-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-
The Next Republican Corruption Scandal?
Gay GOP "Chickenhawks" Given Cover in Karen Hughes' Closet
Wayne Madsen Report, March 23, 2006
White House insiders report that an influential group of extreme right-wing gay Latino power brokers has been given almost total control over U.S. foreign and business policy decisions affecting Latin America. A number of members of the Young Hispanic Republican Association report that they have been sexually preyed upon by the influential Latino power brokers after accepting Administration appointments, including positions on the White House staff.
The gay Latino group, led by an individual nicknamed "El Padrino" (the godfather) and which has close ties, including gay relationships, with top GOP officials in the Republican National Committee [e.g., Ken Mehlman?], Small Business Administration, the Department of State, State of Texas, and the President's Office, has been tasked with ensuring that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez does not successfully bid on the sale of Univision, the largest Spanish language TV network in North America. Senior White House officials have provided hundreds of millions of dollars, through CIA and State Department conduits, to the Latino group to ensure that Chavez does not gain control of Univision.
The group has also prevailed upon the government of Panama and particularly senior gay members of the Panamanian government, to ensure that President Martin Torrijos backs out of a regional energy treaty signed between Panama, Venezuela, and Colombia. The deal would see Panama's transisthmian Petroterminales de Panama (PTP) pipeline between Puerto Armuelles on the Pacific to Chiriqui Grande on the Caribbean reverse its flow from east to west to permit the export of Venezuelan oil to China. However, since the Panamanian government only owns a 30 percent stake in the pipeline, the GOP Latino power brokers have applied pressure on a New York-based family-owned firm that owns 60 percent of the pipeline to sink the deal. The law firm that represents the interests of the New York family is reportedly owned by the family of the Panamanian ambassador to the United States and Panama's ambassador to the United Nations. Ten percent of the pipeline is owned by a shadowy Swiss-based firm, the shares of which are held by anonymous parties, that is reportedly connected to the CIA and senior members of the Panamanian government.
The other part of the Venezuelan-Colombian-Panamanian deal that is being targeted by the GOP Latino group for cancellation is a natural gas pipeline from Colombia through Panama and Central America to southern Mexico.
Katin Vasquez, Panama's Economy and Finance Minister and a former Panama Canal Commissioner, is also being lobbied heavily by GOP-connected Wachovia to ensure the bank gets the contract to handle the funding for the $7 billion Panama Canal Expansion Project. The canal expansion is tied to the fact that with the increased use of supertankers, which cannot currently transit the canal, the canal must be quickly expanded to handle what are known as "Post-Panamax" vessels. "Panamax" is standard code for the maximum size vessel that can currently transit the canal. With the thirty-day advance payment requirement, Panama could easily issue bonds to finance the expansion.
However, the gay Latino group tied to the Bush administration is using its influence with senior Panamanian government officials, sweetened with cash payments, to ensure that Wachovia gets the financing and Halliburton/Kellogg, Brown & Root gets the lion's share of construction contracts for the canal's expansion.
Vasquez has reportedly been flown to North Carolina in Wachovia's private corporate jet for golf outings. However, observers point out that Panama does not require Wachovia's involvement in the canal expansion project since the canal is a virtual cash cow. Ships are required to pay thirty days in advance prior to transiting the canal.
The gay Latino group reportedly has particularly close ties to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her public diplomacy assistant Karen Hughes. Interestingly, Hughes is the daughter of Maj. Gen. Harold Parfitt, the last U.S. Governor of the Panama Canal Zone.
The GOP group has also been tasked by the White House to work on reversing the leftist tide that is sweeping Latin America. Currently, the Bush administration can only count on three Latin American nations to fully carry out U.S. policy: El Salvador, Panama, and Colombia. With pro-Chavez leftist victories likely in Mexico, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Peru, the GOP Latino powerbrokers are expected to use their influence to generate support for pro-U.S. right-wing political leaders and parties.
Anyone remember the "boy-toy" scandal of the Reagan/Bush era?
by George Archibald and Paul M. Rodriguez
front page, The Washington Times, June 30, 1989

Republican and conservative political leaders reacted cautiously yesterday to a report in The Washington Times that key Reagan and Bush administration officials are ensnared in a federal probe of homosexual prostitution.

  "There's no reason for cleaning anybody out (of office because they used homosexual prostitutes)," said Leslie Goodman, a spokeswoman for Republican National Committee Chairman Lee Atwater.

"It's a personal situation. It's a tragic situation if people have to resort to prostitutes," the GOP spokeswoman said. "But there's no standard for people in the federal government that's different than for the average Joe on the street."

However, a top Labor Department adviser to Secretary Elizabeth Dole resigned yesterday after acknowledging to The Times that he had procured male prostitutes and was subjected to blackmail threats by one of the call boys.


According to documents obtained by The Times, the homosexual prostitution ring includes not only Reagan and Bush administration officials but military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite.

U.S. Attorney Jay B. Stephens confirmed in a statement yesterday that his office "has been investigating allegations involving credit card fraud" following a Feb. 28 raid on the call boy ring's Northwest Washington headquarters. But Mr. Stephens refused to discuss the matter further.

A Justice Department spokesman said the investigation was being led by the Secret Service.

But the spokesman denied that the government was investigating the possibility that homosexuals who held senior posts during the Reagan administration were compromised by blackmail or by Soviet agents who may have used young male prostitutes for espionage purposes.

The White House distanced itself yesterday from reports that top-level Republican officeholders and Pentagon brass were involved in the homosexual prostitution ring.


In Republican political circles, there is a clear division between those who want to clean out homosexuals from government and "more pragmatic types" who are tolerant of their private behavior but hate any kind of scandal that will hurt the party, said one close adviser to Mr. Atwater.

"The pragmatists want it (disclosures of the homosexual prostitution ring) to go away. They hope there's no more to come," the adviser said.

"I had no idea such stuff was going on," said Morton Blackwell, president of The Leadership Institute, which gives political training to young Republicans.

"I think it is time to sit down and write a paper for young conservatives who are washed over by all of this propaganda saying some people are naturally, genetically irresistably inclined to this kind of (homosexual) behavior," Mr. Blackwell said.

"We Republicans stand for traditional values and cannot continue to stand if we fall significantly away from them," he said.


First lady not worried about hookers' tour of White House
Paul Bedard
The Washington Times, July 10, 1989

First lady Barbara Bush said yesterday that the Secret Service investigation of a late night White House tour that reportedly included two male prostitutes has not raised security questions the first family is worried about.

Speaking publicly for the first time about the July 3, 1988, tour arranged by former Washington lobbyist Craig J. Spence, Mrs. Bush said she and her husband have no fears of a security breach.

"Not at all," she told reporters on Air Force One shortly after it took off from Andrews Air Force Base en route here for the first leg of a 10-day European trip by President Bush.

Mrs. Bush, noting that she reads all of the stories printed in the Daily Press Summary, a half-inch thick digest of stories in the print and electronic media, said the reports about the scandal uncovered by The Washington Times haven't alarmed her.

"There haven't been a lot of stories in our house about it," she said.

Mrs. Bush added that "I'm not into all of this" and said it was "good" that The Washington Post wasn't following The Times' story.

Ever since The Times first reported the tour on June 29, the White House has avoided comment. Last week, Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, who heads the Secret Service, reluctantly confirmed reports of a Secret Service investigation.

Presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said the service hasn't raised security concerns for the White House as a result of the probe.

White House officials have said that the midnight tours such as those arranged for Mr. Spence do not threaten the First Family's security because they are allowed only in office areas and not the residence.

The tours for Mr. Spence, who has been linked to a federal investigation of a Washington homosexual prostitution ring that catered to government, media and business officials, were set up by Reginald A. deGueldre, a uniformed White House officer who moonlighted as the lobbyist's bodyguard.

Mr. Fitzwater said the Secret Service is "looking into the action" of the officer.

White House officials have said any staff member with the proper credentials such as those held by Mr. deGueldre can give private tours, and after-hours tours are encouraged because they don't disturb those working during the day. The tours commonly include a view of the Oval Office.

"I think they've [The Times] overblown the White House angle. No one knows who these guys are," said one administration official, referring to the associates of Mr. Spence named so far in The Times.

But, he added, the White House continues to closely follow the story.

www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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