-Caveat Lector-

Dept.'s Espionage Review Delayed

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said Wednesday he has
turned over an internal investigation into mishandling of the China espionage
case to the department's inspector general, delaying its release for at least
30 days.

The long-awaited review of the Energy Department's response to the alleged
theft of nuclear secrets from the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory in
New Mexico had been expected to be released this week.

``More questions need to be asked. ... I want to do this right. Careers are
at stake,'' Richardson said.

Richardson has said the mishandling of the case involving a three-year
espionage investigation of a Los Alamos scientist would result in firings and

``There will be disciplining. There will be terminations,'' Richardson
reiterated Wednesday, speaking to reporters after a three-hour appearance
before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

But Richardson said a draft of the internal report given to him on Monday
``did not effectively or adequately deal'' with the actions of personnel at
the agency's headquarters in Washington. He said he had accepted findings
involving Los Alamos employees, but would not elaborate.

``I've now asked the inspector general's office to do a comprehensive report
that will be due in 30 days,'' he told reporters. Richardson refused to
discuss whose job might be in jeopardy or whether any senior officials, still
at the department, might be disciplined.

The internal investigation has focused on why a Los Alamos scientist, Wen Ho
Lee, was allowed to keep his top-secret job and access to the country's most
sensitive nuclear secrets while under investigation by the FBI since 1996.

Lee was fired last March for security violations. He has not been charged
with a crime and has denied giving secrets to China or anyone else.

In 1997, the FBI informed senior Energy Department officials on several
occasions that Lee's transfer to a less sensitive job would not jeopardize
the espionage investigation. But that information was not relayed clearly to
Los Alamos managers.

The internal investigation has sought to determine the reason for what
Richardson has called a ``communications breakdown'' involving the Lee case.

At the same time, the report is examining charges by a DOE intelligence
officer, Notra Trulock, that he had been blocked by former Deputy Energy
Secretary Elizabeth Moler from making concerns of lax security and the Lee
espionage case known to then-Energy Secretary Frederico Pena and to members
of Congress.

Moler, who has since left the department, has denied any such interference.

Trulock in late May was given a $10,000 Energy Department award for his
persistence in exposing the security problems. Richardson said Wednesday,
``He's a member of my team.''

Meanwhile, in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richardson
argued Wednesday against a Senate proposal for a largely autonomous agency
within the Energy Department to oversee the government's nuclear weapons

The proposal would create a Nuclear Security Administration that would have
authority over its own budget within the department.

Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., said the measure would ``ensure the safety and
reliability of the U.S. nuclear arsenal'' by providing clear lines of
authority and accountability without interference from other offices of the

Richardson called the proposal ``a step toward military control of nuclear
weapons development'' that said it would undermine his attempt to gain more
control over the nuclear labs including security and counterintelligence

``We don't need any more fiefdoms at the Department of Energy,'' Richardson

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