Does The White House Tape Everything?

02.09.99 RMNews-- In an article published close to a year ago, and posted this
entire time on a web page, Rumor Mill News alerted its readers and the
American public about the White House Communications Agency.

In the article we posed the question, "How many people can blackmail a
President?"  We pointed out that the Navy runs the White House Communications
Agency (WHCA, pronounced "wakka").   We pointed out that they tape almost
everything. We also stated that Navy Intelligence permeates every aspect of
the Navy, and if the Navy was recording these tapes, then Navy Intelligence
has copies of them.

The focus of the article was blackmail, which would lead to treason, which
would lead to impeachment.  If impeachment was not successful, then the
alternative is assassination.  The article was titled:

Blackmail, Treason, Impeachment, Assassination

The article also posed questions about photos and tapes that were made in
Arkansas while Clinton was Governor.  What were in those tapes and photos and
who controls them? And is the President being blackmailed using these tapes?

If people like Charlie Trie and John Huang controlled the tapes, that would
mean that Communist China had items with which they could blackmail and
control the President of the United States of America. Are these tapes the
real reason behind the transfer of secret technology to Communist China?

The Communist Chinese could use these videos and photos to blackmail Bill
Clinton and force him to commit treason.  If treason was committed, then the
President could be impeached, if impeachment was not successful, then there
was one other alternative...

Many Congress people have quoted Benjamin Franklin in the past few months.
Regarding impeachment, Franklin said, "Impeachment is the alternative to

The following cryptic message appeared on my fax machine a few days ago.

Fax message from Source
"Ben Franklin said that 'impeachment is the alternative to assassination....'

"What if a Senate is too intimidated to convict and remove?"

Was my Source implying that if impeachment did not work that they would have
no alternative except one to remove the President?

RMNews Sources have implied that the Senate trial that is currently going on
is just a cover for the real trial.  Several months ago RMNews alerted its
readers to a secret military court that had summoned President Clinton to a
secret meeting at Ft. McNair.

It was speculated that the secret military court was set up to try the
President on charges of treason.  Since the treason charges could not be
brought into the light of day, without endangering national security secrets,
a sham Senate Impeachment Trial would be conducted to remove the President.

It appears as if the White House spin machine and the White House secret
police have been successful in intimidating the Senate.  Therefore, other
methods must now be employed.

The first method will be to force the White House to admit that there are
secret tapes of conversations which the White House heretofore has refused to
turn over to the Office of Independent Council under a subpoena.

While it is unlikely that these tapes will not change the public's opinion to
have him removed, it could very well change the Democratic Senators position.
Why is this?  Because the Democratic Senators will be forced to face the
possibility that more of the President's scandals will surface.  Since the
Senators don't know what could possibly surface, do they cast their own lot in
with the President by voting not to remove?  If they do this and other
information arises which implicates the President in treason, then will the
Senators that voted against removing the President be tainted by the suspicion
of Treason?

This alone, should be enough to get the attention of the Democratic Senators!
They must obtain the tapes that the White House Communications Agency has, if
only to protect their own behinds.

It has been brought to the attention of RMNews that WHCA tapes all calls the
President makes to foreign leaders.  It takes 15 minutes to set up the
equipment to tape these calls.  It is possible that WHCA has caught
conversations that were being taped in the 15 minutes it took to fully set up
the equipment.  Or at least, this is what WHCA will claim when they produce
tapes of Clinton's calls. To claim anything else could put them in jeapardy.

If the President or one of his aides, told WHCA to set up its equipment while
the President was talking to Monica or to someone else, then it is possible
that WHCA has recorded information that could lead to the resignation or
removal of the President. The information on these tapes will probably not
have anything to do with sex, it will probably show that thePresident is being
blackmailed and because of the blackmail he has committed treason!

One other piece of information that RMNews readers should consider right now
is that numerous Sources to RMNews have stated that White House Council Vince
Foster was brought up on charges of treason before this secret military court.
They found him guilty of aiding Jonathan Pollard in giving information to the
Israelis as well as selling nuclear launch codes.  These Sources have stated
that Foster was found guilty and the sentence was carried out.

Another piece of information that RMNews Sources have stated is that the four
gold stripe that Justice Rehnquist wears are indeed military stripes. He
carries the rank of a full Admiral. The story of Rehnquist putting them on his
sleeves because of a musical  is a cover story.

At the eleventh hour of the Senate Impeachment trial, someone alerted Senator
Lott of the existence of the White House tapes.  What is the purpose of this?
Is it to delay the trial while more back alley scurrying takes place?

The Senators which are being blackmailed have a hard decision to make.  Do
they vote to remove a President that they know is guilty of perjury and
obstruction of justice, and probably also of treason?  If they do, they open
themselves up to exposure of their worst crimes.

About ten years ago, a Capitol Hill pedophile ring was being run.  How many of
the current Senators were caught up in a pedophile scandal?  If you were one
of these Senators, what would you do?  Would you destroy yourself, your career
and your family?  Or would you vote with the majority of the Democrats and
save yourself?

One thing these Senators should know.  If the White House Secret Police has
proof of your indiscretions, then the CIA has it also.  And if the CIA has the
proof, then you can be sure that Navy Intelligence has it. And if they have,
you can be sure, they will release it if your vote does not please them.

Navy Intelligence seems to be running the Faction of the CIA that wants to
defeat the New World Order, and to defeat the NWO, it means removing President
Clinton before he can deliver this nation, into the jaws of a New World

Here is an article from the New York Post regarding the secret White House
tapes.  Also included will be the link to "Blackmail, Treason, Impeachment,
Assassination" as well as the actual article.

                            By VINCENT MORRIS, BRIAN BLOMQUIST and DEBORAH

                            WASHINGTON - In an 11th-hour surprise, Senate GOP
                            leader Trent Lott has drafted a letter asking
                            Sexgate prober Kenneth Starr to check if there's a
                            White House taping system that picked up Sexgate
                            chats, sources say.
                            "Based on press reports about an alleged White
                            taping system, it has been proposed to Lott that
                            proper authorities be engaged in finding the
                            Lott spokesman John Czwartacki told The Post last
                            Czwartacki declined to give details, but sources
                            said as of last night, Lott hadn't yet sent the
                            The latest twist comes as the Senate is racing
                            toward an impeachment vote on President Clinton by
                            Friday, with senators dead-set against any delay -
                            and so far well short of the 67 votes needed to
                            convict him.
                            One source insisted, "this isn't a fishing
                            expedition," and said there might be specific
                            for Starr to contact.
                            "There's no certainty that [tapes] exist," Sen.
                            Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) said on Fox News last
                            night, adding it would be "good news for everyone"
                            if tapes do exist because they'd reveal the truth.
                            Asked if there are any Sexgate-linked tapes of
                            President Clinton's phone calls, White House
                            spokesman Jim Kennedy last night said: "Not that
                            lawyers are aware of."
                            A central issue in Clinton's impeachment trial has
                            been whether, in phone conversations, he
                            urged Monica Lewinsky to lie (both of them deny
                            and what he told his pal Vernon Jordan about her.
                            Any hint of a White House taping system would
                            inevitably spark memories of Watergate, when
                            Nixon's tapes of conversations in the Oval Office
                            destroyed him.
                            But Nixon's system was a voice-activated bug in
                            room - at issue here is whether the Clinton White
                            House tapes phone calls.
                            When Fox News reported rumors of a White House
                            taping system last week, Clinton spokesman Joe
                            Lockhart said "there's no system that I'm aware

                            Lockhart added that "we certainly have the ability
                            to tape some phone calls. We do this when we do a
                            phone interview where we provide [reporters] with
                            transcript" but, by contrast, he said, phone calls
                            with foreign leaders aren't routinely taped.
                            The White House telephone system is run by a
                            military agency known as the White House
                            Communications Agency, which is under the
                            Kennedy, the White House spokesman, was unable to
                            say last night whether the taping used for Clinton
                            phone interviews is always in place or must be
                            specially set up.
                            In summations yesterday, Rep. Henry Hyde urged
                            senators to convict Clinton of impeachment charges
                            and shun the most appealing alternative - a
                            vote that leaves him in office - as a coward's way
                            In an unexpected attack, Hyde called censure "a
                            of avoiding the harsh constitutional option - and
                            it's the only one you have - of up or down on
                            Senators begin deliberations today on a verdict.
                            Unless 67 senators voteotherwise, that debate will
                            be behind closed doors.
                            During closing arguments in the five-week trial,
                            Hyde defended himself against White House claims
                            that the House prosecutors are trying too hard to
                            win the case.
                            "None of the [prosecutors] has committed perjury,
                            nor obstructed justice nor claimed false
                            None has hidden evidence under anyone's bed, nor
                            encouraged false testimony before the grand jury.
                            That's what you do if you want to win too badly,"
                            said Hyde, the Illinois Republican who heads the
                            House Judiciary Committee.
                            White House lawyers countered by saying GOPers
                            "more focused on retribution, more designed to
                            achieve partisan ends."
                            "I believe their vision to be too dark," said
                            Charles Ruff, the lead White House lawyer, who
                            charged prosecutors with taking testimony from
                            Monica Lewinsky and others out of context.
                            The closing arguments came as senators duked it
                            over censure - the most-favored alternative to
                            removing Clinton from office.
                            Privately, top GOP aides say censure is dead,
                            the enormous gap separating competing versions,
                            firm resistance from some powerful senators.
                            Democrats want censure considered after the
                            impeachment vote, but Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas)
                            vowed a filibuster to prevent it, claiming "it's
                            people trying to have it both ways."

                            MORE NEWS

                                Copyright (c) 1998, N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc. All
                                rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in
                                part in any form or medium without express
                                written permission of the New York Post is

Here is the link to the Article: Blackmail, Treason, Impeachment,

Use your own pieces of the puzzle to put this information in place.

 <A HREF="">Blackmail,
Treason, Impeachment, Assasination</A>

Ru Mills, Rumor Mill News Agency


Possible blackmail during President Clinton's Years in the
White House: The Navy runs the communications office at
the White House.   The communication office is  in charge
of videotaping everything that goes on in the White House.
This  includes the surveillance cameras in the Oval Office.
This means there are videotapes and probably stills of many
events that we don't  yet know about.

The American public, and Ken Starr may not know about
this treasure trove of secret videos and still photographs,
but the people who want to blackmail our President know
about them.

Navy Intelligence permeates every aspect of the Navy, and
most assuredly, if the Navy runs the White House
communication office, you can be sure that Navy
Intelligence has a  copy of everything the communications
office has taped.  Another place that Navy Intelligence
lurks is in the private little room, yes the one where the
President made his attack on Kathleen Willey. The Filipino
stewards who take care of the little private office, are
employees of the Navy. To them, their first loyalty is to the
Navy, not to the President, regardless of what they may say

To place Navy Intelligence in perspective: The last time
Rumor Mill News had contact with high level ONI
operatives, we were told that Navy Intelligence, at the
highest levels, runs  Faction 2 of the intelligence

Faction 2 is the faction of the intelligence community that
opposes a One World Government. Faction 2 was
responsible for leaking the information that tied George
Bush to October Surprise, Iran Contra, BCCI, Mena drug
smuggling, and much more.

If Faction 2 was responsible for the attempt to keep George
Bush from plunging the United States into a One World
Government, then it seems likely that Faction 2 could be
trying to keep President Clinton from plunging the United
States into a One World Government.

To truly understand how Presidential blackmail works, we
have to realize that there are many groups blackmailing the
president. The Navy isn't the only group that has blackmail
photos of the President.  Also understand that the Navy uses
its blackmail photos to try to stop  the President from doing
anything that could irrevocably harm the United States.

Throughout the years, it has been alleged that Bill Clinton
has engaged in many  activities that are either illegal or
immoral.  How many of these activities have been caught
on film, and who controls these films?

Blackmail before His Days In the White House: A recent
report by Bob Woodward, CIA asset and Watergate
reporter, stated that the large contributions by Charlie Trie,
John Huang and Mochtar Riady were linked to a
Communist Chinese espionage plot.

Charlie Trie and the rest have known Bill Clinton since his
Arkansas days. Back in Little Rock, Bill was not as careful
as he has been in the White House. There have been stories
of video tapes, and people murdered and beaten to prevent
these video tapes from  being shown.

The people who were beaten or murdered were people who
were trying to take the  stories public. But what if the
Chinese Intelligence handlers of Trie, Huang and Riady
already  had the  videos and photos of the President in
extremely compromising positions? I don't  think the
Chinese would release these pictures publicly... unless of
course, the President  does something  that they don't want
him to. They would just make sure that he provided,
through  whatever door  he chose, all the things that his
Communist Chinese controllers asked for, such  as top
secret  military secrets and secret military technology.

This sounds like the definition of blackmail. The also
sounds like TREASON!

Could the Long Beach Naval shipyard have anything to do
with an agreement  between Clinton  and China not to
release photos of him?  Do we have a president whose
personal  proclivities  have placed this country in an at risk
position? What about the recent  revelations of secret
missile technology being sent to China?  Could this be a
violation of National Security?  Is this TREASON?

Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison for leaking
national security  secrets to Israel. Israel is still labeled as a
friendly ally.  What should the penalty be for leaking
national security  secrets to the Communist Chinese who
are still labeled as a threat to our  national security? Is
giving national security secrets to our enemies still called
TREASON? Is the  punishment for  TREASON still called

There are too many questions that need answering.
One of my Sources in England confirmed that the recent
visit to the United States by Prime Minister Tony Blair of
England, was quickly arranged because President Clinton
had some vital information to relay to him.

The vital information included the spoken or unspoken
threat that if Blair  didn't get on board the  Clinton train,
that Clinton would release the information that the CIA has
accumulated, proving  the Blair and the Queen were behind
the murder of Diana.  (Added note: RMNEWS  released a
story the first of May, 1998, regarding the "surfacing" of
stolen intelligence  documents which  state that British
Intelligence asked the CIA to help them murder Diana.
Could  this be what  President Clinton was using to
blackmail Tony Blair?)

Tony Blair became the first of our allies to stand with us in
the threat to bomb  and destroy Iraq.

Other Blackmail: Sources have told Rumor Mill News that
TWA 800 was downed by a U.S. missile because it was
carrying billions of dollars of counterfeit bearer bonds.
These bonds had matured and were about to be cashed in. If
they had reached their destination and had been discovered
to be fake, the  entire Federal Reserve banking system
would have been audited, and the American  people  would
have discovered that the 10% fractional reserve that banks
have to have in  order to  borrow from others to lend to
others, is based on counterfeit paper.  In other words, the
American people would have realized that America has no
hard  assets, no  gold, no valuable bonds, nothing.... just the
labor of her people.

Our foreign "friends", who hold the various U.S. IOU's,
would realize that the  United States has  no hard assets
with which to pay her debts.  To keep this from leaking out
world  wide... TWA800 had to go down.

This is where black mail information begins:  French divers
were the first on  the scene.  Many French intelligence
agents were aboard the plane.  The French wanted answers,
and they found  them.

The French blackmail the U.S..... The U.S. blackmails
Britain... The French are also blackmailing Britain... China
is blackmailing the U.S.

Nothing evil in the world happens without a camera
catching it.... Anything that people or a country want
hidden, has to be negotiated with those who know about it
and can  use the information to blackmail the country or

We have to ask ourselves, what has the White House Office
of communications  caught on  camera, that can be used to
blackmail President Clinton?

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