-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
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Chapter 13


At first these "Protocols," printed in broadsheets by the millions, were used
to stir up fear and hatred of Jews in Germany. They were then re-issued,
somewhat revised, and directed at England to stir up hatred of the English.
In Russia the "Protocols" were used to back up charges against the Jews for
"ritual murders."

Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry(1)

The Jewish Holocaust of World War II fulfilled a prophecy made 150 years
earlier by the Orthodox Rabbis in Germany, who warned the Frankist-Reform
Jews that persecution would start at Berlin if they persisted in their amoral
destruction of society. To help fulfill this prophecy, anti-Semitic Gentile
Freemasonry engineered the exposure of the Jews through the fraudulent
creation of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. These Protocols, a
compilation of twenty-four documents, developed the required anti-Semitism
that ended in the death of six million Jews in the midst of World War II.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were first said to have been the
minutes of the first Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland, August 29-31,
1897. According to Robert John, author of Behind the Balfour Declaration, the
197 Jewish delegates were a mixture of the orthodoxy, nationalists, liberals,
atheists, culturalists, anarchists, socialists and capitalists.(2) In three
days these Jews are said to have discussed, debated, then agreed upon a
detailed conspiracy for world dominion. The alleged outcome of that Congress
was a document containing the minutes to twenty-four lengthy meetings
detailing how the Jewish intrigue was to unfold.
It defies imagination, how Jews of such mixed convictions, who find it
difficult to agree on any issue within their own persuasion, completed
twenty-four Protocols in just three days.
Those who read the documents were apparently convinced that Zionist Jews were
planning to take over all governments through a well-orchestrated plan of
subversion, using the press, secular schools, and Gentile Masonry as a cover.
The Jews allegedly were planning to enslave the world through this
conspiracy. Their first insurrection was to take place in Russia, which in
retrospect many believed to have climaxed in the Bolshevik Revolution of
1917. So well had Gentile Freemasonry placed the Jews in the forefront of
that insurrection that the West began hearing rumors of Jews taking over
Russia. Appendix 2, Fig. 33 presents the caricatures of these allegations
that were printed in newspapers throughout the world.

History of the Protocols

We have learned that Sion is the French spelling for the English Zion. The
original Protocols were written in French, stolen from a Masonic lodge in
Paris in 1884 (as we shall see), then taken to Russia where they were
translated and first published in that language in 1903.
After the first publication of the Protocols in Russia, they were banned in
1905 by the ill-fated Czar Nicholas II following an attempt to topple his
government. In 1917, following the February Revolution, the new Kerensky
government confiscated and burned the second edition before it reached the
streets and immediately outlawed anti-Semitism.(3) On April 5, 1917, the
Russian Jews won emancipation.(4) By October Kerensky's government had lost
to the Bolsheviks, who, in the "Red Terror" that followed, appeared to
fulfill the slaughter written of in the Protocols.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Protocols made their way back to the
West, where, from 1921 to 1935, the newspaper-reading-public of the world was
made aware of their contents.
Publishing the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion was a most malicious
crime committed against the House of Israel. At the same time as the
Protocols began to circulate throughout Europe, conspiracy researchers were
attempting to connect the Bolsheviks with the Illuminati. In many ways the
two movements were the same. We see this, for instance, in their colors.
Weishaupt had selected the color red to represent his bloody revolution.
Likewise, the Communists. Since then Communists have been nicknamed "Reds."
Those who opposed the Reds formed their own republic called Belorussia, or
White Russia, bordering on Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. The Whites waged a
short-lived counterrevolution against the Reds but lost in 1919 for lack of
funds. When the Whites fled to the West, most settled in Germany. With them
came copies of the Protocols. Soon these documents were in the hands of
Hitler, who set out to rid the world of this so-called Judeo-Masonic

Hitler's Mein Kampf makes mention of the Protocols as proof of a Jewish
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion have been suppressed so
successfully since the Jewish Holocaust that today most people have not heard
of them. During the 1920s and 1930s, however, their contents were on the lips
of every political official in Europe, Asia and America. Appendix 2, Fig. 10
shows reproductions of two book covers of the French and Spanish editions of
the Protocols. The Jewish caricatures on the covers reveal the vicious
anti-Semitism of the time.

The Birth of Zionism in Russia

The Zionist movement was the result of anti-Semitic seeds sown in Russia by
Grand Orient Freemasonry. In 1840 the German Grand Orient sent Reform Jews to
that vast empire where Jewish Orthodoxy was the strongest. Their assignment
was to destroy the Russian Jews through assimilation into Russian society.
The Reform, however, had not anticipated the power of the leading Russian
Rabbi, Tzemach Tzedek, who victoriously opposed them. In retaliation the
Reform began to spread lies about the Orthodoxy. Czarist Russia believed
these lies, becoming violently anti-Semitic. Pogroms, which are organized
massacres of helpless people, broke out everywhere against the Jews.(6)
Rabbi Antelman informs us that the Reform was headquartered in the Grand
Orient "League of the Just," known in Germany as the "Bund." While the Bund
financed Karl Marx's communist activity in France and England, it also sought
virgin territory to export its communist doctrine to the East. Antelman gives
us the details:

Reform was now ready for expansion into other areas. The Bund decided to
export its heresies to Russia and selected Dr. Max Lillienthal (1814-1882)
for the job. Lillienthal was partially successful. In 1840 he succeeded in
opening a Jewish school where he could implant the seeds of destruction
against Judaism. In December 1841, he laid the groundwork for government
sponsored Jewish secular schools in Russia. However, Lillienthal was not
totally successful because he had never reckoned with the power of the great
Lubavitcher Chasidic rabbi who lived at that time in Russia called the
Tzemach Tzedek. It was he who completely dissipated these efforts and taught
the Communists a lesson that they never forgot, so much so, that generations
later after the revolution they imprisoned this man's descendant known as the
Lubavitcher Rebbe of Russia, threatened to kill him and threw him down a
flight of stairs.(7)

According to Rabbi Antelman, Max Lillienthal became so enraged with his
defeat, that before he left Russia he guaranteed the destruction of his own
race there. Antelman writes:

Dr. Lillienthal and his cohorts in Russia made concerted attacks against the
Torah and Judaism. Agents of the society were dispatched to spy on the
Tzemach Tzedek. They also instigated the writing of scores of denunciatory
letters which arrived daily to the Ministry of Interior, Culture and the
Secret Police, which spoke against Jewish religious leaders and key
merchants, villagers or innkeepers whose morals or integrity they could not
compromise. These letters charged rebellion, contempt for Christianity,
misappropriation of taxes, violation of the restricted areas which only Jews
may inhabit, smuggling, bribery and usury.
On one occasion Lillienthal attempted to impress Count Uvarov, the Minister
of Culture. He stated that the rabbis condone all sorts of unethical
iniquities with Gentiles including usury and misrepresentation. In addition
he accused the rabbis of preaching a policy of separatism from the good
Gentile neighborhoods and he claimed that the most notorious offender was the
saintly Tzemach Tzedek.
All the years that Lillienthal was in Russia, pressure from above the
government, and pressure from below through his educators and enlightenment
societies [Grand Orient Freemasonry] continued to be applied to the Jewish
communities to assimilate.... All during this period the Czar was applying
further pressure of assimilating Jews with his forced conscription law so
that during 1842-1843, 22,000 Jews had been converted to Christianity and
between 1846-1854, 7,000 were baptized. However, things got worse and finally
came to a head.
On May 6, 1843, the first meeting of a government commission aimed at
finalizing Jewish assimilation was convened. The Tzemach Tzedek stood
strongly in opposition to what the conspirators wanted to do. The gauntlet
was thrown on the table when he stated that if it was the government
intention and that of the Maskilim (seekers of enlightenment) to carry out
their plan that he and his colleagues were prepared to suffer death rather
than to transgress.(8)

Death is what they received. Pogroms broke out everywhere. Against this
terror the Orthodox Jews began to dream of a Jewish homeland, specifically a
return to Palestine. During these trying times, the word "Zionism" was coined
for their movement. Although Zionism was not officially recognized until
1896-97, Theodore Herzl (1860-1904), a Viennese Jewish Journalist, "offered a
focus for a Zionist movement founded in Odessa in 1881, which spread rapidly
through the Jewish communities of Russia, and small branches which had sprung
up in Germany, England and elsewhere."(9)
Zionism was an escapist reaction that grew from the anti-Semitic seeds sown
by the Reform. (10) Within four decades Zionism became a nationalistic
movement of Jews around the world. Herzl created the first Zionist Congress
held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. Twenty years later Russia experienced
"the vengeance of the Jews" in the Bolshevik Revolution, so stated those who
had read and believed the "evidence" of the Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Sion.
Rabbi Antelman states that Reform Judaism financed the Bolshevik Revolution
through a bewhiskered anti-Zionist Jew named Jacob Schiff, a New York City
banker. Speaking to the cause of the Russian pogroms, Antelman carries the
reader back to the Reform's failure to assimilate Jews into Russian society.
He states, "It was...this stunning defeat that heightened extreme disdain for
Russian Jews which was manifested in many ways by Jacob Schiff."(11)

Jews and the Two 1917 Russian Revolutions

Jacob Schiff was a puppet of Max Warburg, the Jewish banker from Frankfurt,
Germany. You may recall that the Rothschild and Warburg families were in
competition in Frankfurt during the Napoleonic Wars, after which the House of
Rothschild moved its banking headquarters to London. Years later competition
between the two Jewish clans was manifested in two areas other than banking.
First in religion, the Warburg clan were Reform Jews, whereas the Rothschilds
were Zionists; second, in Masonic affiliation, the Rothschilds were English
Masons, whereas the Warburgs were Grand Orient Masons.
These divisions, and not their banking rivalry, brought the Rothschilds and
Warburgs into conflict in the two Russian revolutions of 1917. Although both
insurrections were planned by Gentile Freemasonry (see chapter 19), the
Rothschilds and the Warburgs took opposite sides in funding the competing
Lord Rothschild, in February 1917, backed the Russian Socialist and Scottish
Rite Mason, Alexander Kerensky, who attempted to install a government in
Russia similar to that of the United States. At Kerensky's side were Zionist
Orthodox Jews. On April 5th all Jews won emancipation.
The other Jewish party, the Reform Jews, did not want socialism, but
communism. Their counterrevolution in October was led by Russian Grand Orient
Mason, Vladimir Lenin. His uprising was funded by the German Grand Orient
Mason Max Warburg. At Lenin's side were anti-Zionist Reform Jews. After the
Bolsheviks toppled the Kerensky government, Rothschild funded the White
Russians against the Bolsheviks.
Most conspiracy researchers know of the Jewish involvement in both
revolutions. Yet, they have been unable to differentiate between the
anti-Zionist Reform Jews and the Zionist Orthodox Jews. Not until Rabbi
Antelman explained this division in his 1974 book was the Gentile world to
know. Lacking this knowledge, investigators in the 1920s blamed the
authorship of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion on the Zionist
Congress of 1897.

Origins of the Protocols

Dating the authorship of the Protocols at 1897 has since been established as
too late. The Protocols date much earlier. Yet Jewry had already been damaged
with the world-wide publication of their falsely incriminating contents. For
example, the Protocols were distributed to the White Russian Army soon after
the House of Rothschild began financing the Whites against the Reds. The
Whites, thinking they now understood the cause behind the destruction of
Russia, indiscriminately slaughtered 60,000 Jews, blaming them for the
Bolshevik Revolution. Rothschild grieved over this unwarranted carnage and
withdrew his funding, upon which the Whites fell to the Reds. (12) Escaping
to the West, many Whites settled in Germany and joined the Nazis. Soon Hitler
set out to rid the world of this so-called Jewish conspiracy.(13) The result
was six million Jews slaughtered during World War II.
Masons began to promote the Jews as the author of the Protocols. From 1920
through 1922 the Protocols were serialized in America in The Dearborn
Independent, a Dearborn, Michigan, newspaper distributed by 33rd degree
Freemason Henry Ford. Later, Ford's serialization was bound in a book
entitled The International Jew and distributed throughout Nazi Germany.
Even young Winston Churchill, a Master Mason at the time, promoted the
Protocols as Jewish. The London Jewish Chronicle of February 13, 1920,
accused him as follows: 'The Secretary of War, Winston Churchill, charges the
Jews with engineering a world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of
civilization." (14)
Authentic or forged, its contents true or false, to withhold from mention in
general history the existence of documents that caused World War II, and with
it the ritual murder of six million Jews and five million Gentiles, is a
travesty of justice to world history. On the other hand, to speak of them --
worse yet, to allow them to be published and read would once again bring
certain death to the Jews, so deceptively incriminating is the "evidence"
against them. Certainly, the Jews must, and did fight to prove those
documents not of Jewish origin. They received vindication from the Court of
Berne on May 14, l935, when the Court ruled the Protocols not of Jewish
origin. (15)
If not of Jewish origin, from whence came the Protocols of Sion? The Court of
Berne discovered that the original documents were in French. We have learned
that the birthplace and home of the Priory of Sion was, and still is,
France.(16) We have also discovered that the Priory of Sion is not Jewish,
but a Jewish counterfeit. Moreover, we have suggested that the Priory of Sion
may be those individuals, written of by the Apostle John, who "say they are
Jews, and are not, but do lie..." [Revelation 3:9).
Therefore, if the Protocols of Sion is the product of the Priory of Sion, and
not of the Zionist Jews, it is understandable why the Jews would denounce it
everywhere as a forgery. Finally, in 1921 the London Times "made the
sensational discovery through its correspondents in Constantinople...of a
French book which they called the Dialogues of Geneva, published anonymously
at Brussels in 1865. This book, the Times affirmed, had been plagiarized by
the authors of the Protocols."(17)
After the Dialogues of Geneva were published, the Times is quoted as saying:
"'It was soon discovered by the police of Napoleon III that the author of the
book was a certain lawyer, Maurice Joly, who was arrested, tried, and
sentenced to two years imprisonment [from April 1865], as it was averred that
he had written his book as an attack against the government of Napoleon III
to which he had lent all the Machiavellian plans revealed in the
Maurice Joly (1831-1878) was a Gentile French lawyer, a writer, Freemason,
and member of a Rose-Croix order. Most significant, he was intimate with
Victor Hugo (1802-1885), the famous French poet, who was also a member of the
same Rose-Croix order.(19) This is the same Victor Hugo, who, following the
communist uprisings of the previous year, coined the phrase, the "United
States of Europe" at the Paris Peace Conference in 1849.
>From 1844 until his death in 1885, Victor Hugo was Grand Master of the Priory
of Sion.(20) The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, suggest that the
Rosicrucian order to which both Joly and Hugo belonged was the Priory of Sion.
Maurice Joly was also a close friend of the Jewish Freemason, Adolphe Isaac
Cremieux (1796-1880). Cremieux was mentioned in the previous chapter as being
involved with Victor Hugo in the 1848 communist uprisings in France and was
one of the orators applauding its success. Most significant was Cremieux's
Masonic rank. He was a 33rd degree Mason sitting on the Supreme Council of
the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Mizraim at Paris, the same Rosicrucian
Masonic Lodge founded by Sionist-Illuminatus Cagliostro. The rituals
practiced in the Mizraim Lodge were the same Isis cult mysteries of Egypt
observed by the Priory of Sion. Sion's English Masons also act out the same
Isis legend in the Master Mason ceremony.(21)
The facts of Maurice Joly's life make him an interesting man indeed. First,
he was a Gentile Frenchman, a lawyer, a Freemason, and a writer. Second, he
was the man who wrote the Dialogues of Geneva (in French), from which the
original version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion allegedly
were plagiarized (in French). Third, he was closely associated with Victor
Hugo, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Fourth, Joly was involved with
Aldolphe Cremieux, a ruler in a Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge, a lodge founded by
Sionist Cagliostro. Fifth, both Hugo and Cremieux were heavily involved in
the French Masonic Revolution of 1848. This circumstantial evidence points to
these three men as having been involved in creating the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Sion.

Zionism versus Sionism

Circumstantial evidence? Of course. The activities of Cremieux, however, make
the intrigue even more fascinating. For six years (1864-1870) Cremieux was
president of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, a genuine Jewish political
order founded in 1860, and headquartered in the same Sionist Masonic Lodge
where Cremieux sat as a ruler on the Supreme Council. The Alliance, an arm of
the Priory of Sion, was created to counter the Zionist movement that was
budding in Russia during the 1850s.
Zionism was nationalistic, desiring a Jewish homeland, whereas the Alliance
Israelite Universelle was exactly what its name implies, an Alliance of
Universalist Jews. As Universalists, the Alliance encouraged all Jews to keep
their identity in Gentile nations. Naturally, they opposed those Jews who
longed for a homeland. The Alliance also opposed Reform Judaism, which
desired that Jews lose their identity in Gentile nations through
assimilation. In subsequent years the Universalist Jews spread throughout
Europe, but never crossed the English Channel, where English Freemasonry
reluctantly backed Zionism at the bidding of the Rothschilds.
Not only was Zionism a bewilderment to the Universalist Jews, It took Reform
Judaism by total surprise. A homeland for the Jews would, in effect, destroy
the Reform's planned destruction of the Jewish race through assimilation. As
a matter of course, then, Reform Judaism, already anti-Semitic, became
The Universalist Jews, on the other hand, were not anti-Semitic, but were
anti-Zionist -- yet, for a different reason than that pursued by the Reform
Jews. For example, nationalistic Zionism posed a threat to the counterfeit
"King of Jerusalem" cult of Merovingians, who desired someday to reinstate
their universal throne at Jerusalem where it had been established during the
Crusades. It was the Priory of Sion's ultimate task to crown the "Lost King"
on a Jerusalem throne. Therefore, Zionism was on a collision course with
Sionism. Should the Zionists succeed in establishing a Jewish homeland, a
genuine Jewish king ascending the throne of a bonafide Israelite nation would
destroy the millennium-old Merovingian dream. As a matter of course, then,
the Priory of Sion became anti-Zionist, founding the Alliance Israelite
Universelle to counter the Zionist movement.
The Alliance, although founded by the Priory of Sion, was an exclusively
Jewish Order headquartered in a Gentile Rosicrucian Masonic Lodge. Reform
Judaism, on the other hand, was Templar, headquartered in Gentile Grand
Orient Freemasonry, and hence, an adversary of the Priory of Sion. Yet,
Zionism gave cause for the Alliance to ally with the Reform in an effort to
destroy this nationalist movement.
Adversaries with common enemies make strange bedfellows. These two
adversaries would cooperate, if necessary; in a revolution in Russia, either
to destroy Zionism at its source, or contain it within Russian borders.
Hence, we find many Jews of both persuasions involved in Kerensky's Socialist
Revolution and Lenin's Communist Revolution. Kerensky's technique for
containing the Zionists was to emancipate the Jews, hoping to quiet their
drive for a Jewish homeland. The Bolshevik technique was to forcibly keep the
Zionists within Russian borders, disallowing them emigration to the Holy
For sixty years (1860-1920) the information connecting these Jewish movements
remained obscure. Not until the 1920s, when many professional and amateur
revisionist historians began searching for the source of the Protocols, did
the documentation about Joly, Cremleux, Mizraim Freemasonry and the Alliance
surface. Although a mixture of Jews and Gentiles were found on Mizraim
membership rolls, it appeared to the investigators that the Alliance and the
Mizraim Lodge were both Jewish-run institutions.

Sion Confused with Zion

Because their symbols were identical, Zionists were also mistakenly
implicated with the intrigues at Mizraim. Mizraim's herald was the
"interlaced triangle," or six-pointed star of the Priory of Sion. In 1917,
when the world first saw the Zionists hoist the so-called "Star of David" on
their flag at Palestine, conspiracy investigators assumed Mizraim Freemasonry
and the Alliance were connected to Zionism.
The "identical syndrome" of Masonic symbols once again confused
investigators. Zionists, however, had more right to the six-pointed star than
did the Priory of Sion. Long before the Priory and its Masonic lodges adopted
it as their coat-of-arms, it was a Jewish symbol of scattered Israel. Before
that it was a pagan symbol. For clarification, we will trace its origin.
The interlaced triangle was originally a decorative motif or magical emblem,
symbolic of the pagan star-god in Hinduism Later it migrated to the Assyrians
and there was adopted by the ten northern tribes of Israel before they were
taken into captivity in 721 B.C.(23) (II Kings 17:1-23). This is confirmed by
the prophet Amos, whom God sent to the ten tribes to warn them of impending
bondage if they did not repent of their idolatry of Assyrian gods. Amos,
speaking for God, warns Israel in 5:26-27:

But ye have borne the tabernacle of...Chiun...the star...god, which ye made
to yourselves. Therefore, will I cause you to go into captivity beyond
Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts.

Chiun is the planet Saturn, the star-god, symbolized by the two interlaced
triangles, or six-pointed star called the hexagram.(24) The hexagram is also
known as the Lucifer Star.(25) Idolatrous Israel had "borne," or carried,
"the star...god" by wearing the hexagram as an amulet. It was also carved in
the door frames of every Israelite house, ostensibly to ward off the "fire
god." Since that time the six-pointed star has been a Jewish symbol found In
synagogues from the very beginning of the diaspora. This was 1,700 years
before the Priory of Sion appropriated it in the first millennium A.D.(26)
After that it appeared on the heraldic nag of the Jews in Prague in 1527, a
full two centuries before Gentile Freemasonry adopted it from the Jewish
Cabala.(27) Therefore, it would be natural for both the Alliance in 1860 and
the Zionists in 1897 to select it as their herald.
To make the symbol even more Jewish, the Zionists in 1904 renamed the
six-pointed star "Magen David," or "Shield of David.''(28) At their first
meeting at Basel in 1897, Robert John reports that "On either side of the
main doorway of the hall hung white banners with two blue stripes, and over
the doorway was placed a six-pointed 'Shield of David."(29)
Since this knowledge was unavailable during the 1920s, it was popular to
connect Mizraim Freemasonry, the Alliance and Zionism by this symbol, Also,
the word "Sion" in the Protocols was suspect. Therefore, these documents were
thrown in with the hodgepodge of circumstantial evidence implicating Jews.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, accusations against the Jews were broadcast
everywhere. Naturally, Jews of every persuasion were concerned. For their own
survival they must discredit the Protocols. And with all their resources they
Another enigma confronting researchers was the fact that while Cremieux sat
on the 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry (a Rosicrucian
Order). he was also Supreme Master of its adversary, the Templar Grand Orient
at Paris. "Jews were controlling both sides of the conspiracy," investigators
would write. Therefore, it was a simple matter to accuse them of writing the
Protocols of Soon.
In retrospect, there are obvious reasons why Cremieux joined an adversarial
Lodge. In those days Masonry was continually receiving advanced occult
knowledge from research done on the Templar documents looted from the Vatican
archives during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte. Working on this project was
the Priory of Sion's Eliphas Levi (Louis Constant 1810-1875). Each advanced
enlightenment was cause for the invention of more advanced degrees of
Masonry. For example, Mizraim had jumped from 33 to 90 degrees by 1868. In
1871 the Mizraim Rite was carried to London where it was absorbed by Memphis
Freemasonry. By 1875 it merged with Memphis worldwide and grew to 97 degrees.
In France the Grand Orient remained at 33 degrees.(30)
Stiff esoteric competition between lodges was commonplace. Each had highly
specialized agents to penetrate the other's lodges to learn of its new occult
secrets. It would be natural, then, for Cremieux to seek knowledge from an
adversarial lodge. Hence, he joined the Grand Orient, working his way up the
chairs to Supreme Commander. Moreover, Cremieux had a strong dislike for
Napoleon III (1808-1873), who was also a member of the Grand Orient. The
Grand Orient was known as the Lodge for French politicians. As its Grand
Commander, Cremieux had access to state secrets, which would benefit
Rosicrucian Great Britain.
Although many conspiracy researchers have tried to connect the two. there was
no cooperation between the Rosicrucian Mizraim lodges and the Templar Grand
Orients. This fact is confirmed in Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry:
"...an attempt was unsuccessfully made to obtain the recognition of the Grand
Orient of France. [Their non-recognition, had the effect of making them
Dr. Mackey does admit, however, that Mizraim Freemasonry borrowed from the
Grand Orient Scottish Rite degrees. Who borrowed but Cremieux? This was
common practice among competing lodges.
Non-recognition meant that Mizraim Freemasonry was considered clandestine by
the Grand Orient. How, then, did a Rosicrucian, such as Cremieux. obtain
membership in a Templar Lodge, much less become its Supreme Master, if he was
known to be a ruler in an adversarial lodge. No conspiracy researcher has
given a satisfactory answer, outside of tying the two lodges together. It may
be that the Grand Orient was ignorant of Cremieux's afflliation with Mizraim.
In this secret war of intelligence gathering from competing lodges,
membership lists are suppressed by issuing secret code names to the
hierarchy. Cremieux may have been a double agent, as was Cagliostro, founder
of Mizraim.

Mizraim Freemasonry and Intelligence Gathering

Intelligence gathering was established as a Masonic activity at the Congress
of Vienna in 1815. When European Grail royalty united within British
Freemasonry to protect the Priory of Sion secret, they built for themselves a
spy network operating out of the Grand Lodge Alpina in Switzerland. From
there they kept an eye on Masonic developments in France by penetrating the
Grand Orient with their agents. Alpina's agents were none other than Sionists
Cremieux, Joly, and Victor Hugo, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. All
three were intimate with Rosicrucian Mizraim Freemasonry. It seems likely
that Cremieux was a Rosicrucian spy who penetrated the Templar Grand Orient,
the lodge for French politicians, working his way through the chairs to the
top position.
Edith Miller, in Occult Theocrasy, documents that English Freemasonry was in
communication with Mizraim during Cremieux's day. Its counterpart in London
was Memphis Freemasonry, known in England as 'The Ancient and Primitive
Rite." The Rite of Mizraim was amalgamated with that of Memphls in 1775.(32)
At the head of Memphis in London was 33rd degree Mason John Yarker
(1833-1913). A member of its ruling hierarchy in France was Cremieux
(1836-1871). It would have been common practice for Cremieux to transfer
state secrets to Yarker through Masonic channels.

Brief History of Masonic Intelligence Operations

The Templars and Sion have been spying on each other since 1188. Such spying
continues to the present day. We will briefly examine the history of Masonic
intelligence operations below.
John J. Robinson, author of the recent pro-Masonic book, Born In Blood: The
Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, informs us that in the 12th and 13th centuries
the Knights Templar were the precursors of our modern intelligence services.
He says they "were known to maintain intelligence agents in the principal
cities of the Middle East and the Mediterranean coast, and they would
necessarily have employed covert means of communication. International
financial dealings required total secrecy, naval operations required it to
hide shipping information from Moslem or pirate forces, and military
administration over two continents would certainly require it."(33)
When the Templars founded their form of Freemasonry, intelligence operations
naturally travelled through a chain of their lodges. Likewise, Sion's
Rosicrucians penetrated the masonic workingman's guilds a century before
Cromwell's revolution. Moreover, Cromwell himself used the secret halls of an
aristocratic Masonic lodge called the "Crown" to organize his insurrection.
A century later Adam Weishaupt turned Continental Freemasonry into an
intelligence gathering machine. He founded the Illuminati to penetrate
Templar French Masonry. His assignment was to ignite the French Revolution
and depose the Bourbons on behalf of the Priory of Sion. Instead, the
Illuminati itself was penetrated by the Templars. The Revolution occurred as
scheduled, but not under the command of Weishaupt.
Adversarial lodges penetrating each other's ranks is not as difficult as one
may imagine. The irony is that both Freemasonries employ the same identifying
grips and passwords. Entry is granted readily by a spy using these secret
codes. Once inside the lodge brother Masons fraternize freely with each
other. The unsuspecting brothers tell everything they know to an enemy who
shakes hands correctly.(34)
An example of how British Masons used intelligence networks in Cremieux's day
is given by Msgr. George Dillon. During that time the Prime Minister of Great
Britain was 33rd degree Freemason, Lord Palmerston, who was, in a sense, a
double agent. Palmerston, a Templar Scottish Rite Mason, was in command of
Rosicrucian English Freemasonry. Dillon states that Palmerston, after he
failed to acquire financial aid from Parliament for Mazzini's Templar Grand
Orient revolution in Italy, successfully tapped the British secret service
for funding the Italian Masons.(35)
During World War I, we find another example of Masonry's intelligence
gathering. This war was the first global conflict between British and French
Freemasonry to determine which political system would rule the world --
monarchies or republics. In future chapters we shall discuss the Masonic
intrigue of that conflict, with one Order penetrating the other to obtain the
enemy's battle plans. A hint of the level of intelligence activity is
provided by a German author, Friedrich Hasselbacher, whose book, High Treason
of the Military Lodges, is an unanswerable and damning document. It
reproduces in facsimile a mass of letters and "Field Post Cards" from Masons
to their lodges in Germany. In one letter, a Brother Mason writes to his
Grand Master suggesting that he get in touch with English Masons via the
Grand Lodge of Norway, in order to find out their "war aims."(36)
Masonic intelligence services were employed again in World War II. For
example, Freemasonry in France was used as a secret service to help the
resistance. The story is revealed by Frenchman Henri Coston in La Republique
du Grand Orient, which de Poncins quotes in Freemasonry and the Vatican.
Coston confirms that during the Nazi occupation of northern France, Pierre
Laval, a French politician, assisted the resistance when he "'attached the
services of the secret societies to the Surete Nationale, the state
intelligence service."(37)
In our day the Masonic Lodge is tied directly to state intelligence services.
Agents are placed according to certain requirements and abilities, one of
which is the ability to keep a secret. Therefore, agents who are Masons are
given preference for top positions. For example, in the U.S.A. the heads of
both the FBI and the CIA have always been either 33rd degree Masons, or high
initiates in affiliated secret societies. In fact, J. Edgar Hoover (33rd
degree) obtained a charter for the FBI's own Masonic lodge, the Fidelity
Lodge. Curt Gentry, in his book J. Edgar Hoover, informs us that "Membership
and attendance at the Monday-night meetings were 'voluntary,' but those who
aspired to higher positions soon realized that associating with the director
on this one semisocial occasion was almost a prerequesite to advancement."(38)
The weakness in this system of selection is readily apparent, since Masons
freely talk to, and advance brother Masons. If an enemy agent joins a Masonic
Lodge frequented by an intelligence agent whom he wishes to compromise, his
task is simple. Many examples of this are presented by the late Stephen
Knight in The Brotherhood Knight, a British investigative Journalist,
documented time and again how the KGB, prior to and after World War II,
successfully penetrated British intelligence by joining Western Freemasonry.
Knight informs us, for example, how after the Bolshevik Revolution, Russian
intelligence used Freemasonry to its own ends. The Soviet intelligence
service learned of the art of Freemasonry while investigating Russian Grand
Orient Lodges. When Stalin outlawed the Brotherhood in 1925, he ordered his
intelligence service to establish religious centers for training appropriate
agents to be sent to Western and Third World countries. A school for agents
bound for Britain and other English-speaking countries was in Lithuania prior
to the collapse of the U.S.S.R. These agents were trained in the exploitation
of English Freemasonry.(39) Knight quotes a British Intelligence officer as

If the KGB had a target in England -- somebody they wanted to "turn" or from
whom they wanted to obtain information by one of a number of means -- and
this person was a Freemason, I have no doubt that it would instruct an agent
to join the same lodge. That would be an obvious move. If being a Freemason
makes a man more likely to bare his soul to another Freemason than to an
outsider, any intelligence service worth its salt would exploit that.(40)

One of the most damaging episodes described by Knight was that of a KGB agent
turning master spies Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, and Guy Burgess into double
agents for Russia. Knight suggests this transformation was accomplished
through Freemasonry. The intelligence world was shocked when these three men
defected to Russia in 1952 and 1962. It was discovered 30 years too late that
Philby, while head of a division in MI5 (initials for Mission Impossible,
division No. 5), was also a high-ranking KGB agent. The irony in this story
is that Philby remained on the British intelligence payroll after
defection.(41) He died in Moscow, November 5, 1988 -- taking to the grave his
reason for defecting.(42)
Stephen Knight revealed that the penetration of Western Freemasonry was a
standard KGB practice:

I can reveal that senior officers of British Intelligence are concerned that
the KGB has been using Freemasonry in England for decades to help place its
agents in positions of responsibility and influence.... According to the
evidence now available the undoubted jobs for the brethren" aspect of British
Freemasonry has been used extensively by the KGB to penetrate the most
sensitive areas of authority, most spectacularly illustrated in the years
since 1945 by its placing of spies at the highest levels of both MI5 and MI6.
Even today, members of the security services privately admit that they have
no idea of the extent of this penetration.(43)
The "old boy network," the favouritism and the use of Masonry for
professional and social advancement -- all proscribed by the [Masonic]
Constitutions but all nevertheless widespread, as this book has shown -- are
of obvious value to Englishmen recruited to spy for a foreign power.(44)

Cremie -- Double Agent

Intelligence gathering, spying, and the use of double agents are commonplace
in this war between Scarlet and the Beast. If Great Britain had wanted to
penetrate the French government in Cremieux's day, it would have done so
through a French Rosicrucian Freemason. Who would be more likely than
Cremieux? If he were to become involved in French politics, which he was, he
would join the Grand Orient Lodge, to which most French politicians belonged.
>From there he could learn state secrets and pass them to London.
English Freemasonry had need of spies in French politics for two specific
reasons. First, the two movements of socialism and communism, which had
developed in Grand Orient Freemasonry, were of grave concern to Great
Britain's capitalists. Second, Emperor Napoleon III had cooperated with the
Grand Orient Revolution in Italy by ousting the oligarchy's Austrian army.
Spymaster Cremieux and British Freemasonry had something in common. Both
hated Napoleon III. If Cremieux was assigned the task of deposing the
Emperor, his success would be better realized if he could attain the top
position within the Emperor's lodge.
Shades of Mission Impossible, you say? Perhaps. Nonetheless, everything
Cremieux accomplished was of benefit to English Freemasonry, as well as
profit to the oligarchy of the Priory of Sion, which it protected. It is most
likely that Freemason Cremieux was a master spy, a double agent, a
Rosicrucian mole for British Intelligence in the French Templar Grand Orient
administration of Napoleon III. Such a scenario certainly fits the Masonic
modus operandi.

Maurice Joly

Gentile Maurice Joly, whose father was a staunch Italian Mason, was also a
Mason. Joly was tied to the Alliance Israelite Universelle through his
association with Freemason Cremieux and the Mizraim Masonic Lodge. He was
also linked to the Priory of Sion through mutual membership In a Rose Croix
order with Victor Hugo. This Masonic influence secured Joly a post in the
Ministry of the Interior under Freemason M. Chevreau, just before the coup
d'etat in 1851 by Louis Napoleon.
Joly was not included in the new government, nor did he want to be. He had an
inveterate hatred of the Bonapartes. Moreover, he disagreed with Grand Orient
politics, which politics demanded a strongman to solidity its failing
revolution of 1848.(45)
For nine years following Napoleon's 1851 coup, Joly withdrew from politics
and satisfied himself by returning to his law practice. Suddenly, in 1860, he
began writing articles attacking the government and the Emperor.
What, or who rekindled Joly's anger? The answer is Adolphe Cremieux, who also
hated the Emperor. Cremieux's animosity grew from a rebuff he received from
Louis Napoleon. At the time of Napoleon's coup, Cremieux was legal adviser to
the Bonaparte family and an intimate of Louis Napoleon. When Louis became
Emperor, he offended Cremieux by not appointing him to the most desired
political post -- that of Chief Executive -- a position vital in dealing with
Great Britain.(46) The Emperor's first mistake was his refusal to appoint his
Masonic superior. Cremieux became his enemy.
Napoleon's second error was his refusal to take orders from Grand Orient
Masonry, which had placed him in power. After his 1851 coup and declaring
himself as Emperor in 1852, he immediately began exerting authority,
emulating his great uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte.(47) Now the entire Grand
Orient was his enemy.
Napoleon's third mistake was exiling Victor Hugo. We shall soon see that
Hugo's exile was a consequence of his disagreements with Napoleon following
the coup. The Priory of Sion soon became the Emperor's enemy.
Napoleon's fourth and fatal mistake was military action against Austria's
occupation army In Italy. Napoleon's military success in removing this arm of
the British Masonic oligarchy from Italy allowed Mazzini's Grand Orient
revolution to succeed. With English Freemasonry now his enemy, the Emperor
did not have a prayer.

Source of the Protocols

It was unnecessary for British Freemasonry to Intrigue against Napoleon, for
the Emperor had created enough hostility and enemies on his own. With an
angry Cremleux encouraging the pen of an acrimonious Joly, the Grand Orient
planned to depose the Emperor. Joly wrote Dialogues between Machiavelli and
Montesquieu, which was a compilation of articles in which Joly depicted
Napoleon III as Machiavelli. As Victor Hugo's poetry had done in the 1850s
(discussed later in this chapter), so too Joly's articles turned public
opinion against the Emperor in the 1860s. And as we learned earlier, the
London Times (1920) reported that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion
were plagiarized from Joly's Dialogues, which the Times called Dialogues of
Another factor we must consider in discovering the source of the Protocols is
that in Joly's day communism was the political fad of Grand Orient
Freemasonry. Its spokesman was 32nd degree German Grand Orient Mason and
Reform Jew, Levi Mordechai (alias Karl Marx).(48) Joly, however, was a
Socialist, and hated both communism and Karl Marx. Aware that communists were
the remnant of the Jacobins, who had carried out the 1793 Reign of Terror,
Joly wrote: "Socialism seems to me one of the forms of a new life for the
peoples emancipated from the traditions of the Old World. I accept a great
many of the solutions offered by Socialism but I reject Communism either as a
social factor or as a political institution. Communism is but a school of
Socialism. In politics I understand extreme means to gain one's ends -- in
that, at least, I am a Jacobin."(49)
Although Joly hated communism, he agreed with its Jacobin principles; yet he
accused Napoleon III of that same ruthlessness, What he actually hated was
the Emperor's absolutism. Absolutism is what Freemasonry can not tolerate.
Jacobinism is fine, but not outside the auspices of the Masonic hierarchy.
When Napoleon III ignored the orders of his Masonic superiors, Joly's hatred
toward him was rekindled by Cremieux. The Grand Orient contracted with Joly
to expose the Emperor as Machiavellian. To protect himself, Joly signed the
dialogues "Mr. X"
Why did the London Times in 1920 call Joly's book the Dialogues of Geneva?
The answer can be found in the Masonic-Marxist events which took place in
Geneva prior to an international communist meeting in London In 1864, the
year before Joly published his work. In an earlier chapter we saw that
following the Congress of Vienna in 1815, both English and French Masonic
lodges were established at Geneva for the express purpose of plotting
intrigue on neutral ground. According to Nesta Webster, Geneva, Switzerland,
was the meeting-place for all the revolutionaries of Europe.(50) Edith Miller
reports that the Geneva meetings took place in the Grand Orient Masonic
lodge, Temple Unique. Those in attendance put the name of the Temple on their
cards and bills.(51)
Following the Geneva gatherings, the Communist revolutionists met in London
during the summer of 1862. There they attended the London International
Exhibition. The Exhibition was a Marxist front used by French Communists to
penetrate Great Britain's labor force.
This Exhibition marked the beginning of anti-capitalist labor unions. On
August 5, 1862, all the delegates met at a dinner given for them by their
English colleagues at Freemason's Hall. An address was read which formed the
platform for the First Communist International.(52)
On September 28, 1864, the French Communists met again in London at another
Masonic lodge called St. Martin's Hall.(53) At this meeting Grand Orient
Freemason Karl Marx obtained control of the two-year old International
Working Men's Association. A number of secret societies, such as the
Anarchists, Nihilists, and Young Europe, were immediately absorbed by this
communist body. That same year anarchist Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876;), a
Russian Grand Orient Mason, founded: his Alliance Sociale Democratique on the
exact lines of Weishaupt's Illuminism.(54)
In 1866, one year after Joly's book was published, the inaugural congress of
Karl Marx's First Communist International met in Geneva, again at the Masonic
lodge, Temple Unique.(55) Miller reports that what was decided at that
Masonic meeting was "the abolition of standing armies, the destruction of the
monopolies of great companies, and the transfer of railways and other means
of locomotion to the people.”(56)
Also confirmed at that meeting was the declaration that revolution would be
transported to foreign soil -- perhaps in reference to Russia, since in
Russia, Zionism was to be contained, if not destroyed.
When the First International met again in 1869 at Basel, Switzerland, Russian
Freemason Mikhail Bakunin fought for control of the organization. He spoke
thus without reserve: "'By social liquidation I mean expropriation of all
existing proprietors, by the abolition of the political and legal state,
which is the sanction and only guarantee of all property as now existing, and
of all that is called legal right; and the expropriation, in fact,
everywhere, and as much
and as quickly as possible by the force of events and circumstances."(57)
Thirteen years later, in 1882, on the orders of Bakunin, czar Alexander II of
Russia was assassinated.(58)

Target: Napoleon III

In finding the answer to why the London Times called Joly's book the
Dialogues of Geneva. we must investigate the Masonic intrigues in Italy,
which occurred a decade before the Geneva meetings. In late 1856 the Italian
Grand Orient Masons, already known as the Mafia, were contracted by Lord
Palmerston of England to assassinate Napoleon III. In early 1857 several
Masons met in London to plan the murder. Four were from Russia, one of whom
was Mikhail Bakunin.(59) Chairman of the meeting was the Mafia leader
himself, Giuseppe Mazzini. At his side were Francesco Crispi (1819-1901), the
Sicilian Mason selected to do the Job, and his comrade-in-arms, Freemason
Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896).(60)
In January 1858 Crispi and Lemml met in Paris with Freemason Felice Orsini.
Orsini, a lodge brother of Napoleon III, taught the two assassins how to
manufacture a bomb, then kept them abreast of the Emperor's movements. During
the next few weeks several attempts were made on Napoleon's life, each
failing. Crispi and Lemmi escaped, but Orsini was captured, tried and
condemned to death. Before his execution on March 13, 1858, Napoleon visited
him in prison. Orsini warned the Emperor that if he did not assist the
Italian Freemasons in their struggle for democracy, other bombs were reserved
for him. Napoleon acquiesced, meeting at Piedmont in July with Count Camillo
Benso di Cavour. Mazzini was not at this meeting. Cavour was Grand Master of
an English warranted lodge in Italy, a revolutionary lodge competing with
Grand Master Mazzini's Grand Orient.(61) Miller tells what united these two
rival Grand Masters:

The policies of the Grand Master Cavour and the Grand blaster Mazzini, each
representing two different Masonic currents [English and French] emanating
from different sources, met on the issue of the destruction of the Papacy
which it was hoping to submerge through the unification of Italy.
Cavour aimed at unity in the form of a constitutional monarchy under the
house of Savoy, and Mazzini, aiming at a republic, found himself forced into
a compromise which obliged him to accept, temporarily at least, a Piedmontese
monarchy for United Italy (62)

Together they agreed to accept assistance from Napoleon. France, with
Piedmont-Sardinia, declared war on Austria in order to expel Austria's troops
from Italy. Miller quotes the French deputy Monsieur Keller's remark before
the legislative body on March 13, 1861 on the cause of these events: '”The
Italian war was the execution of the will of Orslnl."(63)
Meanwhile, Victor Hugo, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, was in exile
writing satirical poetry against Napoleon Hugo's poetry was intended to
manipulate public opinion to drive the Emperor from office. Three of these
works were: 1) Napoleon le. Petit, an indictment of the "little" Napoleon III
as opposed to the "great" Napoleon I:2) Histotre d'un crime, a day-by-day
account of Louis Bonaparte's coup as seen by a dissentient witness; and 3)
Les Chatiments, ranking among his most powerful satirical poems, a
presentation of Napoleon as a thief and a killer.(64)
As a result, the Emperor's popularity began to decline during the latter half
of the 1850s. To perpetuate the decline, Joly was chosen in 186O to take up
the cause, which culminated in the Dialogues of Geneva in 1865.
Hugo planted the seed of dissension: Joly cultivated it and Napoleon reaped a
harvest of discontent from his subjects. During the latter half of the 1860s,
the anti-imperial opposition strengthened. In 1871 Napoleon III was deposed.

Joly's Source

How could Joly, a Rosicrucian Freemason, know of the Communist goings-on in
Geneva, which caused the London Times to call his book the Dialogues of
Geneva? Joly was neither a member of the Templar Scottish Rite of Grand
Orient Freemasonry, nor its left-wing Communist Party. He hated Communism and
would not have attended their meetings if invited.
Here is where Cremieux comes in. As Supreme Commander of the Scottish Rite of
Grand Orient Freemasonry, Cremieux was well aware of the agenda of the
communist meetings at the Masonic lodge at Geneva and may have attended
himself. He is known to have induced Joly to write the Dialogues. Whether
Cremieux actually handed Joly minutes of those Machiavellian meetings or
verbally informed him of their contents is not known. In any case, Cremieux,
a fellow Rosicrucian and intimate of Joly, most certainly guided him in the
contents of his writings.
This is a Masonic modus operandi -- as we have seen previously in the
relationship between Frederick Engels and Karl Marx. Marx followed Engels's
suggestions, putting them in revolutionary form. Likewise, two decades later
Cremieux suggested what Joly should write. Joly, a government lawyer prior to
the Emperor's rise to power, would be credible. Joly's articles implied that
the Machiavellian decisions of the several Geneva Communist congresses were
the Emperor's plans for the destruction of France. When bound in a book, the
articles were titled Dialogues of Geneva. As planned, this Masonic
disinformation aroused public opinion against Napoleon III.
Joly wrote only under the guarantee of anonymity; hence the pseudonym, Mr. X.
Yet, in order to arouse public opinion, the author had to be revealed as
someone with authority -- someone acquainted with the political climate of
the day. Joly, therefore, was betrayed two months after publication. As a
result of this unusual and swift exposure, he was tried, convicted, and
sentenced to two years in prison.
Joly's exposure, trial, conviction and punishment are another example of the
Masonic modus operandi. In this world of Masonic intrigue, where the end
justifies the means, there are those expendables who are used as scapegoats
to protect the conspiracy. Joly, only a Blue Lodge Mason, was sacrificed for
the greater cause. Whether Cremieux exposed Joly is not known, but it is a
distinct possibility. Albeit, the scheme worked, and Napoleon III was out of
government within six years of the publication of Joly's book.
Who were the winners? First, Rosicrucian English Freemasonry, now rid of the
man who ousted the oligarchy's occupation forces from Italy. Second, French
Templar Grand Orient Freemasonry, which deposed an Emperor for refusing to
take orders from his Masonic hierarchy. Third, Cremieux, whose vengeance was
the deposition of Napoleon III for denying him high political office.
Cremieux's revenge, however, had far-reaching consequences For example,
Joly's book contributed to the release of documents called The Protocols of
the Learned Elders of Sion, which in turn fueled post-World War I Europe
against the Jews, giving rise to Fascism. In this climate, Hitler went
unchallenged when he engineered the slaughter of six million Jews and five
million Gentiles in concentration camps.
Nesta Webster makes a strong case for Joly as the source of the Protocols. In
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, she states: "The Protocols were
largely copied from the book of Maurice Joly, Dialogues aux Enfers entre
Machiavel et Montesquieu, published in 1864. Let it be said at once that the
resemblance between the two works could not be accidental. Not only are whole
paragraphs almost identical, but the various points in the programme follow
each other in precisely the same order."(65)
On the other hand, it is plausible to suggest that the Protocols were not a
plagiarism of Joly's book at all, but were the actual minutes to the Marxist
revolutionary meetings held in the Masonic lodge at Geneva. As earlier
suggested, these notes may have been given to Joly by Cremieux. This author's
hypothesis is that Joly plagiarized the Geneva minutes, which he reshaped
into the Dialogues of Geneva
Whether the Protocols were a plagiarism of Joly's book. or the Dialogues a
plagiarism of the Protocols. the result was the same. Most significant to our
investigation is that Joly, a Freemason, was a close associate of Cremieux.
Cremieux, in turn, was on the Supreme Council of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge at
Paris. It was from this lodge that the "Protocols" were stolen in 1884.
If, in fact, Joly did plagiarize the minutes to the Geneva meetings In 1865,
apparently they were carelessly stored and forgotten in the archives of the
Mizraim Lodge. Two decades later they were "found" by a casual peruser, who,
not knowing their original purpose, stole them,
An interesting story concerning the 1884 discovery of the Protocols was told
in 1934 by Victor E. Marsden in his English translation of the Russian
Protocols. Marsden had been the Russian correspondent for the Morning Post of
London when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out. He reports that

In 1884 [two years after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by Masonic
Nihilists] the daughter of a Russian general, Mlle. Justine Glinka, was
endeavoring to serve her country in Paris by obtaining political information,
which she communicated to General Orgevskii in St. Petersburg. For this
purpose she employed a Jew, Joseph Schorst, member of the Mizraim Lodge in
Paris. One day Schorst offered to obtain for her a document of great
importance to Russia, on payment of 2,500 francs. This sum being received
from St. Petersburg was paid over and the document handed to Mlle. Glinka.
She forwarded the French original, accompanied by a Russian translation, to
Orgevskii, who in turn handed it to his chief, General Cherevin, for
transmission to the Tsar."(66)

The document was the French original of The Protocols of the Meetings of the
Learned Elders of Sion, General Cherevin did not give them to the Royal Court
as Glinka had requested. Instead, he filed them, and they lay dormant for the
next two decades.
What lends credence to this story is that Mlle. Justine Glinka was arrested
shortly after on trumped up charges, not at all related to the Protocols, and
banished to her estate in Orel, Russia. Some believe this was engineered by
Freemasonry in an attempt to keep Mlle. Glinka from further
investigation.(67) As for the Masonic traitor Joseph Schorst -- in payment
for his part played in the intrigue, he was hunted down and murdered in Egypt
possibly by Masonic agents.(68)
The strongest case for linking the Protocols of Sion to Gentile Freemasonry
is the Protocols itself. Read in the light of Masonic hegemony, the fourth
Protocol, for instance, seems to confirm that the 33rd degree Supreme Council
of Universal Freemasonry, and not Zionist Jews, is the manipulator of world

Who or what can dethrone an invisible power? Now, this is Just what our
Government is. The Masonic Lodge throughout the world unconsciously acts as a
mask for our purpose. But the use we are going to make of this power in our
plan of action, and even our headquarters, remain perpetually unknown to the
world at large.(69)

The "Government" referred to in this Protocol could well be the Supreme
Council of Freemasonry. And the Dialogues, upon which we believe the
Protocols is based, could have been of much earlier origin than the 1860s,
for it echoes Weishaupt's correspondence with his co-conspirators in the
Illuminate The Dialogues could as well have been the correspondence between
members of the Templar hierarchy, such as Mazzini in Italy, Pike in America,
Palmerston in England, and Bismarck in Germany.
It is also just as likely that Karl Marx, or Mikhail Bakunin, both of whom
were at the Geneva Masonic Congress, spouted the fourth Protocol from'that
forum. It certainly would have befitted their Communist program. In fact, a
segment of Protocol twelve could have been spoken at Geneva against Russia by
this remnant of Communist Jacobins. It reads;

Briefly, in order to demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments
in Europe, we will show our power to one of them by means of crimes of
violence, that is to say by a reign of terror. (70)

By using the word "Gentile," the anonymous authors of the Protocols suggested
to general readers and investigators that the authors and planners of the
"crimes of violence" were Jews. When the barbarous Bolshevik Revolution
destroyed old Russia, conspiracy researchers pointed to this Protocol,
because of the word "Gentile," and blamed the Revolution on the Jews, who
they believed were retaliating against the Russian czars for their
persecution of the Russian Jewish populations.
Aloha, He'Ping
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Peace Be, Amen.
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