-Caveat Lector-

<<Will this be Romania's & Bulgaria's ticket to ride on the NEATO train?>>

: From Int'l Herald Tribune
: Paris, Wednesday, April 21, 1999
: NATO Gets Right To Use Airspace Bordering Serbia
: Romania and Bulgaria Approval Will Allow Campaign to Expand
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: By Joseph Fitchett International Herald Tribune
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: PARIS - Seeking to throw more airpower into the Kosovo campaign, NATO got
: approval Tuesday from Bulgaria and Romania to use their airspace in an
: expanded bombing campaign.
: The move came as allied officials acknowledged that Serbian strength in
: province was largely undented after four weeks of bombing and missile
: attacks.
: Albania, another non-NATO country, already has made its military
: available to NATO for the alliance's aid to refugees and its attacks on
: Serbian forces in Kosovo.
: Serbian and Albanian forces briefly exchanged fire on the border as U.S.
: Apache helicopters, unexpectedly reinforced with 500 men from the 82d
: Airborne Division, started arriving in Albania.
: The Czech Republic and Hungary, the two NATO allies closest to Serbia
: geographically, also were being asked for help. The Czech government,
: has opened its airspace, was reported Tuesday to have approved letting
: allied forces cross the country by road and rail, presumably from Germany
: Hungary.
: Hungary, the only NATO country that shares a frontier with Serbia, could
: used as a launching point for a ground drive into Serbia. More likely,
: officials said, NATO forces in Hungary would tie down Yugoslav troops and
: deter any cross-border incursions.
: As the allies sought to tighten the noose on Yugoslavia militarily and
: economically, NATO reported that Serbian forces were pursuing ''ethnic
: cleansing'' against the remaining civilian population of ethnic Albanians
: Kosovo and, for the first time, expanding the expulsion campaign to
: Montenegro, Serbia's partner in the Yugoslav federation.
: Serbian forces also were reported to have crossed via Montenegro into the
: peninsula of Prevlaka, a finger of Croatia that has been a demilitarized
: zone under United Nations control since the end of the fighting in Bosnia
: three years ago.
: Croatia's official news agency reported the incursion, which increased the
: Serbian military pressure on Montenegro, which has Yugoslavia's only
: seaport. The incursion would mark the first time that President Slobodan
: Milosevic of Yugoslavia has challenged the territorial lines that emerged
: from the Dayton peace accords on Bosnia, lines that are enforced by NATO.
: Officials of neighboring countries said that ethnic tensions were near the
: flash point, notably in Macedonia, raising the specter of a wider conflict
: if Serbian forces push out a final wave of Kosovars and send hundreds of
: thousands of desperate, ill refugees into Macedonia and Albania.
: With both sides escalating their offensives at what could be a crucial
: moment in the conflict, Western officials said that they were increasingly
: fearful about the fate of several hundred thousand military-age men in
: Kosovo.
: NATO air strikes once again were hampered by adverse weather, and
: at alliance headquarters admitted that bombing, no matter how effective,
: would not deprive Serbian armored forces of fuel completely as long as
: Belgrade was able to import gasoline and lubricants via Montenegro.
: NATO is considering a naval blockade to cut deliveries by tankers, many of
: which operate under flags of convenience. France has led objections in the
: alliance to such an interdiction, arguing that NATO has no legal basis to
: expand its campaign to the sea without a UN Security Council mandate.
: Hubert Vedrine, the French foreign minister, said that Paris backed an
: allied study to pinpoint sources of vital supplies for Belgrade's military
: machine and suggested that the European Union might be able to provide a
: basis for action against the suppliers.
: NATO also could bomb facilities at ports in Montenegro used to unload
: petroleum, but allied officials so far have preferred restraint as a way
: protecting the pro-Western government in the tiny republic from being
: overthrown by the Serbian military.
: Hungary has not cut off a pipeline running across its territory that takes
: oil to Belgrade, apparently because of fears for the Hungarian minority in
: Serbia.
: In their effort to sustain morale in NATO countries, Prime Minister Tony
: Blair of Britain and other Western officials hammered away at the themes
: Serbian barbarity and their own faith that the air war would shake Mr.
: Milosevic and scatter his forces in Kosovo.
: But their show of confidence had to contend with new disclosures about the
: shortcomings of NATO's air campaign.
: As Mr. Blair announced that raids had destroyed half of Serbia's fleet of
: Russian-made MiG-29s, Western officials in other countries reported that
: Serbian forces had stepped up their use of helicopters and low-flying
: aircraft to intensify their repressive campaign against civilians in
: Overall, the air war has destroyed only about a tenth of the Serbian
: military capabilities, General Jean-Pierre Kelch, chief of the French
: general staff, said Tuesday in Paris.
: NATO's civilian spokesman, Jamie Shea, said that despite the air attacks,
: Belgrade had been able to send ''about 8,000'' more troops into Kosovo.
: A Pentagon spokesman later lowered that estimate, putting the Serbian
: reinforcements at 3,000, based on satellite observations. But the U.S.
: official, who put total Serbian military strength in Kosovo at 43,000 men,
: said that Belgrade had managed to beef up the paramilitary police units
: were continuing to drive out inhabitants, burn buildings and in some cases
: execute male Kosovars.
: In what Mr. Shea called ''a kind of anti-humanitarian corridor,'' Serbian
: forces apparently were driving about 150,000 Kosovar refugees away from
: province's northern border near Serbia and toward Pristina, the provincial
: capital, implying that Mr. Milosevic was pursuing a systematic emptying of
: the area near Serbia, perhaps with an eye to partition, and also perhaps
: rounding up the civilians as a final shield against allied air attacks.
: With Western officials still ruling out any attempt to use ground troops
: confront the Serbian forces or even create limited perimeters of safe
: for Kosovars, NATO sought to gain more angles of attack for its growing
: armada in enlisting the cooperation of Bulgaria and Romania. Both are
: non-NATO countries that want to join the alliance, so parliamentary
: of the governments' consent is likely, officials in Brussels said.
: Albania, straining under the refugee influx and threatened with Serbian
: attacks, already has sought to cast itself as a country that has become a
: ward of NATO as it has handed over its military facilities to alliance
: needs. It issued an appeal for massive Western aid after the conflict.
: The spearhead of a low-level air assault on Serbian tanks, 24 U.S.-made
: Apache Longbow attack helicopters were due to arrive at their newly built
: base in Albania on Tuesday, three weeks after NATO asked for them.
: Hampered by mud in their improvised base, which U.S. advance teams
: apparently built in a low-lying area near a larger airfield, the Apaches
: will only become operational in a week, officials said.
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: ~~~~~~~~~~~~
: A<>E<>R
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: new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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