The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-100, Day 72, Update 2
June 3, 1999; 8:30PM EDT


Phoenix                         1. Milosevic Is No Prince Lazar; More 
                                          Like Vuk Brankovic

London                          2. When Others Converted, the Serbs Didn't

Belgrade                        3. "The Night Will Always Belong to Us"

Phoenix                         4. Who Won and Who Lost?


1. Milosevic Is No Prince Lazar; More Like Vuk Brankovic

PHOENIX, June 3 - "Capitulation!"  With this single word, a Belgrade
resident summed up the "peace agreement" reached today, after the
discussions between the Russian envoy, Viktor Chernomyrdin, and the Finnish
president, Martti Ahtisaari, with the Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic.  

Yugoslav parliament approved the agreement by a 136-74 vote in a special
closed session this morning, as the Radical Party pulled out of the
coalition government with Milosevic's Socialist Party.  "We shall not sit
in the government and await the arrival of NATO troops in Kosovo," said
Vojislav Seselj, the Radical Party's leader.

"Chernomyrdin stabbed us in the back," the above Belgrade resident added.
Predictably... as he had done to Russia in Chechnya.  As we have said
several times before, "no friend of Al Gore can be a friend of the Serbs"
(see S99-69, Day 45, Update 1, Item 1, May 7; S99-73, Day 49, Update 1,
Item 1, May 11 and S99-79, Day 53, Update 1, Item 3, May 15).

"You were right all the time about 'Chernobill'," was the reaction of a
Serbian-American theology professor from Indiana.  "Weep Serbdom!"

"Why did it take him so long to betray us?", another Serb resident told us,
referring to Milosevic.  "We could have had the same result with far fewer
lives lost."

Belgrade and much of Serbia was appropriately in darkness this evening, its
lack of electricity, due to earlier NATO strikes, symbolizing this moment
of darkness in Serb history.  

Almost 610 years ago, the Serb Prince Lazar faced similar choices.  Unlike
Milosevic, however, Prince Lazar chose the heavenly, over the earthly
kingdom.  Here's a poem about it from the epic cycle of Kosovo:

                     Prince Lazar of noble ancestry!
                     Which kingdom will you choose?
                     Will you choose the earthly kingdom?
                     Or you will choose the heavenly kingdom?
                     If you choose the earthly kingdom…
                     All your army will perish,
                     And you, Oh Prince, will die with them"

                     After the Prince heard these words,
                     He pondered all sorts of thoughts:
                     "Dear God, what shall I do and how shall I?
                     Which kingdom shall I choose?
                     Shall I choose the earthly kingdom?
                     Or shall I choose the heavenly kingdom?
                     The earthly kingdom lasts only a brief time,
                     But the heavenly kingdom always and forever."

                     So the Prince chose the heavenly kingdom..
                     Then the Turks mounted their attack against Lazar.
                     And the Serbian Prince Lazar perished,
                     Together with his entire army,
                     Seventy-seven thousand a number,
                     And all was holy and honorable
                     And acceptable to gracious God…

So Milosevic is no Prince Lazar.  This turncoat communist is more akin to
Vuk Brankovic, a traitor who failed to heed Prince Lazar's call to Battle
of Kosovo in June 1389, heralded here through the famous curse of Stefan

                     If any Serb, or man of Serbian birth,
                     Or any man of Serbian kith or kin,
                     If any such a man comes not with me
                     To battle on the field of Kosovo -
                     Never shall he know a son or daughter;
                     Whatsoever he may touch shall wither;
                     Vineyard, field of wheat - his sweat and labor fruitless; 
                     And his generations barren!

Milosevic's betrayal was unfortunately all too predictable.  It was just a
matter of time and circumstances.  Here is, for example, an excerpt from a
column which this writer wrote on Oct. 11, 1998.  It was published by the
Washington Times on Oct. 25, 1998 under the title, "An Ugly Double Standard
in Kosovo Conflict" (the full text is available at our Web site -

"...Ever since the summer of 1994, Milosevic has been playing the role of a
"designated bogey," thus facilitating the realization of the U.S.
government's geopolitical aims in the Balkans, and the dismemberment of his
own country. In return for Milosevic's being such a good "bad guy,"
Washington has repeatedly propped him up when the Serbian people rose up
against this former communist.

But if, in the end, NATO does end up waging war against Serbia, even if
only to absolve Milosevic from the responsibility of giving up Kosovo, the
action will set a dangerous precedent. It will mean nothing less than the
end of national sovereignty and all inherent rights which sovereign nations
have enjoyed for centuries world over. As a result, any nation will now
have reasons to fear the capricious wrath of the "world's only remaining
superpower," the new neo-colonial Big Brother. Capricious, because the new
Big Brother's power is only based on a "might makes right" legal principle. 

For example, even if the Serbian government did do what the West is
accusing it of having done, and even if the protection of supposedly
endangered minorities is the overriding legal principle which outweighs the
issues of national sovereignty, how can one explain the fact that this only
applies to Serbia? The U.S./NATO never bombed Turkey over its atrocities
against the Kurds; or China over Tibet; or Indonesia over East Timor; or
Israel over its various enemies, including even extra-territorial military
assaults on neighboring countries; or Russia over Chechnya; or Great
Britain over Northern Ireland; or Spain over its treatment of the Basques; etc.

In short, NATO's involvement in the Balkans is NOT about protection of
civilians - Albanian or any other kind. It is about projection of power
into a political vacuum created by the end of the Cold War. And about
connecting NATO East (Turkey) with NATO West (Bosnia) - over the backs of a
small predominantly Orthodox Christian nation whose territory unfortunately
happens to intersect these NATO strategic interests. 

If the Serb leader had been smart, he would have realized all this, and
would have worked for his country to become a part of NATO, just as the
predominantly Orthodox Christian Greece is, for example. As it were,
Milosevic totally misread the geopolitical tea leaves around the end of the
Cold War. This former communist counted on the backing of the Soviet Union
as he chose to snub the world's biggest superpower (in the 1989-1990
period). When the Evil Empire collapsed, Milosevic was left stark naked,
without a friend in the world. And the Serbian people have been paying the
price for his arrogance and stupidity ever since.

In August 1994, Milosevic finally realized his error, turned coat, and
turned on the Bosnian Serbs, too (whom he had been supporting prior to
that). He became a western vassal, a "designated bogey," and a facilitator
of the destruction of his own people. What followed was NATO's bombing of
the Bosnian Serbs in August-September 1995; expulsion of some 250,000 Serbs
from Croatia; the Dayton "Peace Accords" - actually the terms of surrender
which Milosevic had signed in November 1995; and NATO's occupation of the
Serbian territories in Bosnia in early 1996.

And now, the next (Kosovo) phase of NATO's expansion in the Balkans is
about to unfold - with or without the bombing of Serbia. The "perpetual war
for perpetual commerce" globalist principle is being affirmed once again in
Kosovo. Which means that the U.S. and other western taxpayers can now start
playing an "eeney, meeney, miney, mo…" game of their own: How much money
and how many human lives will this overseas troops deployment cost us?
Americans can also ask why we don't zip out of office - PERMANENTLY - the
U.S. "Zippergate" officials who preach the virtue of chastity while
chastising virtue the world over?" 

2. When Others Converted, the Serbs Didn't

LONDON, June 3 - Early this morning, we received by fax from the U.K. a
copy of an article written by a Briton of Polish descent, headlined
"Serbia's Art and Soul."  The following excerpt from it may help you
understand why the Serbs fought and died for Kosovo:

"Gracanica? A strange church, as I remember it, with too many domes crowded
above too small a nave, located a few miles outside Pristina, and started
in 1313. The Turks burnt it down a few decades later. So the Serbs rebuilt
it. Burnt down and rebuilt, burnt down and rebuilt-the famous
ecclesiastical sites of Kosovo kept the Serbian embers glowing, for century
after century, with remarkable success.

So. When the Bosnians converted to Islam, the Serbs didn't. When the
Albanians converted to Islam, the Serbs didn't. For 500 years they believed
themselves to be fighting a Christian jihad on behalf of civilised West
against the invading eastern Muslims. When the Turks were finally expelled,
in the false dawn that preceded the Great War, in came the Bulgarians. And
the Austrians. And the Italians. Then the Nazis. Even more clearly than my
people, the Poles, the Serbs have had to define themselves through their
opposition to their neighbours. And their churches, packed to the rafters
with so much stern and rousing and ancient religious propaganda, have been
the chief artistic focus of that opposition.

So. When the Croats sided with Hitler, the Serbs didn't. When the Albanians
sided with Hitler, the Serbs didn't. Until, finally, in about 1960, under
the wonky tarpaulin of Tito's communism, the Muslim population of Kosovo,
swollen by wholesale illegal immigration from the mightily poor and
pseudo-Maoist Albania, and fattened by the strict Muslim forbidding of
birth control, finally overtook and out numbered the indigenous Serb
population. And 40 years of recent history began the process of attempting
to outweigh 700 years of historic struggle. Monasteries had stones thrown
through their windows (many had already been converted into mosques.)
Graves were desecrated. Churches were torched. It is to the defense of
those churches that the Serbs clearly believed they were rushing when they
invaded, so brutally and quickly, Kosovo and Metohija.

The coverage of the Kosovo conflict has, time after time, struck me with
its high-tech ignorance of these powerful low-tech causes. Not a word is
ever mentioned about the great Church art of Serbia. Not enough has been
devoted to the deep historical roots of the war. A few brief references
have been made to the historic Battle of Kosovo of 1389, but not with any
deep ambition to take it seriously. Not a line, that I have read, has been
quoted from the marvelous cycle of epic Kosovo poems with which the Serbs,
"a nation of (black)birds," have been indoctrinating their children, from
birth, since the victory of the Turks."

3. "The Night Will Always Belong to Us"

BELGRADE, June 3 - So now you know, too, why all those Serb men fought and
died in on the Field of Blackbirds - Kosovo, 610 years ago, as well as in
the last 72 days.  Thanks to Milosevic's and Chernomyrdin's betrayals, NATO
may eventually rule Kosovo in the daytime.  "But the night will always
belong to us," one normally mild-mannered Serb "city slicker," vowing to
take his revenge on the occupying forces.

One can understand the reasons for such deep anger.  Over 1,500 civilians
killed; 30% of them children, according to today's Tanjug news release.
Over 5,000 civilians wounded.  God only knows how many Serb soldiers have
been killed or injured by NATO during the last 72 days.  The entire urban
Serbia is in ruins... no electricity; no water this evening, as on many
recent days.  

Still people were prepared to endure all that, and then some, as long as
they felt united with their government and their army in opposition to the
foreign aggressor.

Milosevic may be prepared to forgive and forget such NATO barbarism in the
hope of spending a few more days in his earthly kingdom.  But the Serb
people never will.  Most of all, they will never forgive him - the new Vuk
Brankovic.  From this day forward, another Day of Infamy in this needless
war, the old Kosovo curse will be on Milosevic's head:

                     Whatsoever he may touch shall wither;
                     Vineyard, field of wheat - his sweat and labor fruitless; 
                     And his generations barren!

Today, June 3, is St. Constantin's Day.  May these verses from this day
forward also be known as St. Constantin's Curse on Milosevic. And may the
Serb people have the courage to indict him and try him for triple treason -
of the Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia, and now in Kosovo - before the NATO
hyenas get their hands on someone who is so much like themselves.  And
then, may the night belong to the souls of those vanquished by the NATO war

4. Who Won and Who Lost?

PHOENIX, June 3 - This is the 100th Special TiM GW Bulletin published since
the start of NATO's war on Serbia.  And the war is still officially on.
But the main protagonists are already jockeying for positions during the
upcoming "peace process."  Or better make that the "piss process," if we
may borrow a phrase which Prof. J.P. Maher of Chicago uses in reference to
the Irish "piss process."

It is at times like this that we are usually asked the perennial question
which follows every war - who won?

Did NATO win?  

Of course, not.  Its reputation is in shreds, as is its credibility, both
militarily and politically.  As is Washington's and London's.  As long as
decent citizens of the world live and breathe, some will be pursuing the
NATO war criminals until justice is served, and they are prosecuted for
their war crimes in Serbia.  The presence of the Russian and other non-NATO
troops in Kosovo will also ensure that this terrorist organization will
have to share the spoils in Kosovo with other countries.

Did Milosevic win?  

Of course, not.  He may have bought himself some extra time on this earth
or out of prison, but he is unlikely to stay in power for much longer, as
he did when he betrayed the Serbs of Bosnia in Dayton.  It's now a toss up
as to who will get to him faster - some outraged Serbs or NATO.  Even if he
is a self-professed atheist, Milosevic should be praying to God as he did
when holding hands with Jesse Jackson that NATO wins this particular race.
For, if the Serb people get a hold of him and his communist wife now, they
are likely to end up as Romania's Ceausescu couple did in December 1989.

As if reinforcing this notion, the European Parliament President, Jose
Maria Gil-Robles, said today in Cologne, Germany, that the European Union
will not support any reconstruction program in Yugoslavia after the Kosovo
war as long as Milosevic remains in power. 

Did Russia win?

Of course, not.  At least not the "real Russia," whose outrage against NATO
the New World Order quislings, such as Boris Yeltsin and Viktor
Chernomyrdin, simply ignored.  Our Russian sources report that the Russian
delegation at the Belgrade talks was split down the middle, with the
military contingent strongly opposed to Chernomyrdin's betrayal of both the
Serb and the Russian interests.  Should Russia's military leaders one day
decide to do a little more than just verbally oppose the
Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin subservience to NATO, chances are that the Kosovo
"piss process" may explode right back into the NATO leaders' faces.

And obviously, neither the Serb nor the Albanian people won.  Both have
been victimized by their leaders as well as by NATO.

So is there anyone that won?

Yes.  The folks who planned and started the war - America's "death
merchants" and other multinational industrials, bankers and media outfits,
represented in the globalist organizations, such as Bilderbergers, the CFR,
the Trilateralists...  In other words, the money behind the NATO war
criminals (see S99-83, Day 57, Item 1, May 19 and many earlier TIM GW
Bulletins and Djurdjevic's columns/speeches).  

And even their victory may be short-lived.  For, the American and other
western taxpayers have now seen their ugly faces.  And what their money can
do to humanity.  Make that - our money, extorted from us, the taxpayers, by
their proxies, like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jean Chretien... and the lame
Congress or parliamentarians.  All we need to do is turn off that tap, and
we can start saving lives.
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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