-Caveat Lector-


Friday March 28, 09:35 AM

FBI to investigate Al-Jazeera Web hijack
By Robert Lemos, CNET News.com

Visitors to both the Arabic and English versions of the Al-Jazeera
Web site on Thursday were greeted with an American flag and a
pro-US message, the work of an apparent online vandal.

The FBI has opened an investigation into the attack on Al-Jazeera's
Web site, a representative with the bureau has said. The Middle
Eastern news service was the victim of a domain hijacking. The
actual defacement appeared on a free Web site service provided by
NetWorld Connections. Technically known as a "redirect," the hack
caused Web browsers that attempted to go to www.aljazeera.net --
as well as the English-language site -- to be surreptitiously
redirected to the content hosted on NetWorld's servers.

The NetWorld service detected a spike in traffic early on Thursday
morning, and an email from a security specialist confirmed that
visitors to Al-Jazeera were being redirected to NetWorld's service,
said Ken Bowman, chief executive of the Salt Lake City company.
"We pulled down the content immediately," Bowman said. He added
that VeriSign, which administers the domain registry, eliminated the
redirect later in the morning. "They never even touched (Al-
Jazeera's) site," he said.

The problem has been corrected by eliminating the redirect and
reinstating the correct addresses for Al-Jazeera's sites. However,
the changes take time, up to three days, to filter throughout the
Internet. Moreover, even without the redirect issue, Al-Jazeera's
sites may remain unreachable as they continue to come under
attack by online vandals flooding the news outlet's network with

A representative of VeriSign couldn't immediately answer questions
regarding how the domain had been hijacked.

VeriSign maintains the Internet registry for the .com, .net, .cc and .tv
top-level domains and administers the authoritative database for all
domain names registered in those top-level domains.

The records from the whois database -- the distributed directory that
holds information about each domain -- indicated early on Thursday
that online vandals had managed to forge new domain records.
Such records typically describe the services that are offered by a
particular domain, such as Web, mail and file hosting.

Instead, VeriSign's records pertaining to Al-Jazeera had apparently
been replaced by data that pointed to name servers hosted by
MyDomain.com. Those name servers in turn referred Web requests
to the defacement site located at NetWorld.

"MyDomain has learned from NavLink, the company that hosts the
aljazeera.net Web site from its data centres in France, that Al-
Jazeera's domain name account at Network Solutions (a subsidiary
of VeriSign) was compromised," MyDomain.com said in a statement
on Thursday. "NavLink has confirmed...that it has regained access
to the account at Network Solutions and changed the name servers
back to the correct settings."

Email messages to NavLink requesting comment weren't
immediately answered. MyDomain believed that changes would take
as long as 72 hours to filter out to all parts of the Internet.

The defacement is the latest in a flurry of activity surrounding the
Middle Eastern news service.

Al-Jazeera has had to contend with both technical problems and
attacks this entire week.

The Arab satellite TV network launched its English-language Web
site on Monday, attracting significant media coverage. The site
hosts the station's controversial video coverage, which has included
images of US soldiers killed and taken prisoner.

The controversy and resulting media coverage has also made the
site a target of a number of online miscreants.

"Let Freedom Ring!" stated Thursday's defacement, featuring a
large American flag and signed by a vandal with the handle "Patriot"
and claiming to be part of a group called the Freedom Cyber Force

NetWorld's Bowman said the site had been created using a free
hosting service that the company offers. He also explained that,
because the service is free, the company doesn't keep very rigorous
watch on the activities.

"All the supplied information was fictitious," he said, quashing any
possibility of aiding in a law enforcement investigation. "It's is a free
site, so we don't track any data. We don't track the Internet
addresses or anything else. It would take a staff of about 500 to do

Bowman said they are analysing what happened and may change
the way the free portion of the site is administered to prevent future

One security expert familiar with the defacement scene said that he
had never heard of a group called Freedom Cyber Force Militia.
"We didn't hear about many other defacers who hacked right
(before) the war," the administrator of Zone-H.org, a popular
security and defacement news site, said in an email interview. "I
guess a lot of IT (security) professionals took the chance of this war
to remove some rust from their fingers," said the administrator, who
goes by the handle SyS64738.


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