-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)

Chapter 16


The government of the O.T.O....combines monarchy with democracy; it includes
aristocracy, and conceals even the seeds of revolution, by which alone
progress can be effected. Thus we balance the Triads, uniting the Three in
Book of Equinox

When the hierarchy of the Templar Palladium failed to unite permanently the
three Masonic obediences, it was Sion's turn. Miller confirms the story told
in the Book of Equinox, of which a portion is cited above. The word
"monarchy" refers to English Freemasonry; "democracy" represents both French
and American Freemasonry; and "uniting the Three in One" alludes to all three
Masonic obediences.
All three must come to agreement both religiously and politically if world
government is to be a reality. However, unity among contradictory religious
organizations is impossible. Likewise, unity among opposing political
viewpoints is unrealistic. The war between English and French Freemasonry
turns on differences of opinion on both these issues. The conflict? Which
religious and political system will eventually rule the New World Order?
Atheistic Templar Grand Orient Masonry desired a dictatorship of the
proletariat -- the lower class -- with communism guaranteeing equal
distribution of wealth. While awaiting the fruition of this dream, the Grand
Orient encouraged laborers to form unions and, with the might of worker
strikes, gain their share of the wealth. With this ideology, French
Freemasonry was thus able to win the lower classes.
In contrast, Pantheistic Sionist English Freemasonry, whose sovereigns shared
power with an elected parliament, desired a New World Order dominated by an
aristocracy. For two centuries English Freemasons had kept their society
aristocratic, capitalistic, and monopolistic. They had dismissed and
forgotten the common laborer, losing him politically to their adversary.
To remedy this divisive stalemate, English Freemasonry attacked the problem
by creating dual fronts where commonality could be predicated. First they
established political-economic fronts, called "think tanks," where the
intelligentsia from both sides of the Channel could discuss a coefficient for
politics.(2) Second they created mystic front organizations intended to
appeal to and gratify man's baser instincts, and thus reach and destabilize
all levels of society.
English Freemasonry assigned the latter task to the-Quatuor Coronati Lodge of
Masonic Research, which, as we have seen, in turn developed a variety of
degenerate sub-Masonic fronts known as co-Masonry. (3)
To win the confidence of the French atheists who believed that individuals
were endowed with equal, inalienable rights founded upon natural law, the
English expanded the concept of natural law to include mythological law.(4)
The Quatuor Coronati Lodge discovered that pagan religions, in harmony with
their cyclical world outlook, had long ago interwoven into their political
society mythological law, through which they maintained control of the
populace. The dominant figure in these prevailing myths was usually a goddess
who symbolized "Mother Earth" and who thus provided the basis for an ideology
that man and earth were one.(5)
Pagan religions taught that Mother Earth required the continuation of
creation through procreation, with periodic demands for population control.
These myths were carefully cultivated and applied by a designated caste of
priests, who designed licentious rituals in their worship as a sacrament to
Mother Earth. These rituals, of course, appealed to the base nature of man.
Therefore, these mythologies, created by man, became mythological law.
In this religion Mother Earth could become "angry"; when she did so it meant
that man was multiplying too rapidly. To appease the mother goddess,
mythological law demanded human sacrifices, usually of the very young. Paul
deParrie, in Unholy Sacrifices of the New Age, says, 'Whether known as Kali
(the many-armed Hindu goddess Kali, who wears for a necklace a chain of human
skulls), Diana, Isis, or Astarte, Mother Earth or her dark mirror image
consistently required blood as an appropriate offering; she who created (or
procreated) also destroyed and devoured her own young in bloody ritual."(6)
The purpose of the sacrifice was to "save the earth." Nigel Davies, in Human
Sacrifice in History and Today, confirms: "Both sacrificer and victim knew
that the act was required, to save the people from calamity and the cosmos
from collapse. Their object was, therefore, more to preserve than to destroy

Mythological law required mothers to willingly give up their children to the
flame or to the knife. With the Arioio in Tahiti, "status was based entirely
on one's devotion to killing one's own children."(8) The North American and
Mexican Indians "both stressed the belief that the victim would profit from
his own sacrifice, thus allowing the executioner to feel no guilt and denying
the victim the opportunity to protest his own sacrifice."(9) Thus, legalized
murder became a part of Mother Earth's mythological law of population control.
The Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research set out to apply mythological
law to present-day Masonic work. In the same manner in which a designated
caste of priests had in ancient times designed rituals of human destruction
to appease both Mother Earth and degenerate man, the 33rd degree hierarchy of
both English and French Freemasonry (Masons who had already delved into
witchcraft), duplicated the system for their budding mystic fronts. By
catering to the baser instincts of man, the two Freemasonries found it a
simple task to unite under a political system that permitted the free
exercise of mythological law.
Diametrically opposed to the Judeo-Christian teaching, it should be no
surprise that these sub-Masonic societies became anti-Semitic and
anti-Christian. Today they are known as white supremacists. Their plan to
"save the earth" through a process of earth purification was, and still is,
to annihilate the dark-skinned races, which include the Jews From this
ideology was born the Nazi movement. The homicidal O.T.O. and Thule Society
played the most significant role in grooming Hitler for power. The Order of
the Golden Dawn became the connecting link between the German branch of the
OTO-Thule and English Freemasonry.(10)
When English Freemasonry agreed to cooperate with French Freemasonry, the
paltry Grand Orient was no match for the suave and wealthy Whore of Babylon
at London. Hence, the French method of destruction by brute force was set
aside for a more acceptable approach. English Freemasonry planned for a
gradual and more scientific depopulation of earth.
During the 1920s and 1930s, British conspiracy researchers realized that the
destructive doctrines of French Freemasonry had crossed the English Channel.
Several revisionists set out to warn English Freemasonry of what they
perceived was penetration by the Grand Orient. They had not yet discovered
that the hierarchy in both Freemasonries had united in the Ordo Templi
Orientis in 1905.
So secret was the O.T.O. that the majority of Masons are still unaware of its
existence today. Yet, this Order is documented as the most evil of
Freemasonry, executing the destructive bidding of the hierarchy on a grand
scale.(11) i Its creed is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
Its rituals include the use of mind-altering drugs and human sacrifice.

The Priory of Sion and Witchcraft

Claude Debussy, Grand Master of Sion (GM 1885-1918), was intimate with the
English Freemasons who founded the Order of the Golden Dawn. which in turn
produced the O.T.O. and Thule Society. He was especially close to Dr. Gerard
Encausse (Papus), Grand Master of four Rosicrucian orders in France --
Martin, Memphis, Mizraim, and the O.T.O.(12) At the behest of Debussy, Papus
took Martinism and the O.T.O. to Russia to prepare for the destruction of
that Christian nation.(13)
Miller lists the following Masons who were involved in the l9th Century
revival of witchcraft, which led to founding the O.T.O.: Wolfgang von Goethe
(1749-1832), Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), Richard Wagner (1813- 1890), Hargrave
Jennings (1817- 1890), Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), Franz Hartmann
(1838-1912), Cardinal Rampolla(1843-1913), Papus (Dr. Encausse 1865-1916),
and Karl Kellner (- 1905), cofounder (with Theodore Reuss) of the O.T.O. (14)
Goethe, Levi, Wagner, and Papus are listed in Holy Bloods Holy Grail as also
being connected to the Priory of Slon. The others were Rosicrucian Masons.
Kellner was also a Grand Orient Mason, as was Reuss.
In 1895 the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research shared with Karl
Kellner its discovery that pagans had controlled population through human
sacrifice. When Kellner informed the German Grand Orient and Grand Lodge
hierarchy of this, Friedrich Nietzsche commented, "The 20th Century will be
the bloodiest on earth."
In 1902 Kellner organized the homicidal Ordo Templi Orientis and began
initiating Freemasons on both sides of the Channel. The original members of
the O.T.O. were German Grand Orient Theodore Reuss; and English Masons John
Yarker (1833-1913), William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925), and MacGregor Mathers.
All but Mathers held the 33rd degree. (15)
Theodore Reuss became head of the O.T.O. upon Kellner's death in 1905. In
1902 Reuss had already named Westcott regent of the O.T.O. in England, thus
establishing the interlocking directorate between English and Continental
Freemasonry.(16) In 1912 Reuss initiated Aleister Crowley into the O.T.O. By
the time World War I had started, Crowley, a member of both English and
French Freemasonry, was at the head of the British branch of the O.T.O.

The O.T.O. drew membership from a wide range of occult organizations: the
Gnostic Catholic Church; the Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost; the
Order of the Illuminati; the Order of the Knights of St. John; the Order of
the Knights of Malta; the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre; the
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light; the Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom; the
Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch; the Order of the Knights Templar; the
Hidden Church of the Holy Grail; the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry;
the Rite of Memphis; the Rite of Mizraim; the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Masonry; the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry; the Order of the
Martinists; the Order of Sat Bhai; and many other orders of equal merit, or
of less fame. (17)
What is most significant about these organizations is that they are
recognized as a mixture of Knights Templar and Priory of Sion secret
societies.(18) As suggested in the Book of Equinox, Scarlet and the Beast,
for a time at least, united in the Ordo Templi Orientis.
The Oriental Templars operated in the same manner as did Albert Pike's
Palladian Templars. Although the O.T.O. incorporated the Templar aura by
name, it was not a Templar creation; rather it was Sion's link to the
international network of secret societies. Unlike the Palladian, which
recruited from only the Templar orders, the O.T.O. recruited from all occult
bodies throughout the world.(19) This network was controlled by the Sovereign
Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree in both obediences, who were
periodically required to tour and inspect the O.T.O. Lodges.(20)

The O.T.O. in America

The Ordo Templi Orientis was English Freemasonry's most effective
psychological warfare unit. Its duties were twofold: 1) to unite all occult
bodies under the Luciferian Doctrine; and 2) to destroy the Judeo-Christian
culture worldwide with an onslaught of Satanism The two Christian nations
first targeted for destruction were Czarist Russia and the United States.
Maury Terry, an American investigative journalist, tells in The Ultimate
Evil, how the O.T.O. got started in our country:

After internal dissension, elements of the Golden Dawn more or less merged
into the Ordo Templi Orientis. Aleister Crowley won permission to head a
British OTO branch, and the teachings of the OTO entered the United States
.Crowley in 1916, during World War I in Europe.
Later, during World War II, Crowley helped establish an OTO lodge in
Pasadena, California, and OTO branches subsequently sprouted in a number of
U.S. cities, including New York and Houston. In effect, a loose network was
formed and already functioning via occult shops and bookstores, newsletters,
ads in the underground press and other methods....
In fact, many believe that the entire occult underground in America today can
be traced back to the formation of that Crowley OTO operation in Pasadena.(21)

The Law of the Ordo Templi Orientis is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole
of the Law."(22) For the pleasure of its members, this "Law" was practiced to
its fullest in brothels established throughout Europe and the United States.
A segment of the Mantfesto of the O.T.O. explains the meaning of that "Law":

[The O.T.O.] embodies the whole of the secret knowledge of all oriental
Orders; and its chiefs are initiates of the highest rank, and recognized as
such by all capable of such recognition in every country in the world.
The Order is international, and has existing branches in every civilized
country of the world.
The aims of the O.T.O. can only be understood fully by its highest initiates;
but it may be said openly that it teaches Hermetic Science or Occult
Knowledge, the Pure and Holy Magick of Light, the Secrets of Mystic
attainment, Yoga of all forms; Gnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakta Yoga and Hatha
Yoga, and all other branches of the secret Wisdom of the Ancients.
It also possesses in every important centre of population a hidden Retreat
(Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum} where members may conceal themselves in order
to pursue the Great Work without hindrance.
These houses are secret fortresses of Truth, Light, Power and Love, and their
position is only disclosed under an oath of secrecy to those entitled to make
use of them.
They are also temples of true worship, specially consecrated by Nature to
bring out of a man all that is best in him.(23)

Prior to, and during World War II, Pasadena, California, was the O.T.O.'s
west coast headquarters in America, while Nyack, New York, was the center of
its east coast operation.(24) More information is written about the O.T.O.
brothel -- one of the houses
of "Truth, Light, Power and Love" referred to above -- in Nyack than other
locations. It was called Clarkstown Country Club (C.C.C.). At its head was
Freemason Dr. Pierre Arnold Bernard (1875-1955), initiated into the O.T.O. in
1916 by Aleister Crowley himself, soon after Crowley arrived in the United
Bernard's occult library at the C.C.C. was the largest of its kind in
America, consisting of an array of pornographic movies and literature, as
well as the finest collection of Sanskrit lore. During its prosperous years,
the 1930s, talks on the Veda, its writings and philosophy, were regularly
given by Dr. Bernard. The C.C.C.'s promotional literature stated that "[t]he
core of this subject [Veda] when reduced to practice is the Yoga System of
Patanjali, a scientific scheme of mental and physical development evolved and
recorded by the early Indo-Aryans.... Nowhere else in the world with the
exception of a few places in India is this work to be found carried to such a
degree of perfection."(25)
Dr. Bernard was nicknamed "Oom," short for "Omnipotent." Women called him
"Loving Guru." Often the women told him they felt the need to walk around him
three times and then reach out and touch his "lotus."
The lotus flower of India is of course a phallic symbol. An Oom disciple once
confided to an outsider:

Sex is discussed as naturally as hypnosis or reincarnation. Dr. Bernard
believes that men and women can learn a lot about living by learning a lot
about playing and loving. He teaches the Oriental view of love as opposed to
the restrained Western idea. Love, in its physical aspects, is akin to music
and poetry. It unites men and women with the infinite.(26)

Both male and female members of the C.C.C. practiced the mystic Hindu art of
Tantrik. A true Tantrik is a practitioner of Tantra, a ritualistic system in
certain religions of the Orient. The rites are grossly licentious and are
most often invoked in veneration of the Sakti, the Hindu goddesses of female
When the C.C.C. went into decline and finally sold its property, paranormal
activity began to manifest itself in several of its buildings. For example,
part of the C.C.C. estate was purchased by the Christian and Missionary
Alliance, which is now the campus of Nyack College. Students who attended
Nyack in the earlier years may recall the demonic activity in one of the
buildings before exorcism.(28) Today, another dwelling, not associated with
the College, but on the original C.C.C. estate, is still manifesting demonic
activity. (See picture of house and brief story in Appendix 2, Fig. 31.)
The Pasadena and Nyack centers rapidly networked with other O.T.O. Lodges
across North America. The O.T.O.'s publication, Duties of the Brethren,
confirms the purpose of these retreats:

Special Profess-Houses for the care of women of the Order, or those whose
husbands or lovers are members of the Order, will be instituted, so that the
frontal duty of womankind may be carried out in all comfort and honour.(29)

It is also probable that within this licentious Order, homosexual activity
was practiced, for Duties of the Brethren also states:

Every Brother shall seek constantly to give pleasure to all Brethren with
whom he is acquainted, whether by entertainment or conversation, or in any
other manner that may suggest itself. It will frequently and naturally arise
that love itself springs up between members of the Order, for that they have
so many and so sacred interests in common. Such love is peculiarly holy, and
is to be encouraged.(30)

According to the O.T.O. Manifesto, the O.T.O. also provides "safe houses" for
its criminal element:

Any injury done by any person without the Order to any person within it may
be brought before the Grand Tribunal, which will, if it deem right and fit,
use all its power to redress or to avenge it.
Public enemies of the country of any Brother shall be treated as such while
in the field, and slain or captured as the officer of the Brother may command.
The perfect freedom and security afforded by the Law ["Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law"]allows the characters of all Brethren to
expand to the very limits of their nature.
The secrecy of the Order provides its members with an inviolable shroud of
They obtain the right to sojourn in the secret houses of the O.T.O.,
permanently or for a greater or lesser period of the year according to their
rank in the Order....(31)

The O.T.O. did not go into decline after Aleister Crowley's death in 1947.
Maury Terry has discovered its network thriving stronger than ever in
America, and connects it to the recent surge of Satanic ritual murders.
Included in this network are the drug counterculture operatives, motor cycle
gangs, common criminals and rock groups.
In Occult Theocrasy, Miller explains that music is an essential tool in this
conspiracy, because it renders an otherwise positive mind passive and
negative. Miller states that occult music tends to induce confusion. Lyrics
in rock music are prime examples. Minds that are confused will obey and bow
to the hidden masters! A person who does not listen to this music, replacing
it with uplifting activity, remains positive. A positive mind cannot be
You may recall that this brainwashing technique was first practiced by French
Freemasonry prior to, and during, the French Revolution. Mozart's music,
Mesmer's animal magnetism, and Cagliostro's drugs and witchcraft, are all
examples of how the O.T.O. operates today.

The O.T.O. and the Church of Scientology

After Crowley's death, Freemason L. Ron Hubbard acquired the O.T.O.
leadership in America. Robert Anton Wilson, co-author with Timothy Leary of
Neuropolitics in 1977, explains that "Hubbard's system is derived largely
from Aleister Crowley.... Hubbard was a member of Crowley's Ordo Templi
Orientis in the 1940s; and Hubbard later...invented a system which seems, to
those of us who know both, very similar to the system taught by Crowley in
the O.T.0."(33)
Hubbard was initiated into the O.T.O. in 1944 by Aleister Crowley himself.
After Crowley's death, the O.T.O. was headquartered for a time in Hubbard's
Church of Scientology. In 1992 The Auditor, the journal of Scientology,
reports that there are 146 Scientology centers worldwide, with 54 of them in
the United States and Canada alone.(34) Time Magazine, May 6, 1991, reports
"700 centers in 65 countries...."(35)
This greater number includes Scientology affiliates, many of which are front
organizations. Time lists them, along with their frightening implications.
Sterling Management Systems (SMS), formed in 1983, recruits dentists,
chiropractors, podiatrists and veterinarians, guaranteeing them increased
income if they attend seminars and take courses that typically cost $10,000.
SMS's true aim is to hook these professionals for Scientology, who in turn
will recruit their patients. Another such group, Citizens Commission on Human
Rights, is at war with psychiatry, its primary competitor. The Commission
typically issues reports aimed at discrediting particular psychiatrists and
the field in general. HealthMed, a chain of clinics run by Scientologists,
promotes a grueling and excessive system of saunas, exercise and vitamins
designed by Hubbard to purify the body. It solicits unions and public
agencies for contracts. Narconon is a chain of 33 alcohol and drug
rehabilitation centers in twelve countries. Some of these centers operate in
prisons under the name "Criminon." Both are classic vehicles for drawing
addicts and cons into the cult. Concerned Businessmen's Association of
America holds anti-drug contests and awards $5,000 grants to schools as a way
to recruit students and curry favor with education officials. Way to
Happiness Foundation has distributed more than 3.5 million copies of
Hubbard's booklet on morality to children in thousands of the nation's public
schools. Applied Scholastics is attempting to install a Hubbard tutorial
program in public schools. The group also plans a l,000-acre campus, where it
will train educators to teach various Hubbard methods.(36)
The title Church of Scientology is a deception. It is neither Christian nor
scientific.. Speaking to Hubbard's theology, Time says, "In the 1960s the
guru decreed that humans are made of clusters of spirits [thetans] who were
banished to earth some 75 million years ago by a cruel galactic ruler named
In 1967 the Internal Revenue Service stripped the Church of Scientology of
its tax-exempt status. The Masonic-dominated American Civil Liberties Union
and the Masonic-created National Council of Churches supported Scientology's
position that it is being "persecuted" by anti-religionists. Time countered
by confirming that Scientologist defectors and critics are themselves
continually persecuted by this so-called church. For example, L. Ron Hubbard
taught his hierarchy how to use the law against its enemies. "The law can be
used very easily to harass," he said, "and enough harassment on somebody who
is simply on the thin edge anyway...will generally be sufficient to cause his
professional decrease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly."(38) Another
time Hubbard warned his followers in writing to "beware of attorneys who tell
you not to sue...the purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather
than to win."(39) The legal goal of Scientology is to bankrupt the opposition
or bury it under paper.
Time says that defectors and critics find themselves "engulfed in litigation,
stalked by private eyes, framed for fictional crimes, beaten up or threatened
with death." Time reports for example, that two defectors, one a common
criminal, the other his hypnotist, were ordered killed by the Church. Oddly
enough, the common criminal was to pull the trigger. He was ordered to kill
the hypnotist, then do an "EOC," (end of cycle), which is church jargon for

8cientology Recruits for the O.T.O.

In 1967, the O.T.O. in England founded the Process Church of the Final
Judgement soon after the rise of The Beatles rock group. In the late sixties
and early seventies, the Process set up cells in a number of U.S. cities.
Maury Terry says that the Process Church took over the O.T.O. in the United
States. The Church of Scientology reverted to the position of Blavatsky's
Theosophical Society a century earlier -- that of a recruiting agency for the
O.T.O. Terry said of Michael Carr, who, before his violent death was one of
the leaders in the Process Church and a ranking Scientologist:

If he's counseling lost souls for Scientology, allegedly helping them
discover themselves, he could certainly be working both sides of the street
and plucking a few out for recruitment in the Satan stuff. That Scientology
movement is fertile ground for latching on to confused people. He'd have his
pick of candidates.(41)

The O.T.O. and Psychological Warfare

The counterculture, which today has permeated our whole society, provided and
still provides recruits to the Church of Scientology which spots and selects
the confused and drug addicted candidates for the homicidal O.T.O.-Process
Church. One such candidate was found in Charlie Manson, who was first
recruited by Scientology before he joined the Process Church. At that time
the Process Church in America was led by Robert Moore (alias Robert
DeGrimston), who, like Manson, was first a Scientologist. Process members
worship both Satan and Christ, as did the Priory of Sion and the Templars in
medieval days.(42)
Charlie Manson taught his "family" that he was Jesus Christ returned to bring
judgement on America through a race war. "Helter Skelter" was his plan. He
believed his instructions were concealed in the lyrics of songs sung by The
Beatles.(43) What Manson taught his "family" about hidden messages in rock
music may well be true. Aleister Crowley himself taught such a technique to
his initiates -that of writing messages backwards as a means of secret
William Sutton, in The New Age Movement and The Illuminati 666, states that
Manson was also a Freemason. In support of this he writes that ''[d]uring the
Tate-LaBianca trials -- with Susan Atkins testifying to how good it felt when
the knife went into Sharon Tate -- Manson was flashing Masonic hand signals
to the Judge."(44) Sutton not only links Manson to Freemasonry, but to
Scientology. the Process Church, the O.T.O. and the New Age Movement.(45)

Likewise, Maury Terry documents that the Charlie Manson murders in California
and the David Berkowitz -- Son of Sam -murders in New York, were both ordered
by the same organization, the O.T.O.-Process Church.(46) One of Terry's first
clues of this connection was the use of common terms by Berkowitz's "Sam"
cult and the O.T.O.-Process Church. For example, the term "German shepherds"
was used by both as an allusion to their Nazi heritage. Both killers wore the
same Nazi symbols -- HT and HH for Hitler, the German SS lighting bolts for
Satan and 666 for the mark of the beast. Both were white Aryan,
anti-Christian, anti-black, and anti-Semitic.(47)

Berkowitz, whose murders followed some six years after Manson's, often
mentioned Manson in his notes. Berkowitz himself admitted to joining the
Process Church in New York in 1975, just six years after Manson's arrest.
Process members openly mingling with existing O.T.O. factions were seen in
New York City as late as 1973. People such as Berkowitz, Manson and members
of the Process Church, and its cells around the United States, make up the
current O.T.O. network. All are sub-Masonic and linked as part of an
underground web of murder. The "Sam" cult, according to Terry, is
headquartered near Los Angeles and has branches in Bismarck, Minot, Houston
and New York. These branches shuttle killers and "contracts" back and

>From evidence presented by both Terry and Sutton, there is sufficient
documentation to convince the reader that the Ordo Templi Orientis was
carried to the United States by English Freemason Aleister Crowley for the
express purpose of preparing Christian America for destruction through mass
and serial murder. drugs, licentious living, witchcraft, and the
psychological terror and social chaos caused by the same. The O.T.O.
continues its assault on our society to this day. The O.T.O. is English
Freemasonry's psychological warfare unit targeted against Christian America.

The O.T.O. membership was so vast that the Order boasted having knowledge of
all the secrets of occultism on both sides of the English Channel. Miller
reports that after Karl Kellner founded the O.T.O., the organization produced
a manifesto called Manifesto of the O.T.O. Under the heading "Liber III" is
proof that all Masonic and non-Masonic occult orders were under its direct

Karl Kellner revived the exoteric(49) organization of the O.T.O. and
initiated the plan now happily complete of bringing all occult bodies again
under one governance.... The order is international, and has existing
branches in every civilized country of the world.
In its bosom repose the Great Mysteries; its brain has resolved all the
problems of philosophy and life. Moreover, it possesses a Secret capable of
realizing the world-old dream of the Brotherhood of Man.(50)

The "Secret" it possessed, and is now manifesting, is the program followed by
the New Age Movement. From this point we are able to trace the present New
Age Movement to Freemasonry.

Female Freemasons and the New Age Movement

All European Masonic Orders, including the French Grand Orient and many of
the British Masonic sub-orders, permitted female membership. Two of the most
renowned female Masons were Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her protege Annie
Besant.(51) Miller has stated that the names of women members of the O.T.O.
are never divulged publicly. It is assumed, however, that Besant was an
initiate, since she was frequently seen in the company of O.T.O. male
membership. Miller did find mention of Blavatsky in Freemasonry Universal,
Volume V, part 2, "Autumn Equinox," 1929, an O.T.O. publication which states:
"'Madame Blavatsky's masonic [sic] certificate in the Ancient and Primitive
Rite of Masonry was issued in the year 1877."'52 This fact is also confirmed
in Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.(53)
At the end of the nineteenth century, when English Freemasonry established
front organizations to act as conduits of Masonic thought, Madame Blavatsky's
Theosophical Society had already been flourishing since 1875. We have seen
earlier how Blavatsky had come under the influence and teachings of Joseph
Mazzini, who encouraged her to put her revolutionary beliefs into practice by
fighting alongside Italian Freemason Garibaldi. Many Masons joined her
society, including Albert Pike. The Society, however, was open to Lucifer
worshiping non-Masons as well.(54)
In 1887, one year after the Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge was founded,
Blavatsky settled in London and started a Theosophical magazine called
Lucifer the Light-bringer. While in London she also published two books --
Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled. Annie Besant was presented to Madame
Blavatsky in 1889 by the socialist, Freemason Herbert Burrows. Besant
immediately succumbed to Blavatsky's irresistible magnetism and formidable
power of suggestion. After Blavatsky died on May 8, 1891, members in the
Theosophical Society battled over leadership for the next sixteen years.
Finally, in 1907, at the behest of Freemason Sir Walter Besant, the Quatuor
Coronati Lodge appointed his sister, Annie Besant, as President.
Miss Besant was affiliated with a number of sub-Masonic societies and fronts,
such as the Fabian Society, the O.T.O. and Aleister Crowley's Masonic Stella
Matutina. She had joined the Stella Matutina after it splintered from the
Golden Dawn. The two orders were again united in 1912 under the original name
Golden Dawn. At that time, Aleister Crowley was one of its leaders. That same
year Crowley was initiated into the O.T.O. In 1913 a schism in Besant's
Theosophical Society occurred, resulting in 33rd degree Freemason Rudolph
Steiner founding the Anthroposophical Society, which also was Luciferian.(55)
Steiner's society became the first link between the Bolshevik Revolution and
Besant's Masonic assignment in the Theosophical Society was to find a world
leader. Not only was she to find him, but prepare him as the Christ Lord
Maitreya -- and then announce his coming. Her first attempt in 1908 met with
failure. Her second try was better known. On December 28, 1911, a 16-year-old
Hindu boy was allegedly found to be possessed by the spirit of Krishna and
the Christ. In 1926 the Society presented him as Krishnamurti, the 'World
Teacher." Thirty-third degree Mason C.W. Leadbeater, a Masonic author of the
turn of the century, was selected to train Krishnamurti as Messiah.(57)
In the 1920s, when Annie Besant was introducing to the world the Christ Lord
Maitreya in the body of Krishnamurti, there was heavy drug consumption in her
tent meetings. The London Patriot, August 29, 1929, reported that "this drug,
according to some occultists, [was] one of the most powerful in 'liberating
the spirit from the body."(58)
Besant's second attempt, however, also failed when in 1929 Krishnamurti
became bored with the scheme and retired.(59) By then Hitler's star was on
the rise, and the New Agers were looking to him as their redeemer.(60)

Funding the New Age Movement: The Lucis Trust

Another follower of Madame Blavatsky and member of the Theosophical Society
was Alice Bailey. Bailey, a self-proclaimed witch whose husband was a
Freemason, founded in 1922 the Lucifer Publishing Company of New York, which
name has since been changed to Lucis Trust to disguise its real origins and
identity (Lucis is-Latin for Lucifer.) Lucifer Publishing marketed Bailey's
first book, Initiation Human and Solar.(61) Later she published
Externalization of the Hterarchy, in which she claimed the hierarchy in
Freemasonry was responsible for the New Age Movement. She said the "work of
destruction" [social destabilization] began in the year 1775."(62)
Bailey was probably referring to the Illuminati. Seventy years later Albert
Pike revived the conspiracy in the Palladian. At the turn of the century the
hierarchy became domiciled in the O.T.O. Today the hierarchy resides in
Bailey's Lucis Trust. In 1982 Lucis Trust was headquartered at 866 United
Nations Plaza, Suite 566/7, New York, NY 10017-1888. It has since moved to
another location in New York. At its helm in 1982 was Freemason Robert S.
McNamara, Secretary of State under Kennedy and past president of the World
Bank. Today McNamara meets regularly with the World Federalist Movement to
read Blavatsky and Besant. On a clear midnight he is noted for bathing in
A few other prominent members of Lucis Trust are David Rockefeller, major
stockholder in Chase Manhattan Bank and Exxon; his brother John D.
Rockefeller IV, an avowed Buddhist; Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State under
Jimmy Carter; Rabbi Marc Tannebaum, head of the American Jewish Committee;
the Marshall Field family; Anglican Bishop Paul Moore, founder of a school of
witchcraft in the Anglican Church of St. John the Divine, New York; Walter
Cronkite, retired news anchor of CBS News; Ted Turner, owner of Cable News
Network, who promotes the Church of Scientology on his network; and Barbara
Marx Hubbard, a prominent speaker for the New Age Movement and the
once-considered-running-mate of Presidential candidate Walter Mondale. Last,
but not least, is 33rd degree Freemason Henry Clausen, Past Supreme Grand
Commander of the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite
The Lucis Trust also accepts corporate memberships. Among them are the
following prestigious organizations: the Rockefeller  Foundation, the
Carnegie Endowment Fund, the United Nations Association, the Theosophical
Order of Service, the Findhorn Foundation, Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace UK,
Amnesty International, and the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite
Under MaNamara's administration, Lucis Trust paid for a full-page ad
promoting the New Age in Reader's Digest, October 1982, page 203. In December
1991 Reader's Digest ran the ad again on page 201. Both ads are reproduced in
Appendix 2, Fig. 11. Deceptively written to appeal to all religions, the ads
contain the New Age prayer to bring in Lord Maitreya, the New Age Christ.
With such corporate and individual wealth at its disposal, the New Age
Movement can easily buy multi-million dollar advertising across the nation.
The Lucis Trust has undoubtedly taken the place of Weishaupt's Illuminati,
Pike's Palladian and Kellner's O.T.O. Its dominant position and purpose are
identical to the previous three.
The Lucis Trust has sponsored many Masonic programs, such as the now defunct
television talk show, "Faith Focus" of Dallas, Texas. During the period that
Faith Focus was on the air (19821985), advertising at program breaks was
identical to the Reader's Digest ad -- the prayer to bring in Lord Maitreya.
Host of "Faith Focus" was Freemason Rev. Walker Railey, a Methodist minister.
In 1987 the city of Dallas was shocked when Railey was suspected of
strangling his wife. Finally, in September, 1992 he was arrested and is now
awaiting trial.
In 1987, as Railey was preparing his alibi, he admitted in a recording of
being attacked by demons, a not unusual occurrence with those who tamper with
the occult.(66) Alice Bailey would be proud of this "earth purifier."
In reference to the Lucis Trust, Bailey states in Externalization of the
Hierarchy, that Freemasonry "will meet the need of those who can, and should
wield power." She further informs us that Masonry is the "seat of initiation"
and "under the all-seeing Eye the work can go forward."(67)

The various divines and gurus of the New Age continue to announce the arrival
of the world teacher and proclaim the movement's Luciferian doctrines. Among
them, Benjamin Creme, a New Age guru, writes in Share International, that
"Freemasonry, as one of the Paths to Initiation, will be open to all those
men and women who fit themselves for entry to the New Age." Creme is today
the Masonic New Age. Movement's torch-bearer for the emergence of "Maitreya
the Christ."(68) Apparently the Movement has found another body for their
'World Teacher" to possess.

Another New Age leader, David Spangler, is author of Reflection on the
Christ. In this book he, too, proclaims the Masonic Luciferian Doctrine:

When man entered upon the pathway to self, he entered into a great creative
adventure...of learning the meaning of divinity by accepting to himself the
responsibility of a microcosmic world unto whom he is the god... The being
that helps man to reach this point is Lucifer...the angel of man's
evolution...the spirit of light in the microcosmic world.(69)

Spangler goes on to blasphemously state that "Christ is the same force as
Lucifer." Finally he says:

Lucifer prepares man for the experience of christhood...[he is] the great
Initiator.... Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and
as we move into a New Age...each of us in some way is brought to that point
which I term the Luciferic Initiaton...that many people now, and in the days
ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the new age.(70)

Finally, 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall, one of the first New Age speakers
in America, has informed the occult world of the power of the Blue Lodge
Mason. In The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Manly wrote, 'The seething energies of
Lucifer are in his hands...."(71)
Freemasonry's New Age fronts have expanded to such magnitude that there are
now over 10,000 affiliates in the United States alone,(72) all controlled
directly or indirectly by Freemasonry. As far back as 1930, Stoddard
explained the Masonic purpose behind these New Age fronts:

Secretly here and there individuals are prepared; these again form groups or
centres from which influences spread until they form a veritable magnetic
network covering the entire world. Like rays from a hidden sun these groups
are apparently divergent and detached, but in reality all issue from the same
central body. Studying all these different groups and movements the system is
seen to be an insidious and secret dissemination of ideas, orienting and
creating the required outlook on life, etc., eventually breaking down all
barriers of family, religion, morality, nationality, and all self-initiated
thought, always under the cloak of a new and more modern religion, new
thought, new morality, a new heaven and a new earth; until it evolves a
gigantic robot merely answering to the will and commands of a secret Master

The secret "Master Mind'' controlling Freemasonry today is, of course, Satan
through the Lucis Trust. In its hierarchy are members of the Supreme Council
of the 33rd degree. Rev. Jim Shaw, a former 33rd degree Mason, tells how the
Supreme Council controls this network of occult fronts: "Every thirty-third
degree Supreme Council member carries a certificate allowing him presiding
entry into all occult bodies in the world."(74) These high Masons are titled
"Sovereign Grand Inspectors General." They quietly move in and out of
thousands of front societies to "inspect" them, insuring that Masonry's goal
of establishing a one-world government, ruled over by its own created false
Christ, is on track.
Freemasonry had an Inspector General on hand during the United Nations' New
Age University of Peace conference held on the Island of Malta, March 2-7,
1985. The theme of the conference was "Spirit of Peace." The Inspector
General was 33rd degree Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, one of the most
powerful Masons in the world. Bernhardt is known to conspiracy researchers as
the founder of the Bildebergers, precursor of the Trilateral Commission.
Also present at this gathering was Marilyn Fergusson, author of The Aquarian
Conspiracy The fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet, "His Holiness" Tenzin Gyatso,
was there. Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Martin Luther King and a
leading proponent of world peace was registered as a guest. Robert Muller,
assistant Secretary General of the U.N. and member of the Board of Planetary
Citizens, was at the conference. It was Muller, in 1982, who said, "The Human
person and planetary citizenship must be given absolute priority over
national citizenship." Freemason Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner in
1984, was also hobnobbing with the occult elite on Malta.(75)
Tutu is the Anglican Bishop of South Africa. He was deliberately elevated to
his position by the Anglican Church in London, so that he could be ready and
in place to foment revolution while hiding behind his clerical robes. "This
should not surprise our readers," writes the editor of World Economic Review,
"since it is a well known fact that the Anglican Church leadership in England
is riddled with 33rd degree Freemasons. Thus we can now tell you that it was
NOT the people of the Anglican Church who gave Tutu his position, it was the
Mason-riddled hierarchy inside the Anglican Church that did so "(76)

A branch of the Anglican Church in America is the Episcopal Church. It too is
controlled by English Freemasonry. The World Economic Review reports that
Lucis Trust member, Bishop Paul Moore of the Episcopal Church of St. John The
Divine in New York City, "runs several witchcraft schools on Long Island, the
most notable being the Foxfire school. Moore is controlled by the
ultra-secret Masonic Quatuor Coronati Lodge in London, which always has as a
'Member of Forty' the head of the Anglican Church."(77)

The Great "Falling Away” in America

How successful has Freemasonry been in furthering her New Age philosophy in
the United States? The answer is given in the Omega-Letter, which calls the
New Age Movement the fastest growing religious belief system in the United
States today. The Omega-Letter quotes an article on a recent American Health
magazine survey which revealed that 69 percent of Americans claim to believe
some or all of the New Age Movement's central teachings.(78)
Scripture of course prophesies this apostasy of Christians. The Apostle Paul
wrote in II Thessalonians 2: 1 & 3: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him...
that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first...."
The Greek word for "falling away" is apostasia, from where we receive our
English word apostasy. Strong's Concordance defines it as a "defection from
truth."(79) Christ will not return until after there is a "defection from
Christian brother in Freemasonry, you are in fellowship with an order that
has caused the great "falling away." And according to Scripture, Jesus Christ
will return soon afterward. Before His return He is calling you out of
Freemasonry. Hear His voice in Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
pps 411-429
Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
Roads End

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