>Status: U
>Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 23:46:14 -0600 (CST)
>From: Marc Frucht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Sender: kokopeli@earth
>To: Williams Institute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Ex NY City cop speaks out (fwd)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 15:47:01 GMT
>Newsgroups: alt.org.food-not-bombs
>Subject: Ex NY City cop speaks out
>Richard Manning "Expatriate Letters"
> http://i.am/expatriate
>As a former NYC teacher (P/T), Youth Board Gang Worker and Police
>Dep't Detective (Special Frauds Bureau) who went to Vietnam in 1967 as a
>and Operations Officer with the CIA : I confirm what Hackworth says is the
>absolute truth concerning the wholehearted selfishness of our 'leadership',
>BOTH military and civilian. The exceptions were, like Hackworth, those few,
>most rare, men who had the moral courage to put honest loyalty to America and
>humane values for the slaughtered Vietnamese BEFORE their personal whims,
>vices, crimes AND careers. Vietnam was unusual, for it was a most SENSUAL,
>SEXY, war for the upper-echelon leadership; not just the average high tech
>violence done to so many another yellow-skinned (or brown or black) inferiors
>in our history.
>Most of the above leadership in Vietnam were - besides being moral
>cowards - also physical cowards who never had to defend themselves or
>their men with a weapon facing our 'enemy'. This double cowardice is
>the 'why?' behind their support of a techno war; one using twice the
>total WW-II tonnage of bombs against a 3rd World country - an agrarian
>with almost no industry and few viable military targets; and none to speak of
>after 1968.
>Due to this, Hackworth's comments should be understood as even more
>strongly applicable to the US Navy and US Air Force - push-button jet
>jockeys dropping everything from napalm, cluster bombs, white
>phosphorus, chemicals and high explosives on an almost exclusively
>civilian population. Returning afterwards to their hot showers, clean
>white sheets and Playboy R & R machismo hobbies. Hackworth may have
>been an officer but he was something much more than a grunt with
>shoulder insignia, for in facing the enemy on the ground he learned
>the truth, and then had the wholly GREATER moral courage it takes to
>step out of line and tell it to the people he really served - the US
>public. It takes that kind of hero to go around his disloyal military
>brass and his dishonest Presidents.
>Least we forget, let's not leave out the CIA : for it was their Col.
>Lansdale and his illegal and totally immoral coterie of little boys
>playing top secret spooky games who actually started the war
>beginning in 1954. We must remember, it was the CIA, using mostly
>detached military personell, who invaded and attacked the Vietnamese,
>both North and South. Neither the so-called 'north'
>Vietnamese nor the old Viet Minh in the 'south' ever did anything
>against America or any American until they had been tortured and
>assassinated to the tune of over 200,000 dead and wounded (by
>1960), mostly civilians with the wrong sympathies.
>So there were only a very few, like Hackworth, McGehee and I
>(presuming to put myself in their good company), who had the awareness and
>balls to go against the Pentagon's and The Company's
>lies and cover ups and murder and torture while we were in-country.
>Richard Manning
>Ass't Operations Officer, Phan Thiet; Plans Officer, Nha Trang; Op &
>Plans Officer, Ba Ngoi (Cam Ranh)
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