Interesting site

Scots Members of the French Nobility
One peculiar aspect of the "auld alliance" between France and Scotland
(founded on the common enmity with England) was the existence of French
titles held by Scots nobles. These notes discuss three known cases: the
earls of Douglas, the Stuarts of Darnley and the earl of Arran. They also
discuss the case of another Scottish family which was granted a quarter of
France in their arms, namely and Kennedy. Finally, the case of Montgomerie
is discussed: their arms are identical with those of France, but it seems to
be a coincidence.

Stuart of Darnley
See also The Great Hall of the Clans for more information on Scots clans and

1415 had been a bad year for France: the army of Henry V of England defeated
the French at Agincourt (Azincourt in French) and the French nobility was
decimated. English troops occupied Northern France, and the treaty of Troyes
(1420) was imposed on the mad king Charles VI and his divided court. The
treaty provided for the marriage of Henry V with Charles VI's daughter, and
the accession of Henry V to the French throne upon the death of Charles VI,
passing over the Dauphin Charles, son of Charles VI.



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