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-Caveat Lector-

National Impeachment Movement Ignored by Corporate Media 
by Peter Phillips

Published on Monday, March 27, 2006 by CommonDreams.org

If a national movement calling for the impeachment of
the President is rapidly emerging and the corporate
media are not covering it, is there really a national
movement for the impeachment of the President?

Impeachment advocates are widely mobilizing in the U.S.
Over 1,000 letters to the editors of major newspapers
have been printed in the past six months asking for
impeachment. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette letter writer
George Matus says, "I am still enraged over unasked
questions about exit polls, touch-screen voting, Iraq,
the cost of the new Medicarewho formulated our energy
policy, Jack Abramoff, the Downing Street Memos, and
impeachment." David Anderson in McMinnville, Oregon
pens to the Oregonian, "Where are the members of our
congressional delegation now in demanding the current
president's actions be investigated to see if
impeachment or censure are appropriate actions?"
William Dwyer's letter in the Charleston Gazette says,
"Congress will never have the courage to start the
impeachment process without a groundswell of outrage
from the people."

City councils, boards of supervisors, and local and
state level Democrat central committees have voted for
impeachment. Arcata, California voted for impeachment
on January 6. The City and County of San Francisco,
voted Yes on February 28. The Sonoma County Democrat
Central Committee (CA) voted for Impeachment on March
16. The townships of Newfane, Brookfield, Dummerston,
Marlboro and Putney in Vermont all voted for
impeachment the first week of March. The New Mexico
State Democrat party convention rallied on March 18 for
the "impeachment of George Bush and his lawful removal
from office." The national Green Party called for
impeachment on January 3. Op-ed writers at the St.
Petersburg Times, Newsday, Yale Daily News, Barrons,
Detroit Free Press, and the Boston Globe have called
for impeachment. The Nation (1/30/06) and Harpers
(3/06) magazines published cover articles calling for
impeachment. Garrison Keillor, and Richard Dreyfuss
both have come out for impeachment. As of March 16,
thirty-two US House of Representatives have signed on
as co-sponsors to House Resolution 635, which would
create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for
recommending President Bush's impeachment.

Polls show that nearly a majority of Americans favor
impeachment. In October of 2005, Public Affairs
Research found that 50% of Americans said that
President Bush should be impeached if he lied about the
war in Iraq. A Zogby International poll from early
November 2005 found that 53% of Americans say, "If
President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons
for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider
holding him accountable through impeachment." A March
16, 2006 poll by American Research Group showed that
42% of Americans favored impeaching Bush.

Despite all this advocacy and sentiment for
impeachment, corporate media have yet to cover this
emerging mass movement. The Bangor Daily News simply
reported on March 17 that former US Attorney General
Ramsey Clark has set up the website Votetoimpeach.org
and that other groups are using the internet to push
impeachment. The Wall Street Journal, on March 16,
editorialized about how it is just "the loony left"
seeking impeachment, but perhaps some Democrats in
Congress will join in feeding on the "bile of the
censure/impeachment brigades."

The corporate media is ignoring the broadening call for
impeachment - wishing perhaps it will just go away.
Television news and talk shows have mentioned
impeachment over 100 times in the past 30 days, mostly
however in the context of Senator Russ Feingold's
censure bill and the lack of broad Democrat support for
censure or impeachment. Nothing on television news
gives the impression that millions of Americans are
calling for the impeachment of Bush and his cohorts.

The Bush Administration lied about Iraq, illegally
spied on US citizens, and continues war crimes in the
Middle East. Despite corporate media's inability to
hear the demands for impeachment, the groundswell of
outrage continues to expand.

Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma
State University and Director of Project Censored a
media research organization. He is co-editor with
Dennis Loo from Cal Poly Pomona of the "The Case for
Impeachment of Bush and Cheney" scheduled for release
this summer by Seven Stories Press.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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