-Caveat Lector-

October 18, 2001

Schools Hand Out 'Morning After' Pill
By Charles R. MiVille, Washington, D.C., correspondent


For over a year, public schools have been using tax dollars to distribute
the so-called "morning-after" pill to teens. Now, pro-lifers in and out of
Congress are working to ban the practice by hitting abortionists where it
hurts the most - in the pocketbook.

The abortion industry calls it "emergency contraception," but Carrie Gordon
Earll, bioethics analyst for Focus on the Family, says it's more than that.

"Once a pregnancy has occurred and you take this high dose of birth control
pills, it is a chemical abortion," Earll said.

Many public schools now distribute this so-called "morning after" pill to
teens, but some members of Congress are trying to stop the practice with
legislation that would block federal funding to any school that gives out
the pill.

"If you're going to do that, you can't have federal dollars," Earll said.
"We are not going to give federal dollars to schools that distribute
abortion pills to teen-age girls."

Rep. Melissa Hart, R-Pa., had planned to offer the amendment to an
appropriations bill last week, but withdrew it from consideration at the
last minute at House Speaker Dennis Hastert's request.

John Cusey, executive director of the congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said
most parents don't know this is happening.

"One of the most shocking things is people don't think that this is going
on in schools," Cusey said.

He noted that out of the 1,200 schools with clinics, 15 percent are giving
out the drug.

"At least 180 schools do this right now," he said.

Earll added: "Schools have absolutely no business handing out morning after
pills to teenage girls, especially without parental notification. . . .
Schools are there to educate our children they are not there to encourage
promiscuity and the types of behavior that are going to lead girls into
risky behavior."

Some schools give out the drug without a prescription.

Earll and Cusey say one of the dangers of the morning after pill is that it
creates a false sense of security. They say teens need to be warned of the
severe health risks from the drugs as well as the danger of catching
sexually transmitted diseases.

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