-Caveat Lector-

Anti-Globalization Protesters Rally
Associated Press Writer

SALZBURG, Austria (AP) -- With helicopters circling overhead, riot police
clad in black, full-body armor faced off against masked protesters Sunday as
European political and business leaders opened an economic summit.

Gathering at the local communist party headquarters, hundreds of protesters
marched to Salzburg's main train station where they held a peaceful
demonstration that coincided with Sunday's opening of the European Economic

They then advanced on the conference center, but were turned back at a
police barricade under a rail bridge. Carrying communist hammer-and-sickle
flags, they chanted, ''Our world is not for sale, put the bankers into

Police had earlier sealed off the convention hall with rings of barriers
that turned this ancient alpine tourist destination into a fortified maze of

''As long as they can keep their people in check, we will not take any
action,'' said Salzburg police chief Karl Schweiger. Police spokeswoman
Sonja Fiegel said three people were detained briefly and released Sunday

The extra precautions come after street fighting left 70 people injured last
month at the European Union summit in Goteborg, Sweden, and similar riots
injured 32 people at an anti-World Bank rally last weekend in Barcelona,

Local press reports estimated nearly 5,000 police were on duty to make sure
mayhem doesn't erupt in Salzburg, the hometown of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The event, held by the World Economic Forum and chaired by billionaire
financier George Soros, runs through Tuesday.

Salzburg Mayor Heinz Schaden, speaking to Austrian television ORF, defended
the bulked-up security saying his city's tourist industry could not afford
to be scarred by scenes of looting, street fighting and stone throwing.

Kelli Smith, a 24-year-old tourist from San Diego, Calif., and a travel
companion were scared off even before the protests began.

''We came down from Munich 24 hours ago and we're getting out of here,''
Smith said. ''I've never seen so many police.''

Protest organizers complained Saturday that authorities were exaggerating
the threat of violence, and the streets were quiet overnight. By midday
Sunday, police had made no arrests, police spokeswoman Sonja Fiegel said.

The European Economic Summit brings together the region's political and
business leaders to discuss such topics as EU enlargement and Russia's
relationship with the rest of Europe.

More than 600 participants from 44 countries were to take part in the
meeting, including 15 heads of state or prime ministers.

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