-Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:41798">State of CIA & Virginia
Subject: State of CIA & Virginia
From: Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Feb 24, 1999 5:54 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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               The State of CIA and Virginia

   Below is an article from the Washington Post concerning
the fall-out and actions following the Aldrich Ames betrayal.

   First, a number of issues present themselves from this article.
One -- the Washington Post, in my view, serves as (one) official
disseminator of CIA information and mis-information. It publishes
frequent articles sourced to the DCI Tenet, and others, many lauding
the CIA.

   Two -- the below article blames most all of the CIA's current
problems on Aldrich Ames.  This is mostly incorrect.  We have seen
over and over criticisms of the CIA based on its faulty intelligence
(putting it mildly), the poor management and leadership in the
Directorate of Operations (DO), the use of the Inspector General (IG)
not to correct wrongs but to punish internal protesters. The promotion
system that encourages fraud. The analytical inability's of the
Directorate of Intelligence (DI) -- exposed and excoriated by the
House Intelligence Committee, whose Chairman is a former CIA officer.

   The IG's revelations of the CIA's use of drug dealers in Central
America in the eighties who imported drugs into the United States.
This is not new, from the earliest days the CIA has used and cooperated
with drug dealers helping the creation of the current international
drug dealing and crime.

   The CIA operation in Afghanistan in the 1980's, leading to the
creation of current international terrorism.

   The recent publication of the IG's 1962 report on the failure
of the CIA's operation at the Bay of Pigs. In it the IG blames CIA's
ignorance, arrogance and incompetence for that disaster.

   Following that failure, the CIA spotted Soviet missiles being
installed in Cuba, leading to the crisis of 1962. The CIA took
credit for its intelligence re this.  Later we find that the
Soviets had operational missiles and warheads in Cuba and the
local Soviet commander had the authority to fire them based
on his own judgment. The CIA was unaware of the operational
nuclear missiles when advisers were urging President Kennedy to
attack Cuba.

   The list goes one and on. One wonders what the CIA would
do if it was not now targeted to correct its own mistakes?
But the CIA blames Aldrich Ames, see below:
   Morale inside the Agency's Directorate of Ops, is devastated by
post-Ames attacks by Congress, the press and the public, leading
case officers to quit in droves over the past several years. Hitz,
the CIA's former Inspector General issued a scathing 400-page critique
of the nine-year mole hunt. But the reaction grew in intensity, when
then-CIA Director Woolsey ignored recommendations for dismissals and
other tough sanctions and chose only to reprimand 11 senior managers.

  Today, senior CIA and FBI counterintelligence officials are
positioned to catch future moles, realizing their own lethargy,
and lack of cooperation enabled Ames to betray dozens of Soviet agents
and compromising more than 100 intelligence operations from 1985 to 1994.

   A FBI official now has access to CIA files and runs all investigations
from inside the CIA. CIA tripled resources to counterespionage --
operations aimed at internal security breeches. Paul Redmond Jr., the only
senior official lauded for his role, wonders whether CIA will ever fully

   Clinton issued a directive three months after Ames's arrest putting
a senior FBI executive in charge of CIA's counterespionage group.
Congress followed with legislation mandating CIA and all other
government agencies immediately notify FBI whenever info surfaces
indicating that classified info may have been improperly disclosed to
a foreign power. CIA now requires all employees to file annual financial
disclosures. Tenet hired Raymond A. Mislock Jr., a 25-year FBI
CI agent, to oversee a new Center for CIA Security. Background
checks and polygraphs are given all new hires--and repeated every
five years on all--have become far more rigorous.

   Roy W. Krieger, an attorney of a number of CIA employees who
claim their careers are now being ruined by overzealous CIA polygraph
examiners. CIA, Krieger said, appears "preoccupied with counterintel
almost to the exclusion of what its main mission is."
Washington Post 2/22/99 A13.

   Further Comment: The CIA does not appreciate my efforts to
inform the American people of its deficiencies -- local harassment
has grown appreciably. One sales clerk told me -- be very careful,
they are out to get you. So much for freedom of speech in Virginia,
the home state of Jefferson, and Washington.

Ralph McGehee


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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