The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.  

Issue S99-97, Day 70
June 1, 1999; 10:30PM EDT


Varvarin                         1. NATO Barbarians' Varvarin Carnage

Prizren                           2. Unexpected Double Encounters with the

Belgrade                        3. A War on Beasts, Not Just Civilians

Toronto                          4. NATO Leaders Have Taken Us Back to 
                                          Barbarism (a former Canadian

Brussels                         5. Broken Promises: "Declaration of
Belgrade                        6. A Serb Farmer Teaches "Marketing 101"


1. NATO's Barbarians' Varvarin Carnage

VARVARIN, May 31 - In our Special TiM GW Bulletin S99-94, Day 68, Item 1,
May 30, we brought you an initial report about the carnage on a bridge
struck on Sunday by the NATO barbarians in a small Serb town Varvarin,
whose name happens to mean Barbarian in Serbian. The following day, a group
of reporters visited the scene of devastation.  Here are some excerpts from
a story filed by an Irish reporter, Lara Marlowe, published by the Irish
Times on May 31. But we have to warn you, the text is not for the faint of

"Father Milevoj Ceric's headless body lay on the mortuary slab, just hours
after he said Mass. His black shoes were polished and his pale blue shirt
was still neatly tucked into the trousers of the black suit he had worn to
celebrate his villagers' feast day (Sunday). 

Father Milevoj's parishioners said he was about 50 years old, but it was
impossible to know what he looked like because his head - blown off in the
NATO air raid - was not found. 

The man lying next to him on the slab had his guts torn out by the
explosion, and his waxy, white arms were thrown back over his head as if in
panic or in horror. A handsome young man was one of eight bodies laid out
in the morgue, someone had put his legs beside him on the stretcher. 

NATO aircraft dropped their first bomb on the rusty old bridge across the
Morava River at 12.53 p.m. They came back 14 minutes later - as townspeople
including Father Milevoj, rushed out to help the victims of the first
explosion - and dropped two more bombs. 

"Ten people were killed. We don't know how many more have found graves in
the waters of the Morava", said Mr. Dragan Cavnic, the mayor of this pretty
town of 5,000. Forty people were still missing. 

Varvarin is famous for its rosé wine and vegetables. "Everybody knows today
is a religious holiday here. This has been our market day for centuries.
People from surrounding villages gather. They bombed as people were leaving." 

The NATO spokesman, Mr Jamie Shea, said: "Our policy hasn't changed.
Everything we attack is a military target. Just because there wasn't a tank
on the bridge, doesn't mean it wasn't a military target." 

But the bridge was too narrow for a tank to cross. Villagers said the two
NATO aircraft flew low. They believe that NATO planned to kill the maximum
number of people. 

Mr. Dragoljub Stanojevic, the principal of a local school, said: "If they
had bombed the bridge at night, I could believe it was a military target,
but on a Sunday when it was full of people?"
TiM Ed.: Of course, we can choose to believe the people like Jamie Shea.
Or we can choose to trust an independent eyewitness report by a western
journalist, like Ms. Marlowe.  Or we can choose to keep our heads in the

Whatever our choices, the Serbs and God know that this was a case of
premeditated murder of innocent civilians.  Twice over.  Including that of
a brave and unselfish priest, trying to help his parishioners injured
during the first strike.  Not only was the old, narrow bridge of no value
to the Yugoslav military, the local hotel, church and the town hall were
also damaged in the strike, as you saw from our initial report.

Anyone who saw Jamie Shea this Sunday practically gloat on TV over this
NATO strike, arrogantly saying "tough luck" to all people killed and
injured in Varvarin, has got to feel sorry for this NATO spokesman and the
dogs of war he serves.  For, even if somehow they manage to escape
miraculously the gallows or dungeons on this earth, they should start
reading Dante's "Inferno" to see what awaits them after that.

2. Unexpected Double Encounters with the "Enemy"

PRIZREN, May 31 - A group of foreign journalists in Kosovo had two
unexpected encounters with the "enemy." First, they were bombed by the
people they thought were friends (as you saw in one of our weekend reports
(see S99-94, Day 68, Item 3, May 30).  Then, they were saved and treated
like royalty by the folks they thought were the enemy - the Serb Army.

One of the two injured reporters in the bombing incident in which one of
the drivers, Nebojsa Radojevic, was killed, was the London Times
correspondent, Eve-Ann Prentice.  Today (June 1), she wrote her own account
published by the Times.  

In the aftermath of the strike, "most of us were shouting and screaming -
trying to find the safest place to go. There was simply nowhere. The second
bomb hit and that was the moment I thought I was dead," Prentice wrote. 

She said she hid with a Portuguese colleague in a water culvert about six
feet in diameter. "The sound of four explosions was hideously menacing. It
seemed then as if the attack would never stop," she wrote. 

Twenty minutes after silence finally descended, "two enormous Yugoslav army
soldiers popped their heads over the edge of the culvert, held out their
hands and scooped me up in a second. One smiled a big grin and hugged me
like a father." 

She said they were taken to a nearby village, where "Serbs and Muslims
paraded out of their homes, and swarmed over us, proferring sweet drinks
and chairs to sit on in the street." 

Later they were driven several miles to an army base, where "we were given
some of the most royal treatment I have ever experienced."

"In this bizarre world, minutes after being almost killed by NATO, we were
being pampered and calmed and fed by the very people who the alliance are
trying to destroy," she said.

An army doctor treated her "miraculously light" injuries, she said, adding
that she suffered cuts and grazes to her legs, right arm and forehead. 
TiM Ed.: NATO had confirmed that one of its aircraft attacked a target near
the road where Prentice and other journalists were wounded, but had denied
attacking vehicles.  And so, the "lie and deny" beat goes on...  

Remember how they had also told us, for example, that the foreign
journalists had been kicked out of Serbia, Kosovo?  Guess, they must have
been referring to the spies on their payrolls masquerading as journalists.
No wonder they are so furious (or stupid?), to start attacking now even the
civilian vehicles, such as this convoy of journalists.

3. A War on Beasts, Not Just Civilians

BELGRADE, May 31 - Remember a story from our trip to Serbia, in late April,
headlined "Man's Best Friend Proves Its Worth as Dog of War?" (Day 30,
Update 1, Item 2, Apr. 22).  The article described how the dogs in Serbia
have now volunteered for extra duty of warning their owners about impending
NATO bombs - ahead of the air raid sirens.  This is especially valuable on
blackout nights, when NATO's bombing of power stations cuts of electricity,
thus disabling the sirens.

Well, we've just received a story about the Belgrade Zoo, which shows that
wild animals have joined the Serb dogs in their defense of humanity.
Unfortunately, it also indicates that the NATO beasts, as they are being
called by civilized Serbs these days, are killing and traumatizing the
animal world, too, not only the Belgrade residents.  

The source who sent us the story, a well known Belgrade radio personality,
scribbled a note: "Since 'they' (Americans, the West) evidently aren't fans
of humanity, but say that they adore the animals, let them read this:"

"The noise starts around half an hour before the bombs fall as the animals
in Belgrade zoo pick up the sound of approaching planes and missiles,
director Vuk Bojovic said. "It's one of the strangest and most disturbing
concerts you can hear anywhere.'' he said in an interview. 

"It builds up in intensity as the planes approach - only they can hear
them, we can't - and when the bombs start falling it's like a choir of the
insane. Peacocks screaming, wolves howling, dogs barking, chimpanzees
rattling their cages.'' 

And then there are the NATO victims about which reporters do not pester
their spokesmen.  "I had 1,000 eggs of rare and endangered species
incubating, some of them ready to hatch in a couple of days. They were all
ruined (when the electricity was cut). That's 1,000 lives lost.'' 

Meat in the zoo's freezer defrosted and went off, making it suitable only
to scavengers like hyenas and vultures. Belgrade people donated meat out of
their home freezers when the power went down, "but most of it wasn't even
fit for animals.'' 

The lack of water, also a result of NATO's strikes against power plants,
meant that some animals, particularly the hippos, were literally swimming
in their excrement, Bojovic said. 

"We had to give dirty drinking water to a lot of pretty delicate animals.
We won't know the effects of that for two or three months,'' Bojovic said.
While the zoo overlooks the confluence of two major rivers, the Danube and
the Sava, both are heavily polluted by chemical and industrial waste. 

The nightly air strikes, with their accompaniment of heavy anti-aircraft
fire lighting up the sky, has had other, possibly longer-lasting effects on
many of the animals, the director said.  Many of them aborted their young
in the latter stages of pregnancy. Many birds abandoned their nests,
leaving eggs to grow cold. "If they ever lay again, I just wonder what they
will do with them,'' he said. Even a snake aborted some 40 fetuses,
apparently reacting to the heavy vibration shaking the ground as missiles
hit targets nearby. 

The worst night the zoo can remember was when NATO hit an army headquarters
only 600 meters (yards) away, with a huge detonation.  "The next day we
found that some of the animals had killed their young,'' the director said.
"A female tiger killed two of her four three-day-old cubs, and the other
two were so badly injured we couldn't save them.'' 

"She had been a terrific mother until then, raising several litters without
any problems. I can't say whether it was the detonation or the awful smell
that accompanied the bombing. I personally think it was the detonation,''
he added. 

On the same night, an eagle owl killed all of its five young, and ate the
smallest of them. "It wasn't because she was hungry. I can only think it
was fear.'' 

The most disturbing case was of the huge Bengal tiger, 'Prince," who began
to chew his own paws. "He was practically raised in my office. He trusted

Looking up into the sky, Bojovic said the constant stream of NATO
war-planes, with their trails of polluting gases, threatened to disturb the
migration of several species of birds that pass over the area every year.
Some were heading north just as NATO's bombardment began. "They have always
used these corridors. I wonder whether they will ever do so again. I think
fauna right across Europe and beyond will feel the affects of this war for
a long time to come.'' 

The grimmest spinoff of the war, now in its third month, is the sight of
armed guards patrolling the zoo. "Their job is to shoot the animals if the
zoo gets bombed and some of them try and break out.''

4. NATO Leaders Have Taken Us Back to Barbarism (a former Canadian ambassador)

PHOENIX, June 1 - The former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, James
Bissett, has just launched a scathing attack on NATO, of which his country
is a member.  In an article published by the National Post on May 31 in the
National Post, Bissett said the bombing of Yugoslavia was a "colossal
failure," he called for an immediate end to this "war of annihilation
against the Serbian people."

When this writer first met Bissett at his office in Belgrade in September
1991, the civil war raging in Croatia, after this former Yugoslav republic
had seceded, along with Slovenia.  The Canadian ambassador, a native of
Winnipeg married to a Ukrainian-Canadian, was wearing three hats at the
time.  He was Canada's envoy to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albanian - not an
unusual situation back then, when many countries "economized" their
diplomatic representation in this, heretofore quiet part of the world.

And Bissett was just as prophetic back then, as he is vociferous in his
criticism of NATO today.  Here is an excerpt from this writer's diary for
Sept. 24, 1991:

"He feared that, if the fighting spread into Bosnia, the Albanians in
Kosovo may also start (making trouble).  But Ramiz Alia (then the Albanian
president) isn't in favor of any armed confrontation in Yugoslavia.  He's
got enough other problems to worry about.  In other words, Kosovo Albanians
are more militant than their Albanian counterparts.

For example, he (Bissett) described an incident during his recent (Sep/91)
visit to Tirana.  A group of Kosovo Albanians were partying at a
restaurant, and were getting quite rowdy.  They were shouting anti-Serbian
slogans, and calling for other Albanians to join them in the fight.  But no
one else in the restaurant cared to follow.  Finally, the police were
brought in to subdue the rebel-rousers."
TiM Ed.: In other words, what the preceding incident illustrates, is that
there was no "natural" animosity between the Albanians and the Serbs; only
the ethnic troubles being stirred up by the Washington crises factory,
through its backing of the Kosovo Albanian terrorists, now known as the KLA
(Kosovo Liberation Army).

Wonder how many of today's KLA leaders were at that Tirana restaurant
nearly eight years ago?
Meanwhile, back to the present time and war, here are some of the things
Amb. Bissett has said in his National Post piece: 

"It is time for NATO's political leaders to admit their unjust and
unnecessary war against Yugoslavia has been a colossal failure. It is time
to put an immediate end to the bombing before ground troops are engaged and
the war escalates. For 69 days the democratic countries of the West have
been systematically smashing to pieces a modern European state. None of
NATO's objectives has been achieved. The air strikes have degenerated into
a war of annihilation against the Serbian people.

Yugoslavia is a small country with a population of less than 10 million
people of whom approximately 65% are of Serbian origin. Even before the
bombing, its economy had collapsed as a result of economic sanctions. Its
leader was unpopular, and in the last municipal elections in Belgrade his
party received less than 20% of the vote. It was a country that presented
no threat either to its neighbors or to European security.

Despite this, our NATO leaders -- without consulting their parliaments or
their people -- have chosen to bomb Yugoslavia into submission. There
should be no misunderstanding about this. NATO is using the most dreadful
weapons of modern warfare: cluster bombs and cruise missiles. Many of the
weapons being used contain depleted uranium, which will spread deadly
radioactive dust throughout the region, contaminating for generations
water, soil and crops. It may come as a surprise to many Canadians to
realize Canada is the major supplier of depleted uranium to the U.S.
military complex.

NATO's unprovoked attack is a blatant violation of every precept of
international law. It is a violation of the Final Act of the Conference On
Security and Co-operation in Europe, signed in Helsinki in August, 1975,
which reaffirmed respect for sovereign equality, the inviolability of
frontiers, the peaceful settlement of disputes, non-intervention in
internal affairs, and the avoidance of the threat or use of force. It is a
violation of NATO's own treaty by which it undertakes "to settle any
international dispute... by peaceful means... and to refrain from the
threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the
United Nations." [...]

If NATO felt compelled to intervene militarily in what was a relatively
low-grade armed rebellion in Yugoslavia, why then did it not follow the
rules and go before the United Nations Security Council seeking authority
to intervene? We are told NATO did not do so because it was assumed Russia
or China might have vetoed such an action. But this is precisely why the
founders of the UN stipulated that before there could be intervention in a
sovereign state there must be agreement by all five of the great powers. [...]

To their everlasting shame, our NATO leaders have chosen war over peace in
Kosovo. They have abandoned diplomacy in favor of bloodshed. They have
taken us back to the Cold War and the arms race. They have smashed the
framework of world security. They have guaranteed that we will start the
new century as we did this one, with killing and carnage. They have left us
with a terrible legacy. With six months to go before the millennium, they
have taken us back to barbarism."

For the full text of Ambassador Bissett's column, check out:

5. Broken Promises: "Declaration of Brussels" (1983)

BRUSSELS, Dec. 9, 1983 - The world was still in the midst of the Cold War,
less than three months after a Korean 747 jetliner was shot down, prompting
President Ronald Reagan to call the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire."  Yet,
here was a declaration issued by the NATO countries' foreign ministers,
following their Dec. 9, 1983 meeting in Brussels, which meekly said that
NATO would "never attack anyone." 

The Serb and Albanian civilians especially may cringe when they read the
kiss-Soviet ass NATO "Declaration of Brussels." For, this communiqué sounds
as if NATO leaders were quaking in their boots at the time.  

Which was probably true at the time.  The Russian people should contemplate
how so few of their leaders managed to lose so much so fast for so many...
And then get rid of their current crop of NATO quislings, before what's
happening to Serbia today, starts occurring in the country which had once
instilled such fear in Brussels:

                              "Declaration of Brussels

                        Issued by the Foreign Ministers
                 at the North Atlantic Council Meeting Brussels

We, the representatives of the sixteen member countries of the North
Atlantic Alliance, reaffirm the dedication of the Allies to the maintenance
of peace in freedom. 

Our Alliance threatens no one. None of our weapons will ever be used except
in response to attack. We do not aspire to superiority, neither will we
accept that others should be superior to us. Our legitimate security
interests can only be guaranteed through the firm linkage between Europe
and North America. We call upon the Soviet Union to respect our legitimate
security interests as we respect theirs. 

We are determined to ensure security on the basis of a balance of forces at
the lowest possible level. Faced with the threat posed by the Soviet SS-20
missiles, the Allies concerned are going forward with the implementation of
the double-track decision of 1979. The ultimate goal remains that there
should be neither Soviet nor United States land based long-range INF
missiles. The deployment of US missiles can be halted or reversed by
concrete results at the negotiating table . In this spirit we wish to see
an early resumption of the INF negotiations which the Soviet Union has
discontinued (1). 

We urge the countries of the Warsaw Pact to seize the opportunities we
offer for a balanced and constructive relationship and for genuine
detente."  [...]

Brussels, Dec. 9, 1983
TiM Ed.: The rest of the "Declaration of Brussels" is available at NATO's
own Web site:  Read it and
weep... For the good old times of the Cold War.

6. A Serb Farmer Teaches "Marketing 101"

BELGRADE, June 1 - So NATO thinks that its air strikes against the
supposedly "communist Serbia" will teach this small Balkan country how to
become more capitalist?  More likely, the NATO red socialist neo-fascists
can learn a trick or two about real capitalism from the simple Serb farmers.

Like the guy from the village of Lestana, south of Belgrade, who tried to
sell two crates of his cherries at the Bajloni Pijaca, one of the farmers'
markets in the Serb capital.  He brought along with him a "stealth" piece
of a shot-down NATO plane. Which he picked out of his meadow.

Which, of course, is an impossibility, we know, according to the "lie and
deny" Washington-Brussels news spinsters.  Nevertheless, such "miracles" do
attract attention at the Belgrade farmers markets these days.  And some
interested buyers.

"How much do you want for this piece of NATO trash?" one interested
Belgrade buyer asked, overlooking the fresh cherries next to it.

"100DM," replied the farmer (about $60, or a third of most people's monthly

That's when the would-be buyer of the NATO souvenir realized he had just
attended this Serb farmer's "Marketing 101" class.  Having attracted
everyone's attention to his overpriced piece of NATO trash, the farmer had
sold out of his cherries at a price 50% higher than that of anyone else at
the Bajloni market!
TiM Ed.: And those are the kinds of people the NATO morons are hoping to rule?
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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