-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.thestandard.com/articles/display/0,1449,3608,00.html">The
Industry Standard: Crypto Giant Gets Smart</A>
February 23, 1999
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Crypto Giant Gets Smart
By Jackie Cohen

The big cryptography giant is wising up. Security Dynamics Technologies,
the parent of RSA Data Security, will announce Tuesday its entree into
smart card technology. The product should be on the market as early as
this spring.

The SecurID 1000 Smart Card is the company's first chip card-based tool
for authenticating people, either on the Internet or in enterprise
deployments. The actual hardware is manufactured by Gemplus, the
Paris-based chip card vendor; the microprocessor chips on the cards
house Security Dynamics authentication technologies.

The cards are intended for use with server-based solutions sold by the
company under the ACE/Server moniker. With 7K of memory, the cards can
house multiple applications. These could include providing remote and
local access to corporate networks; verifying identity; generating
cryptography; electronic payment schemes; and loyalty points (like
frequent flyer programs).

Each chip holds a unique identifier. The cards can also be personalized
with holograms, employee photographs, company logos and other options.
And organizations already using Gemplus cards will be able to upgrade
them to Security Dynamics versions.

The company expects to peddle the cards to its existing base of
customers for SecurID. Over 4 million people use the authenticators in
various hardware and software forms.


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