The Hague - Netherlands
New York Senator "wannabe", First Lady Hillary Clinton took the
podium at a U.N. population conference and urged an end to what
she called "forced family planning".  Ms. Clinton's speech was
seen as a thinly veiled critique of the Communist Chinese policy
of forced abortion and sterilization.

Pregnant Chinese women who do not have the proper license are
arrested, forcibly aborted and are often sterilized, depending
on the charges made by the communist People's Armed Police
(PAP).  There are no Court proceedings and PAP warrants can be
issued on suspicion of illegal pregnancy.

During the Nuremburg trials of Nazi leaders, forced abortions
and acts of forced sterilization were ruled "war crimes".

Ms. Clinton addressed 1,500 delegates in what was billed to be a
world conference to empower women.  Mrs. Clinton's sudden
awareness of the communist Chinese policy is a propaganda ploy
aimed at the remains of the tattered feminist movement in the
post "Monica" world of Clinton lovers.

President Clinton, accused of his own "forced family planning"
in the White House, helped the red Police enforce the inhuman
policy.  President Clinton authorized the sale of secure
Motorola radios and cellular phones to the People's Armed Police
in July 1995.

PAP orders to arrest, abort and sterilize are given over a
secure Motorola radio system exported to the Chinese Gestapo
with the loving approval of Bill Clinton.  Motorola CEO Gary
Tooker personally thanked Ron Brown for his efforts in obtaining
the Clinton "Presidential waiver".


"Co-President" Mrs. Clinton did not oppose the Motorola sale to
the murdering red Gestapo agents nor did she raise human rights
issues on her recent trip to China.

The Kremlin - Moscow.
First Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Maslyukov stated that Russia
may lose its nuclear capability and soon be passed by China.
Russian economic woes have left the aging ex-Soviet arsenal in a
state of rapid decay.  Western analysts predict Russian nuclear
arsenals will fall to 600 to 800 weapons by 2010 while China is
already engaged in a major missile expansion program.

"The only thing Russia is respected in the world and which makes
us worthy partners is our strategic missile forces," stated
former General Alexander Lebed.

Despite money troubles - all Russian political parties agreed in
the Duma that missile forces must be supported.  Russia is
currently fielding a new force of mobile SS-27 Topol M missiles
with the first deployment already taking place south of Moscow.

Taipei - Taiwan.
The Communist Chinese Second Artillery Corps is on vacation and
that should make everyone nervous.  When the PRC 2nd Artillery
steps out they like to party hard and take their toys with them.

The 2nd Artillery is the Communist Chinese strategic missile
force.  The boys from the Chinese missile corps are rolling over
100 SUVs (sport utility vehicles) on a grand tour of the Chinese
coast line opposite Taiwan along the straights of Formosa.

Of course, no red rocket trooper SUV is complete unless it is
armed with a Dong Feng - 15 or Dong Feng - 11 ballistic missile.
The 100+ PRC mobile missile units are reportedly equipped with
nuclear and chemical warheads.

Chinese Communist diplomats openly brag the PRC missile troop
vacation trip is designed to press Taiwan and Japan to NOT
deploy anti-missile defenses.  The pressure comes in a typical
belligerent red way - nuclear tipped missiles pointed at Taiwan
and Japan.

In February 1996, the 2nd Artillery dropped several DF-15 dummy
warheads only 20 miles off the Taiwan coast in a failed attempt
to influence Taiwanese elections.

Richmond - Virginia
In the spirit of TV hustler Jerry Faldwell outing Teletubbie
Tinky Winky and pornster Larry Flynt putting a million dollar
bounty on Republican sexual practices...  Softwar announces it
will launch a full investigation into allegations that Elmer
Fudd is gay, and Bugs Bunny is bi.

Evidence accumulated so far indicates that Fudd clearly speaks
with a distinct accent.  Fudd and Bunny have also engaged in on-
screen kissing, marriage scenes and have appeared dressed as
women in children's cartoons.  Bunny is married and is confirmed
to have fathered 1.98327 * 10^21 children.

So far, no comment from any of the above toon stars, including
Flynt and Faldwell.

The Commerce Dept. - Washington, D.C.
A spokesthing for the Imperial Atomic Martian Navy said there is
"no evidence" that Ron Brown met with Marvin the Martian to
arrange a Presidential waiver for the export of a uranium Q-38
space modulator.  U.S. export trade laws cover uranium Q-38
space modulators under the Toon Munitions List (TML).  They can
only be licensed for export by the BATF (Bureau of Animated Toon

The official IAMN spokesthing also denied that little green men
met Ron Brown just before his death.  According to the Commerce
Dept. and the DNC, the guys in the green suits with red stars
that met with the Commerce Secretary were Leprechauns come to
wish Brown a happy flight into Bosnia - AND NOT Chinese Army
officers seeking the export of missile technology.

According to the DNC, the large donations attributed to the
Chinese Army were actually proceeds from a pot'o gold donated
legally by the Leprechauns through their international union -
ELF (Elfin Liberation Front).


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
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