-Caveat Lector-

from alt.freemasonry
As always, Caveat Lector. Some dichotomies for y'all. There are 36 posts in
all, just some.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.freemasonry:92279">Re: Third Masonic human
sacrifice in D.C.</A>
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Sun, Feb 7, 1999 3:24 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      cactus6 wrote:

>  Do you have even the merest shred of evidence that there is such a
>thing as "clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry" in existence?  If so,
>my jurisdiction, and the jurisdictions of those in mutual recognition
>of mine, do not recognize such an organization, do not support it
>and have no business with it.

      According to Albert Pike, only the Adepts, the Princes of Free Masonry,
know all the details.  For the rest of us, we have to look for the hoofprints
of the Luciferian Free Masons as they go about their Great Work.

      Here are some more hoofprints:  Brother Bill's Impeachment took place on
December 19, the day of the New Moon of Hanukkah, close to the time of the
Winter Solstice.  The Trial is scheduled to end on February 12, exactly 55
later.  According to the Occult Protocols, the slain King of the Sun has to
stay 55 days in the tomb before his resurrection.

      At the beginning of the year Zionist tool Jerry Falwell announced to the
world that the Antichrist is Jewish.  Furthermore, his mother is a Jewess, a
descendant of King David;  his father is Satan.

      These ritual human sacrifices in D.C. and others, such as the Oklahoma
City bombing, TWA 800, Swissair 111, etc., are being performed in conformance
to the centuries-old plan of the Great Work.

      By the way, the new 33-cent domestic mail rate celebrates the 33rd
birthday of the Antichrist.  The "H" stamp does stand for Hiram;  it also
stands for Hell.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: "cactus6 ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, Feb 7, 1999 9:09 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kansan1225 wrote:
>       cactus6 wrote:
> >  Do you have even the merest shred of evidence that there is such a
> >thing as "clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry" in existence?  If so,
> >my jurisdiction, and the jurisdictions of those in mutual recognition
> >of mine, do not recognize such an organization, do not support it
> >and have no business with it.
>       According to Albert Pike, only the Adepts, the Princes of Free
> know all the details.

   That would be the AASR (SJ) 28th degree (Knight of the Sun, or
Prince Adept).  I happen to have taken this degree.  There are no
"details" of "clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry" in that degree.
Furthermore one does not have to be a "33rd" degree Mason to have
taken the 28th degree.  Your logic kinda squashes the general theory
about 33rd degree Masons being the only ones to know of the
alleged nefarious conspiracies of Freemasonry.  Now, I, a lowly
32nd degree Mason can be charged with having full knowledge of
the ubiquitous conspiracies that, heretofore, only 33rd degree Masons
"know about".  So, I can honestly say with full authority, your
hypothesis is pure bunkum.

> For the rest of us, we have to look for the hoofprints
> of the Luciferian Free Masons as they go about their Great Work.

  The problem is:  you are likely to find whatever you are looking
for, whether it is the truth or not.

>       Here are some more hoofprints:  Brother Bill's Impeachment took place
> December 19, the day of the New Moon of Hanukkah, close to the time of the
> Winter Solstice.  The Trial is scheduled to end on February 12, exactly 55
> later.  According to the Occult Protocols, the slain King of the Sun has to
> stay 55 days in the tomb before his resurrection.

   Bit of a stretch, isn't it?  Especially when someone has to make
up "Occult Protocols" to fill in the more obvious gap.

>       At the beginning of the year Zionist tool Jerry Falwell announced to
> world that the Antichrist is Jewish.

   In the interest of examining more of your contorted logic, how
would Falwell's announcement further the Zionist cause of which he
is a "tool"?

>  Furthermore, his mother is a Jewess, a
> descendant of King David;  his father is Satan.

   Ahem...Are you talking about Falwell or the alleged Antichrist?

>       These ritual human sacrifices in D.C. and others, such as the Oklahoma
> City bombing, TWA 800, Swissair 111, etc., are being performed in
> to the centuries-old plan of the Great Work.

   What are the criteria you are using to establish that those were
"ritual" killings?  That is something that you will have to explain
before that leap of logic to "ritual human sacrifices".  By the way,
you obviously do not even have a clue as to what "the Great Work" is.
But don't ask me, it is a deeply guarded secret!

>       By the way, the new 33-cent domestic mail rate celebrates the 33rd
> birthday of the Antichrist.  The "H" stamp does stand for Hiram;  it also
> stands for Hell.

  Damn!  I thought they stood for "Hillary" and the number of lawyers
it will take for her divorce after Clinton leaves office.

  Rick Reade, Hiram Lodge #13 AF&AM, Albuquerque, N.Mex., USA
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 6:52 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Cactus6 wrote:>Kansan1225 wrote:
>>       cactus6 wrote:
>> >  Do you have even the merest shred of evidence that there is such a
>> >thing as "clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry" in existence?  If so,
>> >my jurisdiction, and the jurisdictions of those in mutual recognition
>> >of mine, do not recognize such an organization, do not support it
>> >and have no business with it.
>>       According to Albert Pike, only the Adepts, the Princes of Free
>> know all the details.
>   That would be the AASR (SJ) 28th degree (Knight of the Sun, or
>Prince Adept).  I happen to have taken this degree.  There are no
>"details" of "clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry" in that degree.

      Cactus6, please do not be so simple-minded.  Free Masonry is like the
Sphinx, half-buried in the sands of the desert.  It is an enigma, wrapped in a
riddle, covered up in a mystery, veiled by secrets ....

      Clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry is populated by the earthly leaders
of the Plot, people like Brother Billy Blythe Clinton, Brother Hussein Bin
Talal, Brother Yassir "Yes, sir!" Arafat, Brother Bin-Yamin "Baby" Netanyahu,
Brother George "Poppy" Bush, Brother Boris "Boozer" Yeltsin, etc., etc., etc.

      Their supreme leader is not a human, but Lucifer/Satan himself, the
Prince of Liars.


Well a few points:

   1.  Clinton, Arafat, Bin, Yammin, Netanyaho, and Yeltsin have never been

  2.  Masonry is basically a bunch of guys trying to learn some basic moral
and philosophical lessons and do some charitable works.

Gee I wish masonry had even 1/10th the power the antis think we had.

---Chuck Easttom

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Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 11:13 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As someone has already mentioned if in the unlikely event that a group called
clandestine luciferian free masonry did exist it would not be recognised by
Grand Lodge and neither a Freemason or anyone with an ounce of decency would
have anything whatsoever to do with it.

If you have any evidence for your allegations you should immediately report
this to the F.B.I or else shut up.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 3:07 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      TYC45 wrote:

>As someone has already mentioned if in the unlikely event that a group called
>clandestine luciferian free masonry did exist it would not be recognised by
>Grand Lodge and neither a Freemason or anyone with an ounce of decency would
>have anything whatsoever to do with it.
>If you have any evidence for your allegations you should immediately report
>this to the F.B.I or else shut up.

      As you probably know, the defining personality in the FBI has been its
former long-time Director, the blackmailing transvestite Brother J. Edgar
"Mary" Hoover.  Brother "Mary" was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason.

      "Mary" is notorious for refusing to recognize the organized crime nature
of the Mafia.  This was at a time when Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel,
Sam Giancana, etc., were ruling the roost.

      Apparently Hoover thought that Mafia stands for "Mothers and Fathers
Italian Association".  He probably thought the Mafia was a community-oriented
service organization, just like the Order of the Eastern Star.

      Additionally, Hoover was a key participant in the cover-up following
JFK's oblation in Dallas.

    In more recent years, in 1993 an FBI undercover agent showed the "Arab
terrorists" involved in the World Trade Center bombing in New York how to mix
the explosives used in that attack.

      Since 1995 the FBI apparat has been instrumental in the mass deception
concerning the Masonic human sacrifice known as the Oklahoma City bombing.

      The FBI is not an objective organization qualified to investigate the
Luciferian Conspiracy.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: Regina Townsend Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 7:22 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kansan1225 wrote:

massive snippage -- free the bandwidth!

Dear Sir,

Please give me some documented facts on these
topics.  Of course, they will be derived from primary
sources, bibliographed and of course they will include
the proper citations.  APA style will be fine.

If you are unable to provide the documentation for
your claims, then take you hence and post your
gassing on alt.conspiricy.

Yours Sincerely,

Regina D. Townsend Krause
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 7:58 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If you have no confidence In the F.B.I then report your evidence to some other
law enforcement agency or write to your representative.

If you feel that no agency or individual is capable of doing anything about
your allegations then there is no point in pursuing the matter any further so
you may as well give up.

As Alt.Freemasonry is not a law enforcement agency or a group of devil
worshippers then I dont know why you bothered to report your allegations here,
certainly there is nothing that we are able to investigate or do about your

You will find that Freemasons are ordinary decent people and are not
knowledgable about human sacrafice or devil worship, I dont think that anyone
in this NG would be able to help you any further.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 10:21 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kansan1225 wrote:
                                 > As you probably know, the defining
personality in the FBI has been its
>former long-time Director, the blackmailing transvestite Brother J. Edgar
>"Mary" Hoover.  Brother "Mary" was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason.
>      "Mary" is notorious for refusing to recognize the organized crime
>of the Mafia.  This was at a time when Al Capone, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel,
>Sam Giancana, etc., were ruling the roost.
>      Apparently Hoover thought that Mafia stands for "Mothers and Fathers
>Italian Association".  He probably thought the Mafia was a community-oriented
>service organization, just like the Order of the Eastern Star.
>      Additionally, Hoover was a key participant in the cover-up following
>JFK's oblation in Dallas.

Despite what you've posted about J. Edgar Hoover being a crossdressing
extortionist and a pawn of organized crime. That combined with  his membership
in the Scottish Rite does not in and of itself proove anything. His
ineffectiveness as a law enforcement administrator is not evidence of Masonic
involvement in any of these matters. Your comparison of the O.E.S. to the
is beyond comment for me, but seems quite unlikely. I know of no evidence that
an FBI undercover taught terrorists how to mix explosives. However, there are
many documented incidents when an undercover has to proove himself to the
perpetrator to gain confidence. Please list the source of your information
there. Exactly what evidence do you offer that the Oklahoma bombing was a
Masonic human sacrifice? Is Timothy McViegh a Freemason?Is he a patsy (like
Oswald is said to have been)? What about his co-defendants? Can you name a
single Freemason that has even been mentioned or arrested in connection with
that case? What is the "Masonic luciferian conspiracy" and how do they carry
out? IS it accomplished with or without the knowledge of the membership?If you
can't answer these simple questions, you've gone a long way towards prooving
that drugs and alchohol should not be mixed. Next time you post something, why
don't you try to complete your claim with supporting references. All you've
done here is level a few accusations and hurl an ethnic slur. You're
opinionated but not very convincing.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225)
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 3:30 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Easttom wrote:

>Well first of all what ACTUAL EVIDENCE do you have of masonic murders. Not
>wild speculation or inuendo, but actual evidence.
>Secondly I am not an "average mason".  I am Senior Warden of My lodge, Grandl
>Lodge Certificate Lecturer, active 32d Scottish Rite, Past Patron of my OES
>chapter, Shriner, Sr. Demolay, Son of a Past Master/ScottishRite/Shriner, and
>close friends with 2 KCCH, 1 33rd and a Past Grand Master.  Neither I nor my
>father, nor my friends have ever heard of "masonic murders".
>I will add, however, that I wish we had even 1/10th of the power and
>you seem to think we do.

      I know for a fact that the overwhelming majority of Masons are
citizens and have no idea about the evil lurking behind the facades of their
organization.  That is why I am sharing these indications of a broad,
centuries-old, spiritual and temporal Conspiracy.

      Please examine what I write and think for yourself about the chances
these facts I am talking about are the result of simple coincidences.

      As far as power and influence are concerned, the major players usually
not join the public Masonic bodies, because of the notorious reputation of
Masonry among many voters.  These high-ranking Conspirators join other clubs,
such as the semi-clandestine Skull and Bones, the Book and Snake, or the
Bohemian Grove.  However, all these organizations follow the Masonic

      Beyond these semi-clandestine bodies, the true malefactors progress to
clandestine Luciferian Free Masonry and continuous communion with unclean
spirits and Satan himself.
Subject: Re: Third Masonic human sacrifice in D.C.
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 1999 4:47 PM
Message-id: <79o0ik$v6e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Avengers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a clever attempt by a Mason to ridicule the idea that Masons
> kill.   We suspect that he is working for the Mobil Oil Company.
> Masons do kill but the average Mason knows very little about the Craft.

> --
> The Avengers
> http://www.vomit.demon.co.uk

Mr. Todd,

If your accusation is true, then how do you explain that people like you are
still alive?  I mean, if Freemasons are so all powerful and have such a
deathgrip on the UK, especially England, how do you explain why they let you
live?  Surely if they control the law enforcement agencies, the city and
national government, and the military, it wouldn't be a big deal to make you
or anyone simply dissappear would it?

It would seem to me that the first targets of such an evil conspiracy as you
claim exist would be those who publically expose them.  In the past, that has
always been the way of dictators.  Look at your hero, Hitler.  The first
thing he did after gaining total power was the total elimination of anyone
who spoke against him or could challenge him.  He didn't even hide the
bodies, he just had them shot in the head or carried to death camps.  Stalin
did the same, but for the most part he hid the bodies at first.  Others of
similar ilk also follow the same pattern.

If the above statement is true, then I ask you, why do you still live?  I
would have thought you to be gone long ago.  You claim Freemasons are
connected to the Mafia.  Why not try making a real Mafia boss mad and see if
you stay here long.  Jimmy Hoffa did, and he hasn't been seen since.

The fact that you are still here refutes your claims of conspiracy and evil
doing by Masons.  If they were what you claim, you simply would vanish.

Richard Jackson, PM
Corrigan Masonic Lodge #1103 AF&AM
Corrigan, Texas
newsgroup article copyright 1999, all rights reserved by Richard Jackson

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