-Caveat Lector-


Protests rock Pakistan


Staff and agencies
Friday September 21, 2001

Angry protests in Pakistan brought parts of the country to a virtual
standstill today as demonstrators rallied behind Islamic groups.
Shops were closed and transport suspended as demonstrators made their
voices heard in response to a nationwide strike called by Muslim clerics.

It is the fifth consecutive day of protests in the country, but by far the
most dramatic with police, their numbers boosted, firing tear gas into
some boisterous crowds.

Protestors are acting against their government's pledge on Wednesday to
support American military strikes against neighbouring Afghanistan, where
Osama bin Laden, the chief suspect in last week's terrorist attacks in
America, is defended by the Taliban.

Despite ongoing negotiations Afghanistan's ambassador to Pakistan, Abdul
Salam Zaeef, announced today that Taliban rulers will not hand over Bin
Laden without evidence. Asked if the Taliban would deliver him, said,
"No," but his translator added, "No, not without evidence."

Pakistanis near the Afghan border vowed to launch a war against Americans.

Thousands of protesters swarmed the streets of Peshawar, in the north
west, shouting anti-American and anti-Pakistani slogans. Burning a
life-size effigy of the US president they shouted: "Long live Osama".

"We will fight until the death and destruction of the United States," one
sign read. "Crush America and Bush," read another.

Hardline Islamic clerics fuelled the strength of feeling and told their
listeners that they backed bin Laden and the Taliban leadership, which has
protected him and his followers in Afghanistan for years.

Hundreds of people watched the procession from rooftops and balconies in a
city where most people are Pashtun, the same ethnic group predominating
among the Taliban, and where there are two million Afghan refugees.

Heavily armed police, estimated at 15,000, patrolled the city on foot and
in tanks.

Violence flared in Karachi, the country's biggest city and its commercial
hub. The largest incident was in the Sohrab Goth neighbourhood, where an
estimated 1,500 Afghan refugees clashed with police, burning tyres and
attacking vehicles.

In other parts of Karachi, police were forced to fire tear gas and beat
people with iron-tipped sticks to disperse crowds pelting vehicles with
stones and blocking roads. At least 70 demonstrators were arrested, police

In other parts of the country such as the south west city of Quetta,
Lahore and Islamabad, the capital, police were on guard, many in riot
gear, but protests had not begun. Most shops and schools were ordered to
close for their own safety.

The general strike also closed schools, offices and shops in the northern
Indian state of Jammu-Kashmir, where Islamic rebels are fighting for
independence with the support of Pakistan.

America has agreed to lift sanctions imposed on Pakistan and India and to
reschedule $600m (410m) in bilateral debt with Islamabad, a senior western
diplomat said today.

The diplomat, who asked not to be identified, said that "discernible
progress" would be seen soon.

Details of the surprise deal are reportedly being finalised at the moment
and will allow a resumption of American assistance to Pakistan, which
ended after sanctions were imposed for the nuclear tests it carried out in

The news come after a fruitless year of talks under the Paris Club to
reschedule Pakistan's bilateral debt.

America will sign an agreement on rescheduling $600m worth of debt, part
of Pakistan's $1.6bn debt considered by the Paris Club, in a move seen by
many as a reward for Pakistan in return for its support of the US over its
expected attacks against Pakistan's neighbour, Afghanistan.

The US has turned to Pakistan because of its critical geographical
position, on the border with Afghanistan and its ties to the Taliban

The Afghan Defence Council, an alliance of 35 religious and militant
groups, has warned the Pakistani leader, general Musharraf, that his
decision to back America could plunge the country into civil war.

With almost a week of protests, which are becoming increasingly heated,
and American strikes imminent, many Pakistanis fear civil war is

Yesterday, a grand Islamic council in Afghanistan met at the request of
the Taliban leadership and took the decision to ask Bin Laden to leave

It is not yet known if he will comply, or if a war could be averted even
if he did.

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                         DEFINING APARTHEID

Article 2 of the "International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid" of 1973 clearly defined the
term "crime of apartheid." This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

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