-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:529817">PISO conspiracy ?</A>
Subject: PISO conspiracy ?
Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999 9:40 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Certain authors,web sites claim that the PISO family invented
Chrisitanity..Humm could but true BUT to  believe that ALL people during
that time were morons,stupids,that the Jews did not know better,thatt
Christianity was invented to destroy the liberal JEWS(?) who numbered 8
millions at that time,that they(JEWS) wanted the abolition of

  Sounds to me that some JEWS are doing once again a FREE-MASONIC
hatchet job,on command by their masters..

 Old docs do exit about New testament,mainly the Gospel of James  (!) I
believe,an old Coptic doc dated about 45 AD.

 Also the Dead Sea Scrolls mention the Master of Justice and light that
will soon come,that was 100 BC...

Some people did in fact prophetised  during those times but as saviours
come and go  others took upon themselves to embellish the  original
stories..like the Apostle St. Paul who some claim as the REAL founder of
Christianity-the mysogynist attitude of the Roman Catholic Church  vs
women can be dated from those writings...

So there were probably  3-4 more known saviours/zealots from  100BC till
70 BC and what we had were fights amongst their disciples as to who
would prevail..If you add to that  some ET's dabblings to produce some

So the conjugated efforts of St Paul,the Piso family and countless
others(those deriving from secret societies-they knew that the OWO-Old
Word Order,the Roman Empire in its latest incarnation,was in its death
throw) like hydrid ET(the Reptilians...)finally made the Catholic
religion the state religion.It was  on PURPOSE made DEFECTIVE for:

-to create future theological schisms

- to boost the skeptics scoffings at the too many contradictions

-as a vehicule to futher develop parallel religions ,with a Christian
essence...at its core...

- as a mind/behavorial control ideology

-to mask the hidden purposes of the secret societies that could develop
within its apparent structures/dogmas

-to deceive human people about their true reptilian origins

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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