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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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Date:   Thursday, February 11, 1999 07:51:48 AM
Subj:    The Purpose of the Tippit Killing

Dear Blue:

On 2/9/99, regarding the JFK-Tippit Body Swap at url:

Blue Resonant Human wrote:

"I don't get it.  I mean, you make a good case for the Tippet swap but ...
why?  What precisely would this have accomplished?  We all know the Warren
Commission stuf was utter horseshit and no one's been able to trust old
Magic Bullet Specter since.  So what?  Where does that leave us?"

I've thought this out (I believe in a coherent manner) and my answer to this

One might well say that Tippit's body was "the getaway vehicle" for the
master planners and their crews (Ruby street team  (back & throat shots),
James Files on Grassy Knoll, shooters in Dal-Tex Building,  atop County
Records Building and Criminal Courts Building, and the newly unveiled
shooter atop the Pergola (behind and above both Zapruder and William Newman)
codenamed "Max", the OAS professional assassin's seal on the killing ).

Since JFK's real body was riddled from the front AND the back with both
pistol fire and rifle shots, the real body presented to any autopsist
(rather than emergency room personel who's main focus was saving the victim
by tending to the worst wound) would reveal the prescence of a multiplicity
of assassins shooting from various high and low angles.

By murdering Tippit with a premeditated and prescribed single head shot
traversing the brain from a right temple to a high occipital point, a brain
was provided which inarguably had been traversed by A Single Bullet.  The
brain specimen (Tippit's surgically slain brain) bolstered the single gunman
theory because, in fact, it was a TRUE AND VERITABLE SINGLE GUNMAN'S WOUND,
ergo, one man's work.

Without Tippit's death and body as the lynchpin of both the getaway plan
and, equally important, as "the prop" used to incriminate Lee Harvey of both
murders, the plan could not have succeeded.

Furthermore, as evidence indicates now that Tippit was an active
participant, namely "Badgeman" and the cop who led the Tramps to safety
before being dispatched to Arlington, the idea of eliminaing  Tippit makes a
lot of sense in getting rid of an unreliable element (Loose Lips Sink Ships)
and would also save the planners a lot of money (if a big payoff was
involved, which I believe is evident).  I figure Tippit's cut would have
been around $50,000 if we believe James Files story of getting $30,000 for
his role from Nicoletti.  $50,000 is exactly what Mrs. Tippit got from Abe
Zapruder alone after he donated his first year's payment of Z Film royalties
to the grieving widow.  This is before the $600,000 she got in donations
from sympathetic supporters of the "young hero", described as a "poor dumb
cop" by one of the TWO men  present at his shooting.

The swapping of the photos was key to conning the Parkland doctors that they
had been in error in regard to the nature of the throat wound.  Tippit's
pictures were used to browbeat Dr. Malcolm Perry and others into doubting
their own observations and their own sanity.  The customized "HoaX-rays" of
Tippit's skull and the supporting forensic evidence provided by the
correctly corresponding brain specimen is the cornerstone of the Warren
Commission's medical report.

So you see, it was really smart to get rid of Tippit.

Blue Resident Human asks "where does that leave us?"

RDM*: Well, now,  that leaves us with the following:

The Mastermind had to have known both Tippit and JFK to see and to know that
the similarity between them was so close that job could be done and gotten
away with "Scot Free" (pardon the expression).

We then have the following participants:

1. Those who set Tippit up at 10th & Patton          (most likely by phone);

2. The shooter(s?), 2 men, one or both possible shooters;

3. Body snatchers;

4. Autopsist(s);

5. Surgeon (described by Dr. Charles Crenshaw as a "butcher" who altered the
throat wound).

Tippit had no throat wound but it was known that JFK did, ergo, Tippit had
to be provided with a facsimile of a "throat wound" but it had to insure
that the "correct interpretation" of its nature would be "wound of exit" and
not "wound of entry" as every doctor in Parkland had "wrongly" concluded.

6. Barber (Tippit's body was shaved);

7. Cosmetologist (Tippit's eyebrows were plucked quickly leaving the area
looking red and raw around the brow.  The area around the real Tippit entry
wound was waxed and made up to conceal some of the cheek bruises Tippit
suffered in falling face down;

8. Photographer(s?) in Parkland Hospital (where the photos were actually

9. Body swappers who pulled the switch somewhere in Parkland or Love Field;

10. Ambulance and drivers;

11. Receivers at Andrews AFB, Walter Reed  Army Hospital and Bethesda, most
likely very high echelon brass.  U.S. Army took over management of the
orchestration of the autopsy on a U.S. Naval Base.

I could go on but I think that the logic works out very clearly.  The now
debunked "Stare of Death photos" in and of themselves demonstrate
self-evidently the vast nature of the plot to slay JFK.

Hope that this answers some of your questions. Thanks for your reply and
your inquiry.


Robert Morningstar
author, "Justice For JFK"

p.s.  To "Sir Richard", please post this if you have some space-time for it.
Thanks, RDM.

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