-Caveat Lector-

Remember the April Fool's Joke perpetrated by PC World not
too long ago? They made up a bogus news story about an
employee / employer conflict which led to the revelation that
all recently made computer motherboards had a tiny
microphone on them which could be activated by an outside
party. In order to deactivate or block the use of this eavesdropping
device one was told to download the software patch from PC World,
at which point the joke was revealed.

Well, there may not be a microphone soldered onto the motherboard
of your computer, but chances are you have one plugged into your
sound card for recording, and you may even have a camera hooked
up to capture images or record video. If you do, the PC World story
may not be so far from reality. Check out:

Hackers can turn network cameras, microphones on you - April 19,  1999


Happy paranoia,


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