galloping inflation. Ref 1

ii.Keynes, (supposed to be a communist), with beautiful worthless
theories, aimed at fooling people of real reasons for changes in
national economy Ref 1
iii.London School of Economics Ref 1
iv.Hyperinflation in Germany 1920-23 Ref 1
v.1929 USA depression Ref 1 i.Graduated Income Tax Ref 1
j.Intentional waste of Government money Ref 1 2
k.Stock Exchange i.Create the crisis Ref 1 2
ii.Pull out just before crisis. Buy at the bottom of crisis Ref 1 2 l.
Bilderbergers Ref 1 2 3 i.A powerful agenda. When people meet in secret
discussing money and power, what do you think will happen if they are
not praying Muslims? However membership or presence in a Bilderbergs
meeting does not necessarily have to mean evil intent. Perhaps there are
 at least some praying Muslims. I don't know. Their meetings are secret.
(Compare Quran 58:10)
ii.Tax exempt philanthropic associations etc. with the purpose to amass
billions in sterilized private capital making it possible to support
communist organizations Ref 1 m.What happens with countries that has
many assets like oil? i.Russia, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, already taken and
ii.World monopoly on oil and gas perhaps already before the planned
final takeover.

a.Reduce the efficiency Ref 1 i.Reading, Arithmetic, Writing + history +
civics + geography which is the center of all education not allowed to
occupy more than 25% of the education time in school b.Teach the wrong
c.Take away Arabic language from the Schools in Islamic countries.
d.Experiments with and promoting drugs Ref 1 2
e.Take away religion Ref 1 2 3
f.Sex education so that everybody will want to experiment with what they
just learned. Ref 1 2
g.Teach the "importance" of Population control Ref 1 2
h.Teaching of socialist goals. like a global community, United Nations,
One world mentality, High taxes Ref 1 2 3
i.No private schools Ref 1
j.Federal day care centers
k.Ritalin very common in USA now
l.Federal aid and control of education Ref 1
m.Opinion shaping, ideological propaganda, personality molding replacing
real knowledge and real skills Ref 1
n.Keep down the knowledge levels of individuals with talent. Concentrate
more on group collaboration that makes it difficult for people with
special skill(s) to develop their potential. Compare the obvious
inefficiency in the methods kolchos and solchos farming. The skilled
people give up and the lazy is given more than his fair share.
o.Parents less power over anything to do with their children including
their education. Ref 1

Entertainment a.More drive for pleasure Ref 1
b.TV, less moral, more brutal, less intellectual, more effects, more
magic, more sex. Ref 1 2 3
c.Film, less moral, more brutal, less intellectual, more effects, more
magic, more sex. Ref 1 2 3
d.Theater, less moral, more brutal, less intellectual, more effects,
more magic, more sex. Ref 1 2 3 4
e.Internet, to take us away from having normal relations and to take us
away from studying enough of the Quran and Hadith.
f.Music, to fill the vacuum of perfect peaceful quiet surroundings. If
we calm down and start to think it hurts for many of us. But people must
stop and try to deal with their problems and not just drench it with
rhythms, beats and jingles. We cannot think if we don't calm down.
g.Sports, less moral, more exciting and brutal Ref 1
Environment a.Make people weaker and more sick so they are unable to
give enough resistance physically and mentally Ref 1 2
b.Reduce population. Too many to control. NSA according to one
unverified rumor has around 1 million employed for control of US and
perhaps other citizens. Ref 1
c.Earn money on medical care.
d.Who is who in the Poison "Industry" i.E.g. Monsanto I.Agent Orange,
2-4-5-T, (defoliant used in Vietnam)
II.Velsico pesticide, Roundup, DDT
IV.Bio genetic Engineering, rice, soya beans, potatoes
V.rGBH milk, Posilac e.Agriculture. (Compare also the Quran 2:204-205)
Ref 1
f.Fertilizers i.Selling waste from gunpowder manufacturing Ref 1
ii.Fast growth and depleting the earth which means less minerals, less
oils, less enzymes and less vitamins in the food. Ref 1
iii.Making necessary a high usage of pesticides and herbicides (aka
known as poison, often with Fluoride) Ref 1 g.Genetic engineering i.
Modified food
ii.Reducing amount of Vitamin B17 so that cancer and other diseases
iii.Necessitate buying new seeds for sowing instead of saving from the
previous crops since genetically engineered seeds are patented worldwide
 and seeds from the harvests cannot be used for sowing since they are
sterile or have lost their positive properties.
iv.Some seeds from Genetic Engineering produce plants that can
cross-pollinate several miles with other healthy sorts.
v.Some seeds contain genes from Mosaic virus, soil bacteria or from
antibiotics and these genes can jump over to weeds, etc.
vi.Products are too often not labeled properly. The consumer has no idea
of what he is consuming.
vii.Seeds are too expensive for poor farmers in the developing world.
Which in a way is good, but consider a scenario with cross-pollination
of sterile sorts with healthy sorts. In other words, the poor farmers
cannot use their own seeds since they are cross-pollinated with sterile
sorts or with sorts that have lost their positive properties.
viii.Herbicide resistance transferred to weeds it is supposed to protect
against. (Oilseed Rape plants).
ix.Increasing opposition against Biogenetic Engineering says Greenpeace
x.The World Bank has expressed wishes to buy the Genetic Bank with genes
that are to be saved for the future.
xii.Making Soy-beans more resistant to Fluoride ("Roundup Ready") so
that food can contain more poison, (In New Zealand Monsanto applied to
the New Zealand Food Authority to increase permitted levels of Roundup
residue in soybeans 200-fold.. h.Pesticides i.The strongest forbidden
pesticides are still manufactured and exported.
ii.Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can be the result of exposure to
iii.List of most contaminated foods with pesticides and what to buy
iv.Want to find out typical values of pesticides in your food?
v.Based on Fluoride or Chlorine which is a very strong poison in spite
of claims ot the opposite
vi.Farmers forced to take loans for buying seeds, fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides against Interest
vii.Insects sometimes become immune against the strongest pesticides
leading to suicides among farmers i.Atomic waste is not a coincidence.
i.If the world is not billions or even millions of years, is long time
storage in stone caves under and over earth really safe? Compare
earthquakes in the Hadith.
ii.Space Programs nuclear threat to the our Planet with Plutonium in
satellites that sometimes crash down to earth j.Petrol i.Unleaded petrol

iii.MTBE k.Lead
l.PVC, Plastics, Phthalates, toys
n.Organic Food i.Soon to be forbidden in USA o.Smoking Ref 1 i.Experts
bribed by FDA or AMA to tell how smoking was supposed to be totally
without any risk for cancer. They both later died in cancer. Ref 1
ii.Nicotine itself more dangerous than public knows in comparison to
tar. Marlboro bestseller after adding ammonia to get a faster addicting
iii.Cigarettes contain many more poisons than just nicotine and tar etc.
 p.Symptoms from Common poisons in food, water, toys, teeth, medicine
and in the environment Ref 1
q.Poisons in water. Ref 1
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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