Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
September 21, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
Stand Up! Speak Up! Fight For The USA!
by Paul M. Weyrich

I was watching an inane program the other day. One of those shows which one
of the major networks threw together at the last minute in order to fill
time. After all, for days they covered the attack on America virtually
non-stop, day and night.

This show consisted of a moderator interviewing a group of High School
students on their views of what this country should do to respond to the
terrorists. We have for years cultivated the notion that the younger and
less educated the subject the more wisdom they possess. So it stands to
reason that this network, I believe it was NBC, treated the thoughts of
these teeny boppers with great reverence.

One by one these kids, especially the girls, opined the politically correct
view that we should not go to war over what happened. After all, we were
told by these all-wise teenagers, if we did so we would just be
"perpetuating the cycle of violence." Now where do you suppose they picked
up that little phrase? Just attend one of the National Education Association
workshops at their annual convention and you will see and hear that phrase
over and over again. To be sure there were a couple of boys who had their
head on straight, but the moderator didn't seem that pleased with their
hawkish views.

It is clear that no one has ever taught these kids about the idea of
self-defense. And of course it is much too much to think that they would
have ever heard of the just war theory.  I wonder just what some of these
mushy heads think will happen if we fail to respond to these attacks. The
terrorists will hold a meeting followed by a press conference in which their
leader will say: "Gosh, since the USA has been so nice and has spared all of
us our lives and has failed to nuke our countries until they glow, we hereby
announce that we are calling off our worldwide campaign of terror. We will
now be taking up basket weaving and glass blowing so America have a nice

The problem here is that we are asking the opinions of youngsters who don't
even remember the Gulf War. What they know about World War II is from
watching "Pearl Harbor." which means they think war is linked to some sort
of romantic nonsense. That is if they saw the movie. Most did not. The movie
was a semi-flop.

Forgive me but I would rather see the network use its precious time
interviewing some folks who know something about war. The ones who were in
the last real war that we fought and won are getting pretty old and, as Tom
Hanks reminds us, we are losing about 1,000 every day.

Right now over 80% of the country is united behind the president. Of course,
the Washington Post could not resist telling us that beneath the facade of
unity a lot of Democrats are highly critical of our President. These are
unnamed sources, of course, but they say things like "Bush looked so small
especially next to Pataki" and "The weaker he is the more we have to support
him."  Whereas many of us think this president has really risen to the
occasion, these know nothings, never having served in any conflict
themselves, believe they are in a position to judge our Commander in Chief.
They are graduates of the same kind of high schools that produced our
earlier mentioned panelists.

Watch the Left now crank into action. The anti-war demonstrations will be
everywhere. The media, especially television, will blow every rag tag bunch
of nuevo-Communists way out of proportion and soon the naive public will be
led to believe that public opinion is turning against Bush and the war.

Those of us who care about this country and its future at that point had
better be prepared to stand against the left. We had better argue forcefully
in whatever forum is available to us that we must stand against these
terrorists or it will be the end of our civilization. The other side has
shown they are willing to die for their cause. Are we at least willing to be
vocal in support of ours?

Paul M. Weyrich is president of the Free Congress Foundation.

For media inquiries, contact Steve Lilienthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

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