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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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Date:   Friday, February 12, 1999 11:57:37 AM
Subj:    Millstein

                          MILLSTEIN'S RABIN FILE IN ENGLISH
                                by Barry Chamish

    Professor Uri Millstein's book The Rabin File caused a sensation when
published in Hebrew four years ago because it shattered the myth of Yitzhak
Rabin-War Hero. Relying heavily on first hand eye-witness reports, Millstein
presented a portrait of Rabin-Sniveling Coward. Summarizing his findings,
Millstein writes:

           Rabin's military career lists the following documented events:
fled from the battlefield,
           was relieved of battalion command, relieved twice of brigade
command, collapsed under
           strain as Chief-of-Staff...Rabin is entirely a myth, without a
single concrete military
           achievement...But incriminating Rabin is not "politically
correct" and even the
           opponents of his policy refrain from doing so. Hence the
political-cultural system in
           Israel encourages coverups and misrepresentation, thus preventing
exploring the whole
           truth and ensuring future failures.

   Gefen Books ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - 1 800 477 5257) has just
released The Rabin File in English and it is a revelation. Reading Millstein
in Hebrew is tough slogging but the Gefen translation is a major improvement
in style. The book has become fast-paced and highly accessible...and twice
as disturbing for those of us personally concerned about Israel's security.
   The story Millstein tells is of a young man placed in high military
command, in large part, due to deference to his mother, a famous left-wing
activist. Without consideration given to his character, Rabin provesto be a
hopeless batallion and brigade commander. In his sole test under fire, on
April 20, 1948, Rabin fled an ambushed convoy under the pretext of gathering
reinforcements. However, once he reached safety, he chose not to return to
the battleground where dozens of his men lay wounded and dying, preferring
to take a nap. A month later he slept at the soldiers' hostel in Jerusalem
while 44 men of the Harel Brigade he led, died on the rocky slopes of Nebi
Samuel, barely five miles away.
   So how did Rabin rise to the top of the ranks? Accidentally, it turns
out. In June, 1948, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion ordered an arms ship,
the Altalena sunk off the coast of Tel Aviv. The ship belonged to the rival,
right wing organization, the Irgun and standing on its bridge was Ben
Gurion's political opponent Menachem Begin. Ben Gurion found a willing
officer, Yigal Yadin, who was prepared to sink the ship with artillery but
no soldier or officer was prepared to actually shoot the Irgun men swimming
to shore.
   Into Palmach headquarters walked Yitzhak Rabin to visit his girlfriend
Leah. Ben Gurion realized that only the far-left Palmach had been inculcated
with enough Irgun hatred to actually shoot dead helpless men swimming away
from a burning ship. Since Rabin was the highest-ranking officer in the
building, he gave the order to murder and fourteen Jewish men fell dead from
his bullets. To prevent the ugly truth from reaching the public, thereafter
Ben Gurion felt obliged to advance Rabin's military career.
   Most of the Rabin File is not about Rabin himself but about myth-making
and the cost in lives to the Israeli people. Rabin was not the only officer
to disgrace himself in the War Of Independence: Yigal Allon, the "hero" of
the war, never once stepped onto a raging battlefield. Those who did,
including Uzi Narkiss, Yitzhak Sadeh, Yohai Bin-Nun, Chaim Bar Lev and Yosef
Tabenkin displayed the same lack of nerve and judgement as did Rabin from
   The result was the loss of 6000 men, 1% of the Jewish population of
Israel and 10% of its finest young men. Nor does Millstein allow us to
forget that Rabin's Harel Brigade also lost the holiest neighborhoods of
Jerusalem and the most vital strategic settlements everywhere but west of
the city. So how did Israel survive the war at all? Mostly because of the
courage and determination of lower-ranked officers and their men, plus the
incompetence of the enemy.
   And this, insists Millstein is Rabin's legacy: The IDF to this day
advances its most incompetent and scandal-ridden officers, they eventually
enter the top ranks of the political system and the country pays the price.
   From personal experience, I could not agree more. Almost everyone who
serves in the IDF asks: How did we ever win? And comes to the conclusion:
The other side must really be incredibly hopeless. From the first day of
training, I noticed that our highest ranking commanders were misfits but
their underling officers were usually admirable. The results eventually were
tragic. Allow me to give some real-life examples:

    - I served in a medium-range anti-aircraft batallion. Our division
commander constantly molested the women in our unit, appointed screwed-up
officers to command us, while relegating the better-fit officers to languish
forever as lieutenants. A humiliating and incomprehensible regimen had so
lowered morale that I made an appointment to meet Chaim Laskov, then-chief
ombudsman for the Israel Defence Forces. I warned him that there was going
to be a tragedy soon if the officers weren't replaced. The warning was
ignored and within four months there were two suicide attempts, one
successful, the other leaving the young soldier a vegetable for life. The
division commander was not drummed out of the service, he was given a
lateral promotion as warden of a large military stockade.
    - However, the policy of promoting misfits continued. One soldier was a
thief and liar. But he was also scion of a well-placed Labor Party family.
By the time of the Lebanon War in 1982, he was a first lieutenant. By then,
I had transferred to a short-range missile unit and also fought in the
Lebanon War. By the fourth day of the fighting, many in our unit were
begging to be dismissed from duty, some out of cowardice, others for
legitimate reasons. Only one soldier was granted this request, our division
commander, the highest ranking officer in the battlefield. Nonetheless, my
division acquitted itself well, knocking down three Syrian Migs. My previous
division, meanwhile, became a laughing stock when they missed a squadron of
attacking Migs because the officers had not ordered the safety pins removed
from the missiles in time.
    - I served in a large air force base. Every night for two months we were
ordered to take up positions to catch an arsonist who eventually started 32
fires on the base. When he was finally trapped, he turned out to be the base
fire chief, who thought he could advance in rank if he was needed more.
During the same period, a disgruntled cook dumped rat poison in salad and
poisoned 780 soldiers, almost killing two. We were reminded by our officers
that as soldiers we were forbidden to speak to the media. I didn't care
anymore. I phoned Haaretz military affairs reporter Zeev Schiff and told him
there was a coverup ordered to hide a mass poisoning on one of the IDF's
most important air bases. The story became a national scandal. The case
commander was removed only a few years later, replaced by Defence Minister
Rabin with Aviem Selah, Jonathan Pollard's handler, amply rewarded for his

   During the Lebanon War, there were three axes of attack. Only the middle
axis failed miserably to reach its targets. And two of the commanders of
this axis, Dan Shomron and Amiram Mitzneh were chosen by Defence Minister
Rabin to put down the intifada in 1987. He chose to advance officers like
himself, incompetent and scandal- ridden and a tiny protest, which could
have been put down in days, turned into a relentlessly bloody revolt.
   And there was another officer in the central axis that Rabin chose to
advance instead of the successful commanders of the coastal and eastern
axes: then-colonel Ehud Barak. The most tragic blunder of the Lebanon War
was the ambush at Sultan Yaacob in mid-July, 1982 during which 22 IDF
soldiers died. For years, the question of who gave the order to advance into
the ambush was covered up by the IDF. In 1994, the head of Northern Command
Gen. Avigdor Ben Gal broke his silence and he was backed by his then chief
of intelligence Col. Mickey Shatz. While Ben Gal was on a jeep patrol, Barak
ordered the advance into Sultan Yaacob, entirely on his own initiative. To
this day, the families of five soldiers captured by the enemy have not been
told of their sons' fate, nor have their bodies been returned, all to cover
up the fiasco and to protect Barak.
   Five more families mourned their sons in 1991, when Barak commanded a
training exercise at the Tzeelim base in the Negev Desert. A rocket landed
on the soldiers, and wounded seven others. Barak got into his helicopter
before any of the wounded were evacuated and flew to Tel Aviv to coordinate
a coverup with Rabin. The nation was told the whole truth couldn't be
released because Barak was planning a highly secret mission to eliminate
Saddam Hussein. When this lie failed to convince the families of the dead
soldiers, they were placed under heavy surveillance until they were worn
down and too exhausted to continue their fight for justice.
   Now we've got elections and look who the main candidates are: Barak,
Mordechai, Lipkin-Shahak and Netanyahu, all former IDF officers. Netanyahu
is the only candidate with an unblemished military record and he only rose
to the rank of captain. The rest are former chiefs-of-staff. Barak is the
worst of the lot but Generals Yitzhak Mordechai and Amnon Lipkin-Shahak
while in command of the IDF, found no creative or courageous solutions to
the Lebanon quagmire, which saw over a hundred of our finest young men
killed during their tenures, and left the IDF demoralized and weak. If a
ragtag bunch of terrorists like Hizbullah can walk all over the finest
soldiers of the IDF, one can only contemplate in dread what might be the
result of a war with real armies. Lipkin-Shahak's military solution was to
lead the withdrawal negotiations with the PLO, a fine example of fighting
spirit for all the soldiers of the IDF.
   The upcomimg elections prove that the main contentions of Uri Millstein's
The Rabin File are right on the money. May all who love Israel read the
book, draw the only possible conclusions and demand fundamental reforms to
the Israeli military and political systems.

The author's book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin is available from and will soon be released as well by Gefen Books in Hebrew
and Russian editions.

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