-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/21/99) --  The  year  1999  is  bound  to see upheaval.
This, not necessarily due to any perceived Y2K threat,  but  more
due to a pervasive end-times psychology.

We live, as they say, in "interesting times."

The  weather  is  going  to  get  hotter.   Predictions abound on
Internet, but common sense will  tell  you that, yes, the weather
is going to get hotter.

Flash News:  Not all Americans have  air  conditioning  in  their
homes.  That is a hard concept for some Americans to grasp.  THEY
have  air conditioning  so,  *ipso  facto*,  all  others have air

This news service originates from  a TOWN THAT TIME FORGOT.  This
editor feels he ought to make local observations before all  Hell
breaks  loose.   You  may  have  seen the movie, "Groundhog Day,"
starring Bill Murray.  In that film, Murray enters a sort of time
warp, where a  Pennsylvania  town  he's  entered does not proceed
through normal "time" sequences.  Instead, Murray  finds  himself
in  a town which does not age; a town seemingly unaffected by the
progression of world events.

Such a town is Champaign, Illinois.

Example:  The University library here, through much of the 1990s,
had  no  magnetic  detectors  to  stop any potential thieves from
helping  themselves  to  available   books.   In  this  heartland
community, it was just unthinkable that  "bad  guys"  could  make
their  way  hitherward.   Remember:   this  situation  was extant
through much of the  1990s.   If  you  yourself are not living in
your own internal "time," where past and future  have  ceased  to
exist,  then  you can see that Champaign, Illinois lives in a Rod
Serling "Twilight Zone" episode, where a John Phillips Sousa band
yet plays melodies in the park on Saturday evenings.

Example:  Normal transportation here  is  by  bicycle.  I do mean
normal.  International readers of Conspiracy  Nation,  living  in
high density areas, will struggle to grasp the concept of a small
city,  in  the  midst of prairie-land, where unhurried life pokes
along, peddling a bicycle in low-gear.

These  examples  (above)   are   symbolic   of  the  intellectual
environment from which originate the speed-of-light, leading-edge
transmittals of the Conspiracy Nation News Service  (CNNS).   But
such  a poke-along environment is what this editor is up against,
not just here but throughout  the current USA mass consciousness.
Details cited above of the Champaign,  Illinois  LAND  THAT  TIME
FORGOT  probably  appear  hyperbolic to the typical, current, USA
mass consciousness.  But they are, by means of extreme context, a
wake-up call to you, dear reader.  Yes, this low-gear environment
is an  odd  juxtaposition  to  you,  living  in your (relatively)
"advanced" circumstances.  But can you see that  you,  also,  are
living  in  your  own  somewhat  backward  land?  Can you please,
please see that you too live  in a somewhat poke-along world, and
that world events are about to make a loud KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK on
your door?

BLOOD HAS BEEN SPILLED.  Violence against  Yugoslavia  serves  to
protect  America *from its own violence*.  [1] But violence, left
unappeased, "will accumulate  until  it  overflows its confines."
[2].  That is why, for the moment, we can thank our  lucky  stars
that the 15 dead Columbine High School bodies have atoned for USA
violence  against Yugoslavia.  Their sacrifice redirects violence
into "proper" channels.  [3]

BLOOD HAS BEEN  SPILLED.   In "primitive" societies, menstruating
women are segregated  from  the  community.   Menstruating  women

  Most  primitive  peoples  take  the  utmost  care  to avoid
  contact  with  blood.   Spilt  blood  of  any  origin... is
  considered impure...   When  men  are  enjoying  peace  and
  security,   blood  is  a  rare  sight.   When  violence  is
  unloosed, however, blood appears everywhere. [4]

There is unimaginable potency in spilled blood.  The  Bible  only
hints  at  this  potency when it states that spilled blood "cries
from  the  ground."    Put   aside  materialist  conceptions  and
understand the vast occult magic unleashed when blood is spilled.

Podunk  Junction  newspaper,  the  Champaign-Urbana News Gazette,
headlines today, "The Search For 'Why.'" It bemoans that there is
"no clear answer"  to  explain  the Littleton, Colorado massacre.
But there is a very obvious answer:  when violence  is  unloosed,
blood appears everywhere.

This news service is not optimistic.  Yet it dares  to  beg  you,
dear reader, to understand that "We've got trouble, right here in
River  City."  All Hell, we fear, is about to break loose.  It is
going to get HOT.  Please,  please  -- whether you believe in God
or not -- say a prayer that the now-insane leaders of the  United
States will be redeemed from their madness.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] *Violence and the Sacred* by Rene Girard.  Baltimore:   Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1979. ISBN: 0-8018-2218-1.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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