-Caveat Lector-

Pope Emphasizes Christian Unity

.c The Associated Press

SIEDLCE, Poland (AP) - Pope John Paul II traveled to eastern Poland today for
a Mass and ecumenical meeting with Orthodox Christians from the former Soviet

Catholic and Greek Orthodox faithful from Belarus, Kazakstan, Lithuania,
Ukraine and Russia were among the estimated 400,000 people gathered in a
meadow for the Mass in Siedlce, 55 miles east of Warsaw.

Banners and flags in the crowd were from Belarus, the Ukraine and even
Siberia and the Urals region in eastern Russia.

The afternoon ecumenical meeting in Drohiczyn, 18 miles further northeast on
the Bug River, was to include Orthodox Christians.

Christian unity and religious pluralism are major themes of John Paul's
13-day pilgrimage to his homeland, which began Saturday. The pope is heading
to Umschlagplatz monument in Warsaw on Friday to pray for Jews killed by the
Nazis during World War II.

``This pope gives inspiration and hope for reconciliation between the
Catholics and Orthodox,'' said Igor Sidelnyk, a Ukrainian theology student
from Lviv dressed in black clerical clothes.

Orthodox Christian Churches and the Roman Catholic Church have been separated
since the Great Schism in 1054 in a dispute over papal authority and
interpretation of their creed.

John Paul is head of the Roman Catholic Church, while Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew I, the archbishop of Constantinople, is the spiritual leader of
300 million Orthodox Christians.

The dispute is rooted in a decision by Emperor Constantine in 330 to move the
capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, later Constantinople. The decision
created a power struggle between the popes and the patriarchs.

Constantine also convened the council that formulated the Nicene Creed, a
confession of faith that delineates the roles of God, Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit. The creed is the main theological division between the churches.

In recent years, efforts at reconciliation have been hindered by Russian
complaints that the Roman Catholic church was trying to proselytize what the
Russians considered to be Orthodox lands of the former Soviet Union.

``Everybody defends his own religion as his own tongue. Each nation, even
small ones, wants to have its own faith, its own tradition,'' said Wira Kos,
70, who arrived five hours early with a church group from Lviv to secure a
good vantage point.

John Paul, 79, spent Wednesday sightseeing in a pristine national park in
northeast Poland where he used to lead pastoral retreats when he was a priest
and bishop. No public events were scheduled, but the pope paid a surprise
visit to a farm family and greeted hundreds of people at a lakeside chapel he
stopped to visit.

``I'm not coming here for the first time, but it's the first and perhaps the
last time as the pope,'' he said outside a chapel he used to kayak past
before he left Poland for the Vatican in 1978.

``No, no!'' some of the crowd of 500 shouted. Others broke into the
traditional song, ``Sto lat,'' which means ``May he live 100 years.''

``I have tears in my eyes because he said it was his last visit here,'' said
Zofia Ostrowska, 65.

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