-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  "The pro-gay report, conducted by Zogby International and
co-released by MTV and Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., labels kids like
Tim and Emily as 'the anti-gay minority' - which it calls 'highly religious
Christians who regard homosexuality as a moral or religious question'".
Well, I guess that includes me then. - Tony]

September 19, 2001

Students' Views Markedly Pro-Gay
By Stuart Shepard, correspondent


The next generation of voters appears to hold strikingly pro-homosexual
attitudes, and those views appear to be the result of the proliferation of
the gay "tolerance" message.

For most teen-agers, high school isn't just a place to learn a subject or
play sports, but it's a venue for developing attitudes about life. For
example, what do high school students think about homosexual marriage? If
you ask Colorado Springs, Colo., high school seniors like Tim and Emily,
they support Christian morality.

Said Tim: "I think it's wrong and immoral."

Gay adoption?

Emily responded: "I don't think that two moms or two dads is going to be
good for the kid."

But views like those are becoming fewer all the time. Today, kids their age
are generally quite accepting of pro-homosexual attitudes.

"I think because we've grown up with homosexuality, it doesn't seem quite
as different to us," Tim said.

A recent survey of 1,000 high school seniors across the nation shows two
out of three, or 67 percent, favor same-sex marriage and gay adoption.
Seven in 10 say gay men should lead Boy Scout troops. The pro-gay report,
conducted by Zogby International and co-released by MTV and Hamilton
College in Clinton, N.Y., labels kids like Tim and Emily as "the anti-gay
minority" - which it calls "highly religious Christians who regard
homosexuality as a moral or religious question."

Mike Haley, gender and youth analyst at Focus on the Family, finds the poll
results frustrating.

"The gays have used a 'tolerance' message to push this through, rather than
a truthful message," Haley said. "And the problem is, we have kids that are
tolerant of everything, but yet are standing for nothing in the area of

Haley said Christian families need to do some outreach of their own.

"We may think that we take our children to church on Wednesdays or on
Sundays and that our kids don't need to know (about homosexuality), but
it's our kids' friends that we need to begin to reach," Haley said.

Without it, Haley said the culture shift will be complete in just a few years.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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