-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
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As, always Caveat leactor

Chapter 15


There existed...ln antiquity the great time clock in the night sky, which we
still share with our ancestors. This is the zodiac, a great turning wheel of
twelve constellations making a complete circle every 25,920 years but with
each of its twelve constellations in order having ascendancy over the skies
of earth approximately every 2,160 years.
According to zodiacal tradition the ascendency of each new sign every
2,000-odd years is accompanied by catastrophic or otherwise crucial events on
the earth.(1)

What Is the New Age?

As the zodiacal wheel turns to the constellation of Aquarius, astrologers are
studying the stars, predicting that a major event will soon occur, which will
bring in their World Teacher. From the "New Era" of Emmanuel Swedenborg
(1757) until today, the Masonic world has been poised for the coming of the
"New Age." In fact, the title of the Scottish Rite monthly magazine, New Age,
has been suggesting this for over a century.(2)
"Masonry and the Impending New Era," an article in New Age, July 1941 (five
months before America entered the Second World War), spoke of the "world
government" expected to be established at the conclusion of the war to help
usher in a "newer phase of evolutionary progress."(3) In April 1943 the New
Age reported that "the struggle for the freedom of man began with the
American and French Revolutions, and World War II is the climax of a world
ideological struggle which started at the end of the 18th Century. It is the
struggle of the New Age against the Middle Age."(4)
The phrase "Middle Age," as used in the text above, is Masonic jargon for
Christianity. Webster's Dictionary defines the Middle Ages as "the period of
European history from about A.D. 500 to about 1500," -- the same period of
time the Catholic Church dominated European politics. We can readily decode
the Masonic lingo above and accurately name the enemy against which Masons
struggle: "It is the struggle of the New Age against the age of Christianity."
Although Masonry's "New Age" dates from the end of the 18th century, the
motives of the modern New Age Movement were not manifest until the end of the
nineteenth century, when in 1889 the Luciferian Doctrine of Palladism was
introduced to the twenty-three Supreme Councils of the world. Before this
date the general body of English Masons, including most of the Supreme
Council, were not Luciferians, but deists.

Atheists, Spiritists and Luciferian

Three significant events prior to the 1889 Masonic Congress prepared English
Freemasonry to accept Lucifer as god. First, in 1877, the existence of God
was debated between the atheistic French Grand Orient and the deistic French
Grand Lodge. The Grand Orient had replaced the Great Architect of the
Universe with the slogan “To the Glory of Humanity," declaring "God is
The second event followed that same year when the English Grand Lodge, which
requires a belief in deity, broke fellowship with all Grand Orient bodies
throughout the world.
The third event, that of founding of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic
Research in London, England, actually had its roots in the 1860s, but did not
become a reality until three years before the 1889 International Masonic
Congress. In 1860, Great Britain had just concluded her second Opium War
against China when English Freemasonry, in search of her roots, decided to
launch a massive investigation of Oriental mystery religions. As a result,
Masons in various parts of the British Empire wrote numerous occult books,
many of which were repetitive. To avoid further duplication, Freemason Sir
Walter Besant, brother of socialist and theosophist Annie Besant, began a
drive in the early 1870s to organize a Masonic research lodge to catalog the
data. In 1886 the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research, No. 2076,
London, England, was founded. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry states
that the Quatuor Coronati "has long since become the supreme court of
learning and authority in Masonic scholarship throughout the world.”(6)
The constitution of this Mother Research Lodge stipulated that forty of  the
most prestigious Masons in England be members, one of whom must always be
high up in the Anglican Church. When any "Member of Forty" died, the
thirty-nine remaining voted on his replacement. Sir Walter Besant was one of
the original "Members of Forty."
In 1887 a Correspondence Circle was attached to the lodge. Any Mason of
literary, archaeological, or investigative talent could join the Circle.
Within a decade the Circle had printed the Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, a Masonic
encyclopedia coordinating all the secrets of mystery religions in no less
than fifty volumes, surpassing in size the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
The Members of Forty, whose duty was to study these volumes continually,
discovered three important facts that would determine the future course of
English Freemasonry. The first was that ancient pagan religions worshipped
Lucifer in various forms. The second was that the Babylonian priesthood used
drugs and sex as a means of control. The third was that the same Babylonian
priesthood instituted human sacrifice as a means of population control. The
Quatuor Coronati Lodge thereafter offered assistance to any Mason, or group
of Masons willing to apply these discoveries to present day Masonic work.(7)
By 1889 the hierarchy of English Freemasonry needed only a slight push to
plunge headlong into Luciferianism. The World Congress of Freemasonry gave
the British Brotherhood the required nudge. On July 14, 1889, the
twenty-three 33rd degree Supreme Councils were hosted by the French Grand
Lodge at Paris. The purpose of this gathering was not to unite the Councils
politically, but spiritually -- under the banner of the Luciferian doctrine.
When Albert Pike's letter of exhortation was read, the hierarchy of the
English Grand Lodge accepted the Luciferian doctrine, yet remained loyal to
the Monarchy. The French and American Grand Lodge hierarchies followed, but
without giving up their republican ideals.
Although a few Grand Orient Masons had accepted Luciferianism years before
this convention, the general body of the Grand Orient lodges, which were
formally atheistic, boycotted the French Grand Lodge convention,
simultaneously hosting their own congress. Thereafter, the Grand Orients were
disallowed admittance to the annual meetings of the Supreme Council of Grand
Two of the most prominent Grand Orient Masons who did convert to the
Luciferian doctrine were women -- Britisher Annie Besant (1847-1933), and
Russian Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Both were members of English
and French obediences. Both were destined to be the founders of our modern
New Age Movement.
Madam Blavatsky had turned to Luciferianism in 1856, when she was initiated
into the Grand Orient Carbonari by Mazzini. Blavatsky did more than publish
her revolutionary ideals. She lived them. In 1866 she joined 33rd degree
Grand Orient Freemason General Garibaldi to fight by his side during the
Italian revolution at Viterbo and then at Mentana, where she was seriously
wounded and left on the field as dead. In 1875 she founded the Theosophical
Society in New York, joined English Freemasonry in 1877, and settled in
London in 1887. In London she published her Theosophical magazine, Lucifer
the Light-bringer(9)
Annie Besant, sister of Freemason Sir Walter Besant, was converted to
Luciferianism by Albert Pike. At the behest of her brother, she was destined
to become the president of the Theosophical Society after Blavatsky's death.
Annie was in Paris that fateful 1889 summer when Albert Pike introduced his
Luciferian Doctrine to the twenty-three Supreme Councils of Grand Lodge
Freemasonry. She was not, however, in Paris to attend that convention.
Instead, as an accomplished speaker in her own right, she was scheduled to
lecture at the Grand Orient convention, which was hosting three other occult
congresses. Her lecture, which met with overwhelming success, was intended to
turn the atheists toward Spiritism. De Poncins tells the story:

In July 1889 the International Workers' Congress was held in Paris, Mrs.
[Annie] Besant being one of the delegates. Concurrently, the Marxistes [sic]
held their International Congress and Mrs. Besant moved, amid great applause,
for amalgamation with them. And yet another International Congress was then
being held in Paris, to wit, that of the Spiritists. The delegates of these
occultists were the guests of the Grand Orient, whose headquarters they
occupied at 16, rue Cadet. The president of the Spiritists was Denis, and he
has made it quite clear that the three congresses there came to a mutual
understanding, for, in a speech which he afterwards delivered, he said:

'The occult Powers are at work among men. Spiritism is a powerful germ which
will develop and bring about transformation of laws, ideas and of social
forces. It will show its powerful influence on social economy and public

As a result of these three conventions of Unionists, Marxists and Spiritists
hosted by Grand Orient Freemasonry, an amalgamation of mystical spiritism
with atheism was successfully accomplished. Although atheism remained Grand
Orient's published dogma, these Masonic congresses started a spiritist
movement -- the New Age Movement -- which today has encircled the globe.

The Universal Masonic League

The most significant outcome of these adversarial Masonic congresses meeting
on the same date and location is that shortly after they adjourned,
revisionist historians began to observe a gradual transfer of conspiracy
activities from Paris to London. Subsequent events suggest that there was a
secret agreement between the Unionists, Marxists, Spiritists and Luciferians.
The Grand Orient had no choice but to cooperate. If its Communist experiment
was to be successfully launched, it needed the support of wealthy British
We can document two events following this monumental Masonic pow-wow, which
reactivated communication between the two Masonic enemies. First, and almost
immediately, the English Grand Lodge began communicating with all continental
Grand Lodges and Grand Orient bodies of Freemasonry through the Swiss Grand
Lodge Alpina, which recognized, not only the Grand Lodge of France, but the
Grand Orients of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. Second, on August 30, 1913,
the Universal Masonic League was founded at Berne, Switzerland, where both
warring bodies of Freemasonry could meet on neutral ground. Mackey's
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry states that the object of this League was "to
further the intimacy of relations between members of all regular Lodges,
Grand Lodges, and Grand Orients of all Rites and countries of the
world."(11)Hence, de Poncins writes, "between Anglo-Saxon [English]
Freemasonry and Latin [Grand Orient] Freemasonry there are indirect but
effective relations which are far closer than is admitted."(12)
The Universal Masonic League was only the beginning of international Masonic
cooperation. The Grand Orient's superficial alienation from annual Grand
Lodge Supreme Council meetings compelled English Freemasonry to form
sub-lodges, wherein both adversarial Freemasonries could meet on common
ground without having to travel to Switzerland. The Quatuor Coronati Research
Lodge was assigned the task of creating these lodges.
Msgr. Dillon, although writing in 1885, explained how easy this inter-Masonic
communication was to accomplish: "by its [the Grand Orient's] hidden friends
scattered through British lodges, there have been at all times, at least in
London, some lodges afflliated with Continental lodges, and doing the work of
Weishaupt. [Thus, the intercourse between the delegates of English and French
Lodges] had an immense effect in causing the vanguard cries of the
Continental lodges to find a fatal support from British Masons in and out of

Sub-Lodges of the New Age

British conspiracy investigators of the 1920s were unable to detect that the
two warring Masonic bodies had united and moved headquarters to London. They
knew only that the Grand Orient had crossed the Channel. They assumed its
intent was subversive -- to penetrate British lodges. Therefore, several
British conspiracy authors began warning the English Masons of a French Grand
Orient takeover. One of these was Nesta Webster, who in 1924 wrote Secret
Societies and Subversive Movements. Her warning, however, was twenty years
too late. At that time the Masonic Luciferians and Spiritists had already
organized many popular movements in England as fronts, which could not be
connected to Freemasonry without years of research. (The investigator is
normally from thirty to fifty years behind in documentation.) Those on the
inside of these groups, however, who became disillusioned and broke the
occult bonds, were able to illuminate current events. Such was the case in
1930 of another and more revealing author, who was one of the "insiders" of
the New Age Movement in her day. Writing Light-bearers of Darkness under the
pseudonym "Inquire Within," Miss Stoddard (no first name) was one of the
"Ruling Chiefs" of the Mother Temple of the Stella Matutina and R.R et A.C.14
Stoddard informs us that the Stella Matutina was a by-product of the research
initiated by the Quatuor Coronati Lodge. As the "Members of Forty" in the
Mother Research Lodge received enough occult information to organize debased
sub-Masonic lodges, they assisted Masons of degenerate character who would
carry out the work. Stella Matutina was founded by two Englishmen near the
beginning of the 20th century, each respectively members of the formerly
opposed lodges, the Grand Orient and English Grand Lodge. The Grand Orient
Mason was Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who had been initiated into the 33rd
degree in Mexico. (A photocopy of Crowley's Grand Orient credentials is in
Appendix 2, Fig. 28.) The other co-founder was 33rd degree English Grand
Lodge Mason, Dr. William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925), a London coroner.(15)
These sub-lodges became known as co-Masonry, since women were permitted to
join. Soon, via the sub-lodges, witchcraft and drug abuse spread everywhere,
even into the highest circles of society. Satanic jewelry became commonplace.
Rituals incorporating mind-altering drugs, orgies and blood sacrifice were
discreetly carried out in the heart of the London slums and on remote
ancestral estates.
Another of the more publicized of these groups was the Hermetic Society of
the Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn is a synonym for New Age and this society was
actually a predecessor of Aleister Crowley's Stella Matutina. The Golden Dawn
w founded in 1887 by three members of a Rosicrucian Society -- possibly even
of the Priory of Sion itself. Two of the three -- an Anglican priest, Rev.
A.F.A. Woodford, a "Member of Forty," and Dr. William Wynn Westcott -- were
33rd degree Masons and well-known cabalists. The third was Sam Liddell
MacGregor Mathers, a Scot Mason who was connected to the Priory of Sion
through his acquaintance with its Grand Master, Claude Debussy.(16)
Rev. Woodford provided Dr. Westcott with the documentation from the library
of the Correspondence Circle that was the basis for the drug-using and
sex-codifying Golden Dawn. The group was soon joined by three more well-known
Luciferians, Spiritists, and Satanists: Grand Orient Freemason Helena
Blavatsky, who remained a member until her death in 1891; poet William Butler
Yeats, an intimate of Sion's Grand Master, Claude Debussy; and Satanist
Aleister Crowley, the man who was to become known worldwide for his practice
of black magic.
English Freemasonry's Mother Research Lodge had two specific goals in mind
when founding such sub-societies. The first was to create lodges where Grand
Lodge and Grand Orient Masons could find commonality. The second was to use
these sub-societies (which had no apparent connection with Masonry by name)
to penetrate Masonic and non-Masonic British societies with Luciferianism.
This strategy of using sub-lodges deliberately concealed English
Freemasonry's involvement in building the New Age Movement, yet, left her
hierarchy in direct command.
What took place was the creation of a more debased Freemasonry on both sides
of the Channel, as well as the bringing into existence of a degenerate
society. Grand Orient Masons, who had long since initiated women for use in
their drug and sex orgies and witchcraft rituals, once again used women to
carry their doctrine into English Masonry. Stoddard warned the British Masons
of the penetration by Grand Orient Spiritists, who were using female
Freemasons in these English co-Masonic lodges. She also confirmed that
"English Freemasonry is not occult, though it has occult Lodges, and most
English occultists [who are] not Theosophists are Freemasons, if men."(17)
According to Stoddard, the Luciferian New Age plan was to penetrate British
society from three directions: 1) through members of the Theosophical
Society, i.e., Madam Blavatsky's (and later Annie Besant's) followers,
apparently headed by the co-Masons; 2) through members of the Hermetic Orders
and Freemasons; and 3) by independents, whether in small groups or

Building the New Age Movement

These three groups, according to Stoddard, were to operate through the
following means:

Group 1 works on the familiar lines of lectures, magazine publications, etc.
[It] attracts a large number of idle women who have the leisure to take a
little occultism with their afternoon tea. Practically all the members are
people with time and money.
Group 2 is small in numbers. It works by Lodges and circulates manuscripts.
Its teaching is done by correspondence, by individual officers, etc. It
seldom has lectures. It taps a wholly different class, gets at more varied
social strata, has a far larger proportion of men.... Most of its men are
Freemasons.... These people are busy, there are singularly few idle, moneyed
or leisured women and men among them, they are very proud and independent....
These bodies are older than the Theosophical Society and they do not forget
it.... They must be got at from within, not from without.
The third group...will accept no authority over them. This group is
non-Masonic, consisting of men and women of letters, and must be turned
through "popular movements.''(19)

The "Double Agent" Strategy

Frenchmen did not understand the English mind. The Grand Orient operatives
therefore used British Grand Orient Masons as double agents. They began their
Luciferian and Spiritist penetration of English Masonry before the turn of
the 20th century, at a time when government-controlled secret intelligence
services had not yet been established. Grand Orient Masonry had long since
perfected political and social intelligence penetration prior to, and during
the French Revolution. Masonic double agents were used then and have
continued to be used throughout this intrigue. In a real sense these British
subversives were traitors to their own country.
The most degenerate British turncoat of all time was the Satanist, Edward
Aleister Crowley. Crowley, a heroin addict and sexual pervert,(20) was in
1913 Patriarch Grand Administrator General of British Freemasonry's Ancient
and Primitive Rite of Memphis, the same Lodge mentioned in chapter 10 with
connections to the Priory of Sion's Mizraim Lodge at Paris.(21) This evil
Masonic lodge incorporated into its rituals the immoral fertility worship of
the Dionysian Mysteries, which included both homosexual and heterosexual
orgies.(22) In Mexico Crowley was known as the Beast 666. There he was
initiated into the 33rd degree in the Grand Orient Scottish Rite of
William J. Petersen, in Those Curious New Cults in the 80s, gave us Crowley's

Crowley, who honored himself with the title "the wickedest man in the world,"
was born in 1875 as the son of a wealthy British brewer. His parents,
however, were converted to Christianity through the Plymouth Brethren, who
take the Bible a lot more seriously than they take the organized church. A
child prodigy, young Aleister got a fiendish delight out of shocking his
parents and playmates, until his mother finally was so outraged that she
called him the Great Beast prophesied in the Book of Revelation.(24)

Later in life, reports Petersen, Crowley "made a pact with Satan, wrote odes
to murderers, called Queen Victoria dirty names, seduced a housemaid and
played around with homosexuality. He wrote a collection of pornographic poems
and dedicated them to his uncle, advocated the free use of drugs and finally
established his own villa in Sicily for continual orgies."(25) There he
revived barbaric rites that had not been practiced since the time of the
Dionysian cults in ancient Greece. During one ritual in 1921, he induced a
he-goat to copulate with his constant female companion, Leah Hirsig, then
slit the animal's throat at the moment of orgasm.
Crowley is famed as the most dedicated Satanist of the twentieth century. He
indulged in blasphemy, displaying his hatred of Christianity by baptizing a
toad and naming it Jesus Christ. Then he slowly crucified it, reveling in its
Petersen reports that Crowley's life ended in loneliness and despair. "At the
age of seventy-two, in a cheap boardinghouse in Hastings, England, Aleister
Crowley, injecting eleven grams of heroin into his wasted body each day,
begged for morphine to kill the pain. But the pain wasn't assuaged, and
Crowley passed on [in 1947] to meet his Maker."(26)

Aleister Crowley and Ritual Human Sacrifice

We mentioned earlier that one of the most immoral Masonic lodges in England
was the Order of the Golden Dawn founded in 1887. Freemason A.E. Waite,
author of A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, was also an early member of
this Order. In 1903 a split occurred within the Golden Dawn when some of the
initiates, including Waite, rejected deeper immersion into the occult. Miller

In consequence of the split, the old organization of Golden Dawn changed its
name to Stella Matutina with Aleister Crowley and William Wynn Westcott at
its head while the schismatic order, under A.E. Waite and S.L. MacGregor
Mathers, the latter a friend of [Freemason] Rudolph Steiner, retained the old
name of Golden Dawn. In 1912, Golden Dawn merged with Stella Matutina.(27)

The Order of the Golden Dawn produced two horrifying and destructive
offshoots, the Order of the Temple of the East and the Thule Society. These
two societies were the breeding grounds for the inner core of the Nazi
movement. Their amoral systems had long before been concealed in the Supreme
Council of Grand Orient Freemasonry. In 1902 at Berlin, under the guidance of
the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, Grand Orient Freemason Karl Kellner, also a
Theosophist, cofounded (with Theodore Reuss) the Ordo Templi Orientis
(O.T.O.), which then absorbed the Order of the Temple of the East. Ordo
Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) actually means Order of the Temple of Lucifer.
Blavatsky's Theosophical Society became the recruiting organization for the
O.T.O. Debased 33rd degree Freemasons and homicidal miscreants from all over
Europe, Russia, and England, soon joined the Oriental Templars. Theodore
Reuss, a 33rd degree German Grand Orient Mason and free-lance newspaper
correspondent for the London Times, was sent to check out Crowley, possibly
to encourage him in Joining the Ordo Templi Orientis. Reuss said to Crowley,
"Since you know our hidden sex teachings, you'd better come into our Order."
Crowley agreed, and after a journey to Berlin, was initiated into the O.T.O
that same year.(28)
By the end of the decade Aleister Crowley was at the helm of the London
chapter of the O.T.O., the only chapter known to exist today. It is the most
destructive Masonic lodge in the world. Crowley encouraged his initiates to
perform human sacrifices, using young boys as victims. He himself allegedly
took part in 150 ritual murders.(29)
Crowley called himself "The Master Therion." Miller says that Crowley, in his
book Magick (1930), articulates his rationale for practicing human sacrifice.
Miller quotes Crowley in part:
The blood is the life. This simple statement is explained by the Hindus by
saying that the blood is the principal vehicle of vital Prana. There is some
ground for the belief that there is a definite substance, not isolated as
yet, whose presence makes all the difference between live and dead matter.
It would be unwise to condemn as irrational the practice of those savages who
tear the heart and liver from an adversary, and devour them while yet warm.
In any case it was the theory of the ancient Magicians, that any living being
is a storehouse of energy varying in quantity according to its mental and
moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is liberated
For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim
which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect
innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.
But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for
nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.(30)

Aleister Crowley: Hero of Satanic Rock Stars

Freemason Crowley's murderous influence continues to this day. He is the hero
of the modern Satan worshipers. Anton Szandor LaVey, author of The Satanic
Bible, and head of the First Church of Satan in California, is an admirer of
Aleister Crowley. Co-founder of the Church of Satan is Kenneth Anger, who was
initiated into the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O. in the 1940s by Crowley himself.
Many rock stars are also followers of Crowley, and their songs glorify the
evils of Satan. For instance, Crowley's picture (and that of Karl Marx) is on
the cover of the Beatles' album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 31
About the album cover, Ringo Starr said, 'We just thought we would like to
put together a lot of people we like and admire."(32)
Author Brian Key, who has studied the role of the media in the decline of our
culture, has commented that "[t]he Beatles popularized and culturally
legitimatized hallucinatory drug usage among teenagers throughout the
world.... The Beatles became the super drug culture prophets and pushers of
all times."(33) The names of their songs witness to this fact. For instance,
one meaning of "day tripper" is to take a shot of heroin in the morning and
stay high all day; A 'Yellow Submarine" in drug parlance is a yellow qualude,
or downer; "Strawberry Fields Forever" refers to poppy fields. Poppy, the
main ingredient of heroin, is red like strawberries; and in "Hey Jude," Jude
means marijuana.(34)
What are the occult and/or Masonic affiliations or association of rock stars
themselves? Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, for instance, is a Mason and member of
the Golden Dawn. He owns the demon-inhabited house of the late Aleister
Crowley, a house said to be haunted by a death curse. Led Zeppelin's drummer,
John "Bonzo" Bonham, died in Crowley's mansion, "fueling rumors of sinister
overtones resulting from Page's fascination with black magic."  Page has
praised Crowley as "an unrecognized genius of twentieth century thinking."(35)
Satanist Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones is not only a Freemason but
also a member of both Crowley's Golden Dawn and O.T.O. The evil influence on
children who listen to his "music" is enormous. After his heroin arrest he
admitted, "There are black magicians who think we are acting as unknown
agents of Lucifer." The Rolling Stones spread revolutionary propaganda
through their song "Street Fighting Man." Their anthems to Satan, "Sympathy
for the Devil" or "Dancing with Mr. D" (the Devil), bear out Richards'
The leader of the Rolling Stones is Mick Jagger. Early in his singing career
Jagger was initiated into Crowley's Order of the Golden Dawn by Crowley's
disciple, Freemason Kenneth Anger.(37) Anger's dream was to produce a film
glorifying the devil. The movie was to be named Lucifer Rising. The part of
Lucifer was to be played by Bobby Beausoleil, a young guitar player with the
California rock band Love. "After filming for some time, Beausoleil went off
the deep end and committed a bestial murder, including writing on the wall
with his victim's blood."(38) Beausoleil was a follower of Freemason Charles
Manson, who was also a member of Crowley's O.T.0.(39)
The groups Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult have had great success selling
Satan rock. The first album of Black Sabbath was entitled Sabbath, Bloody
Sabbath Its cover clearly showed the cross of Christ placed upside down and
the number "666," the mark of the beast. After a concert in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
the Tulsa World music critic confirmed that the subject matter of Black
Sabbath's songs are about "the occult, death and drugs."(40)Not surprisingly,
Ozzy Osbourne, former lead singer for Black Sabbath, is devoted to Aleister
Crowley, saying Crowley was "a phenomenon of his time."(41)
In the early months of their act, Jefferson Airplane's Alice Cooper, American
born, and now star of his own rock group of the same name, killed a live
chicken on stage. Included in their album Killer is the song "Dead Babies."
One author reports how Cooper walked "on stage with a life-like-looking doll.
With a hatchet he chops it into pieces, gleefully throwing the appendages
into the audience. Blood capsules fastened to the back squirt what appears to
be blood in every direction. Afterwards, Alice stands holding up the head of
the doll, like a decapitated enemy. With one final, demoniacal thrust, he
impales the head on a microphone stand...."(42)

Satanic Murders

The young and impressionable rock & roll audience is programmed at rock
concerts to emulate what they see and hear on stage. This is confirmed by
Jimi Hendricks, the innovator of the heavy, acid, blues-rock sound of the
late 1960s and early 1970s. Hendricks said in an interview with Life magazine
that "music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can hypnotize people with
music, and when you get them at their weakest point you can preach into their
subconscious whatever you want to say."(43)
The message of this rock & roll promotes boldly Satanic ritual murder,
resulting in human sacrifices throughout our land. A few examples will
confirm this horrifying phenomenon.
On the September 12, 1985, "AM Houston" talk show on KHOU with Roger Gray,
psychiatrist Dr. Peter Olsson detailed his investigation into a Satanic
murder by junior high school students. "Satanism is in," he said. "It's cool
to read the Satanic Bible and worship the Beast. Heavy metal causes it."
Los Angeles, California, was terrorized by a series of Satanic murders.
Residents were relieved, as well as shocked, when the "Night Stalker" was
finally captured on September 2, 1985. The Associated Press news report
stated that the "Stalker" was responsible for 16 ritual murders. During his
trial Richard Ramirez displayed in the palm of his hand the pentagram [an
upside down star within a circle), a symbol of Satan. "Hail Satan!" yelled
Ramirez as he was led from the courtroom.(44)
What made Ramirez kill? According to one news report, "Ramirez was obsessed
with satanic themes in the rock band AC-DC's 1979 album, 'Highway to Hell.'
The album cover depicts a band member dressed as a devil, while another wears
a pentagram-shaped pendant."(45) Ramirez' favorite song was "Night Prowler."
The song says in part: 'Was that a noise out your window, or a shadow on your
blind? And you lie there naked, like a body in a tomb, suspended animation as
I slip into your room."(46)
Satanic murders are not limited to the western half of our nation.. In
Newark, New Jersey, January 1988, "Thomas Sullivan was entranced by the
occult as he stabbed his mother at least 12 times and tried to kill his
father and 10-year-old brother by setting fire to their house. Then he slit
his throat and wrists with a Boy Scout knife, slumping dead on bloody snow in
a neighbor's back yard.... Thomas Sullivan, Sr. told the New York Daily News
that all last week his son had been singing a heavy metal song about blood
and killing your mother.... A few weeks before, while doing a research paper
on satanism, the all-American neighborhood paperboy became a defiant, hostile
teen buried in library books on the occult and listening to heavy metal rock
On May 16, 1985 the "20/20" TV show reported on a national phenomenon: "The
Devil Worshippers." Correspondent Tom Jarriel said, "America is being
affected. Nationwide we found that minor cases of satanic activity light up
the map. Not a single state is unaffected. But even more frightening is the
number of reported murders and suicides with satanic clues. All of them were
investigated by police, but usually without much result."(48)
Tom Jarriel told of Ricky Kasso from Northport, Long Island. Kasso and
another young man repeatedly stabbed Gary Lawers to death as the victim was
forced to pray to Satan. Jarriel said, "Despite numerous signs that Kasso was
into satanism and rock music associated with devil worship, police
steadfastly refused to label this case satanic. The official explanation: a
drug-related crime."(49)
Jarriel also discussed what has caused these young people to turn to
Satanism. First are occult movies and horror movies. Second are the many
books which are available on Satanic worship. "And finally," said Jarriel,
"music, which is found here in the neighborhood record store under the
category of heavy metal music. The satanic message is clear, both on the
album covers and in the lyrics, which are reaching impressionable young
Jarriel continued: "And the musical message comes across loud and clear, at
concerts and now through rock videos. The symbolism is all there: the satanic
pentagram, the upside-down cross, the blank eyes of the beast, the rebellion
against Christianity, and again and again, the obsession with death.
According to most groups, it's all done in fun. But according to police it's
having an effect on many children, a growing subculture that mixes heavy
metal music with drugs and the occult. In addition to groups that are
blatantly satanic, there are also many recordings which some believe may
contain satanic references in the form of backward messages."
Tom Jarriel asked Northport Police Chief Dale Griffis, "How often do you find
heavy metal music indicators at the scene of a crime involving satanic
worship?" The Officer answered, "Probably about 35 percent, 40 percent of the
And finally, in a story on the rock concert to feed the starving Ethiopians,
ABC News reported on July 13, 1985 that "If humanity decides to get behind a
single message, the possibility to communicate that message is unlimited.
Rock and Roll has proven to be the great communicator to the world."
In the eyes of the world, what the rock bands did in "Live Aid" and "Band
Aid" was honorable. But by using misfortune to communicate their evil, they
deceptively amass multitudes of followers and co-opt them to their
destructive program. Like benevolent Freemasonry which created them, their
inherent evil is evidenced by the fact that many of the rock groups are
admitted Satanists, and admirers of Freemason Aleister Crowley.
In the same manner in which Illuminated French Masonry used the music of
Mozart to breed revolution in the minds of youth throughout Europe prior to,
and during the French Revolution, Luciferian English Freemasonry today is
using Masonic rock stars to preach in song Aleister Crowley's Satanic message
to our youth, and successfully turning these youths into murderers.
The rise of Satanic music, drugs, shock-horror movies, and ritual Satanic
murders is directly linked to the Masonic Golden Dawn's offshoot, the Ordo
Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). Its purpose is to groom the young to accept
holocaust when it comes, and to participate in it when the Masonic hierarchy
gives the command.
pps 395-409

Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
Roads End

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