-Caveat Lector-

from SNETNEWS  Mailing List
As always, Caveat Lector.
 Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System has been designed and is being
implemented in America and throughout the world.  We knew it was coming and
now it''s here.  Soon there will be no place to hide. Big Brother's evil
octopus-like tentacles will squeeze every ounce of lifeblood out of the
people.  Once Project L.U.C.I.D. is fully operational, every man, woman, and
child will fall under the power of it's cyber-electronic grasp. Consider the
magnitude and dimensions of Project L.U.C.I.D. First, it mandates that every
adult and child be issued a universal biometrics I.D. Card. A "smart card"
with an advanced computer microchip.  This powerful, reprogrammable I.D.Card
will store millions of bytes of information about the recipient- his or her
photograph, fingerprint, footprint, iris (eye) scan, DNA genotype, human
leukocyte antigen data, financial status, and personal history. The I.D. Card
will also be coded with numbers. One set of numbers will identify the
individual card holder, another set of numbers will identify the master of the
universal biometrics I.D. card and it's interlocked computer network. This
Universal number which all persons on the planet will soon have to have
consists of three sets of numbers, each set having six numerals. (666) Is this
a coincidence? I think not.  L.U.C.I.D. establishes a massive computerized
data base of unparalleled invasive power. Millions of bureaucrats employed by
this secret establishment will constantly feed this electronic beast with more
and more data about everyone.  They will tap into millions of computer
databanks searching for information to extend their dominion and influence
into our lives.  These dossiers will be made instantly available to agents
around the globe.  All biographical data and personal information about you
will be linked, networked, and processed by a central computer repository. The
information will come in from laser credit card and check scanners at the
supermarket, department stores, direct mail houses, gas stations, and
everyplace you use a credit card, debit card, or numbered checking account,
recording your every single purchase. Data about your daily purchases and
spending habits will flow into the Beast system from satellite uplinks. Hidden
miniature video cameras virtually everywhere already record us, making a
digitized entry of our facial features into the Beast data bank.  Our
telephone conversations carried from the wires in our homes to microwave
transmission towers are already " vacuumed" up and monitored by NSA computers
looking for key words such as " President", White House" "bomb" "
assassination" or a myriad of other key words and phrases.
  A Mark or Certification of approval is to be given to every facility where
manufactured products come off an assembly line. Every gadget, part, device,
machine, item of clothing, piece of jewelry, tool- in fact all goods- will
come under the authority if the international ISO 9000 program. If an item
doesn't have the ISO 9000 certification mark it cannot be bought or sold.
Project L.U.C.I.D. will prove to be Lucifer's end-time identification,
surveillance, and control system.
  Bible prophecy reveals that the end-time will be a tumultuous period of
deception and betrayal.  A strong delusion will overtake the minds of men so
they will willingly the dragon (Satan) and the Beast, also known as the
antichrist.  They will also pay homage to his global New World Order.  His
authority is to extend throughout the entire world, he is to rule and reign
over every race and every nation. Never before in history has there been such
a fantastic plot to handcuff and wrap modern men and women inside electronic
cages.  Bible prophecy envisions an amazing and grotesque system of human
control and enslavement. One wonders " Is Project L.U.C.I.D. the chilling
Beast 666 Universal Control System which according to the Bible is destined to
"devour" the whole world and break it into pieces?  Is it the fulfillment of
the breath taking prophecies of the antichrist and 666 recorded in the book of
Revelation? (Rev. 13:18)  There is nothing else in the world that meets all
the criteria as Project L.U.C.I.D. does..
  In studying Bible Prophecy we learn the Beast plans to cement and strengthen
his authority over the lives and fortunes of men and women. The Beast will
organize the financial systems and commerce of the whole world. (Rev.18)
Moreover, by minutely and totally controlling all purchases, and sales,  the
watchful all seeing eye of the Beast captures everything in it's sight, so
"...that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of
the beast, or the number of his name" (Rev. 13:18)  This is not the ranting
and ravings of some wild-eyed conspiracy theorists, this is the word of God,
and if He says it will happen, it will.
  A key component of this larger control system is the L.U.C.I.D. net, a
universal system of linked data bases.  Its sponsors say it will be a godsend
to the global law enforcement community, especially in fighting international
and domestic terrorism.  Strangely, however, the L.U.C.I.D. net requires
computer registration, constant electronic surveillance, and a micro-chip
integrated Universal Biometrics I.D. Card for every person on earth. Is every
man, woman, and child on earth considered a potential terrorist? Apparenty so,
by our rulers standards. ,  The unrighteous powers who rule over us  are
already implementing several aspects of this computerized control system
without  our knowledge and certainly without our permission.  Men everywhere
seem to be caught up in a state of denial.  They fear the awful truth,
therefore they avoid it and cast  it from their minds and consciousness.
  My prayer is that those who read these words will make a stand for truth and
Next article:
ONE: Project L.U.C.I.D.- The Beast 666 Universal Control System

This article is paraphrased and quoted from the book by Texe Marrs called
"Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System,; Living
Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733 (1-800-234-9673)

Frank Redmond
Fredericksburg, VA
->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Astonishing and undeniable evidence exists of an incredible new " Beast 666
Universal Human Control System". Officially called Project L.U.C.I.D., it is a
grotesque system of universal slavery which is - even as you read this- being
implemented by federal and international agencies.  The Beast666 system
demands that every man, woman, and child on earth be issued a high tech ,
"Smart Card" called a Universal Biometrics card. The system is slated to be
fully operational by the advent of the new millennium.  This computerized I.D.
card- to be followed by an implanted biochip- is an electronic straight jacket
that allows the New World Order to track and link every man, woman, and child
on earth.  Our activities, purchases, sales, money withdrawals, deposits, and
everything we do using "numbers" are going to be stored and eventually
monitored by the agents of the NWO.
  The computerized Universal Biometrics Cards guarentee the control and
surveillance of every human being on the planet.  The artificial intelligence
software and special sensors loaded into the card will also also implement a
number of other identification methods, including facuial photos,
fingerprints, and iris scans of the eye. A computerized fiber-optic and laser
camera will be used at I.D. Card isssuing centers to be set up around the
world.  All citizens will be ordered to reported to these centers and
"volunteer" to have this universal card issued. In the future babies will be
entered into the system at the hospital and linked to their mothers before
they even leave the hospital.

More Later

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Sophisticated, international, computerized, telecumminications and
intelligence gathering systems have already been established in preparation
for the issuance of the new human control cards. The worlds most advanced
supercomputers are being used, they can process billions of items of data per
second.  All data from the various sourcs, includingthe biometrics smart card,
is to be fed into the system called the Universal Computerized Identification
clearinghouse Resourse Center.
This center is the very heart of the Beast 666 system.  This is an interactive
and instantaneous tracking system of all living beings on earth.  It will be
usd to tace, monitor, investigate, spy on, arrest, and incarcerate resisters.
Christians are considered resisters to the New World Order System.  Arrests of
targeted citizens are to be euphemistically called " preventive detention". It
will be used to harass and bankrupt private citizens who are opposed to the
unrighteous government activities. Individuals who have been arrested and had
their property seized will be transported to Federal Prison Transfer Centers
for disposition. Such centers used to be called gulags and concentration camps
in previous totalitarian societies.
  Preliminary information on Project L.U.C.I.D. has already been disseminated
to federal law enforcement agencies.  Managers of these agencies are being
carefully briefed on how to use coverup propaganda to cleverly respond to
local and public press inquires, so that the truth will be kept hidden until
it is too late.  Worried citizens are to be advised that the new syatem is to
" protect" them  from savage acts of terrorists. The public will be conned
into believing that L.U.C.I.D. is for your own good and anyone who says
differently is either a "conspiracy nut" or an dangerous anti-government
protester. The fact that a person is a supporter of the Constitution and a
believer in freedom and free agency will be ignored.
  God warned this day would come.  The bible predicted that an end-time Beast
666 system  would be uswed to control and enslave mankind.  " That no man
might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the
number of his name" (Rev. 13:17) Now it's here.  It is being implimented by
the inner circle of the Illuminati , those are heads of corrupted governments,
corporations, banks, working jointly with the United Nations.  Every
government on earth will become part of the corrupted system and cooperate to
oppress it';s people.
  The purging of the people of planet Earth is at hand.  The Beast intends to
rid itself of such dynamic "enemies of the state  " such as Christians,
patriots, and supporters of the Constitution. Satan hates the Constitution and
the free agency it has provided to people for so long.  One of Satans first
objectives is to destroy the Constitution and the freedom it provides to the
children of God.  Every nation on earth will join in this campaign to
eradicate those who oppose the Beast system.
It is our duty to warn those who dwell in unbelief that the time is upon us.
Some will wisely understand and and prepare, by taking shelter in Christ and
his message and the words of His prophets.  Christ alone provides help and
protection.  Others will scoff and denounce us as fanatics, as being political
and controversial. The war in heaven was political and controversial and that
war has been brought to earth. Only this time those valient in the war in
heaven have been lulled to sleep by a false sense of security, and  by being
wrapped in seeking the things of this world,and not seeking the things of God.
They will continue their wicked lifestyle and worldly ways, but this too was
prophesied. Onkly the chosen, the wise- those who know and believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ-will understand.

Next: Who is responsible for Project L.U.C.I.D.( Part Four)

This article is paraphrased and quoted from the book by Texe Marrs called
"Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System,; Living
Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733 (1-800-234-9673)

Frank Redmond
Fredericksburg, VA
->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

It is through the Universal Biometrics I.D. Card that the Beast666 Universal
Human Control System is to achieve the ultimate power and authority over the
worlds populations.  According to the L.U.C.I.D. designers, all of the systems
computer technology, hardware and software, are being prepared to fit the
framework of the Universal Biometrics ID Card model.  The L.U.C.I.D. card will
be a smart card, a credit card sized ID made of plastic with a translicent
microchip computer embedded in it.  The Universal Biometrics Card (UBC)  will
be self concained, with the built in computer chip being reprogramable.  In
other words, at hundreds of thousands of  scanner centers and site across
America and the globe, agents can insert your UBC Smart Card, and link up with
the Master Computer.  Then new or revised infon can be downloaded into your
card, instantly updating your ID Card with all new information collected on
you.  Government agents around the world can retrieve data on you
instantaneously through this system.  The computer ID Card, the designers
boast, will not only store more than 5 gigabytes of data on you, but will also
read the data in your file at the mainframe computer.
  To make sure they have you identified and targeted, and can constantly keep
track of your whereabouts, activities, and transactions, the L.U.C.I.D. system
will use a comprehensive array of "biometrics".  Essentially biometrics means
the measurement of biological factors.  Sophisticated sensors are not able to
identify you by the shape of your hand, face, and foot. They can measure and
identify the iris in your eye, each eye being different, and can measure the
topography of your fingerprint electronically. Your blood type and DNA code
can be digitized and read, as well as your voiceprint.  Here are somne ways
biometricsare already in use:

ATM machines are controlled by biometrics.  When bank employees are dispatched
to an ATM machine for servicing, the authorized persons fingerprints are
verielectronically before he gains access to the ATM>

The San Francisco International airport has more than 80 machines that read
hand geometry of employees for quick access.

The Los Angeles County Welfare system uses fingerprint identification to
insure people are authorized servicees and are not double dipping.

The Columbian Government has instaklled hand geoetry machines at every seat in
their Congress to insure that when representatives vote, it is really them.

Russia has begun using hand geometry and fingerprint verification on card
based bank accounts.

The Lotus Corporation uses hand geometry to verify the identity of people
picking up childre.

The First National Bank of South Africa uses fingerprint identification for
it's 48,000 clients.

The world immigration authorities reduce lines at airports for frrequent
traveklers by issuing them a Smart Card, which along with fingerprint
verification and hand geometry, allows them to pass customs quickly.

The world will soon be filled with this type of technology.

This article is paraphrased and quoted from the book by Texe Marrs called
"Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System,; Living
Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733 (1-800-234-9673)

Frank Redmond
Fredericksburg, VA
->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

National Citizen, ID Card proposed, read the headlines from USA Today. " All
citizens and legal immigrants would receive a national ID Card under recent
proposed legislation. A firestorm of protest from American Citizens caused the
plan to be backtracked, only temporarily though.  The federals have not given
up on their idea of a national ID Card. The master plan calls first for a
photographic, bar-coded, biometric ID card of every man, woman, and child,
with a built in computer chip, dossier, and file. However, once the populace
gets used to their new spiffy ID Cards, and see how simple it is to buy, sell,
and apply for a job, the federals will advance to step two of the plan.  Under
step two the government will inform the duped masses that the Smart ID Card is
now longer useful.  Wouldn't it be easier, and more convenient and efficient
for us just to insert the microchip in the forehead and right hand of
everyone.  The Department of Defense is assisting the administration in
conducting yet another test.  Again our nations soldiers are being used as
guinea pigs. The soldiers are enrolled in a program called the " MARC".  MARC
is an acronym for Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card (M.A.R.C.)  The MARC
Card has a standard bar code, a magnetic stripe, embossed data, a digital
photograph, and an Integrated Circuit (IC) computer chip.  It contains a
massive array of information and is used by the carrier to make purchases, and
store the soldiers complete military personnel and medical files.  The
national ID card is being promoted as a convenience. Dont believe it. The real
purpose is control of people.  A Central database and computer ID Card will
insure minute control of the citizenry.  Previous totalitarian societies as in
Germany and Russia have found efficient people control by an enforced system
of mandatory identification of all it's citizens.
  Intelligence analyst  C.B. Baker believes that what is being planned is
nothing less than the " setting up of the 666 mark of the beast system.
Commenting on a report in the Washington Times newspaper that under the
government scheme, every will be forced to carry Smart ID Cards coded with
biometrics and personal information. Baker warns:  " The universal requirement
that everybody carry such smart cards will help the federal government create
a dictatorship and signals the end time events predicted in Revelation
13:16-18.  " and he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that
no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name"

This article is paraphrased and quoted from the book by Texe Marrs called
"Project L.U.C.I.D. - The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System,; Living
Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733 (1-800-234-9673)

Frank Redmond
Fredericksburg, VA

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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