-Caveat Lector-


Genoa defends forbidden city from global protest

Jails have been emptied and hospitals are on alert. Rory Carroll watches
Italy prepare to welcome the G8 leaders and their enemies

Sunday July 15, 2001
The Observer

There are 242 entrances to the forbidden city, not counting the sewers, the
sea or the sky. The defenders will wait behind blocks of reinforced concrete
and steel fencing. Their helmets and shields are superior but they could be
outnumbered 10 to one. Just one breach and the torrent will be unstoppable.
Spies from both sides have infiltrated the enemy camp and will try to betray
strategies. But like a battle of old the time and location have been agreed
in advance.

Next weekend the port of Genoa, squeezed between the Alps and the
Mediterranean, France and Tuscany, will host a showdown between around
100,000 protesters and 15,000 Italian security forces guarding the G8

Citizens who care about the environment, the poor and the voiceless will
hammer on the door of unaccountable moguls who shape the planet's destiny.

Or thugs who crave mayhem will try to stop democratically elected world
leaders pondering the problems of the age. Or both.

Genoa will be a crucial test of strength for the anti-globalisation
movement. The warriors of Seattle bill this protest as their biggest yet.'We
are witnessing the first stirrings of a cultural backlash to globalisation
whose effects are likely to be significant and far-reaching,' said Jeremy
Rifkin, one of the movement's gurus. 'Local cultures are reawakening every
where in the world.' Dialogue between protesters and the Italian government
has failed to produce agreement. Leaders of the world's seven most
industrialised economies, plus Russia, will meet in the ducal palace. And
demonstrators will try to stop them.

'We are going to start a great battle,' said the website of Rete Contro G8,
one of the estimated 700 protest groups. A minority have pledged to use

It appears an uneven contest. One of Italy's biggest security operations
will mobilise at least 15,000 police and soldiers, including paratroopers
and specialists in nuclear, germ and chemical warfare.

Twelve helicopters and four reconnaissance aircraft will zip overhead,
warships and mini-submarines will prowl the bay where the 58,600-tonne
cruise ship, European Vision, will play host to most of the summit

A battery of Spada ground-to-air missiles will bristle at Christopher
Colombus Airport, lest the al-Qaida terrorist group headed by Osama bin
Laden tries an airborne spectacular.

For Italy's newly minted Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, Genoa is a
chance to strut the world stage. He has micro-managed the preparations, even
down to re-arranging the furniture in George Bush's suite.

Nudged by UN chief Kofi Annan and the Pope, the authorities have promised to
allow freedom of protest, even to respect and listen to it. 'It will be an
open city,' says the mayor. After all Genoa hosted the Crusaders on their
way to the holy land.

But the reality is that today's righteous warriors are not welcome. To
impede and deter protesters, Italy yesterday suspended the Schengen
agreement assuring free movement around the European Union.

Both of Genoa's railway stations will close from Tuesday. Those protesters
who make it to the city will be confronted by police with live ammunition,
rubber bullets, batons, dogs, horses and armoured personnel carriers.

Already the atmosphere in Genoa is tense. Hospitals have been put on alert,
prisons prepared and extra magistrates drafted.

Yesterday police cars lined piazzas and dogs sniffed railings stacked beside
fountains. Residents joined tourists heading for the airport, leaving a
queasy rearguard to swap rumours. 'A lawyer told me a mass grave has been
prepared in the mountains,' said one taxi driver grimly.

It will be a battle of colours. The authorities have declared the historic
centre and port area a 1.5 sq mile 'red zone', with the Ducal palace at its
heart. This is the forbidden city, off-limits to all except participants,
journalists, security forces and residents.

A buffer area known as the 'yellow zone' will allow entry to the uninvited,
but can be sealed off within minutes should the need arise.

The demonstrators will be a hotch-potch of environmentalists, anarchists,
socialists and those wanting debt relief for the Third World.

'Protests in the 1960s were sparked by one international event - Vietnam,'
said Keith Dowding, professor of political science at the London School of
Economics. 'Now they are also sparked by an international event -

'Another similarity with the Sixties is that today's protesters are middle
class. That must be worrying for governments who rely on their middle
classes to put them in power and keep their economies running.'

Italy's security services categorise them thus: red for moderates, yellow
for passive resisters, blue for the lefties of Italy's social centres and
black for revolutionaries.

The black and elements of the blue, a hardcore of around 2,000 Greeks,
Basques, Britons, Germans and Italians, are expected to defy the control and
peaceful tactics of the umbrella protest group, the Genoa Social Forum.

The GSF's spokesman and effective general, Vittorio Agnoletto, has promised
to resist their infiltration but his main job will be using his force of
numbers to invade the red zone. Not easy when you have disdained weapons and

One source said the protesters, some impersonating journalists, would create
noise, smoke and spectacle to confuse the police before dispatching groups
with ladders to scale blockades to selected entrances. But these will be
feints, intended to draw police reinforcements. The real targets will be
rushed once the opponent is committed elsewhere.

The shock-troops will be the Tute Bianche (White Overalls), whose padding,
shields, gas-masks and discipline have made them the stars of other protests
worldwide. Electronic experts from each side will try to jam the other's
radio frequencies.

A week ahead and steel shutters have already slammed down on some shops;
others emit the sound of sawing, where wooden shutters are being prepared.
Sirens blare as police cars rush in convoy from one meeting to another.

'If they get through one entrance there'll be a river of them and we'll all
be trapped inside the red zone,' said one commander. A bit like waiting for
the Zulus at Rorke's Drift? It was a joke but he nodded gravely. 'Exactly.'

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