-Caveat Lector-

Associated Press - July 5, 2001

U.N. investigates to see if gun enthusiasts' protest is security threat

The United Nations is investigating whether e-mails and letters it has
received from irate American gun enthusiasts protesting an upcoming
conference on the illicit trade in small arms constitutes a threat to

The world body has received about 100 complaints from Americans who
erroneously believe the conference seeks to infringe on their right to bear
arms, U.N. Undersecretary-General for Disarmament Jayantha Dhanapala said

The gun-rights enthusiasts did not threaten physical harm to any U.N.
official, but their protests were strongly worded and were turned over to
U.N. security experts, Dhanapala said.

"What concerned me was that there was a widespread campaign," he said. "It's
essentially a U.S.-based phenomenon."

The letters and e-mails started arriving in recent weeks, some signed and
some anonymous, alleging that the U.N. is attempting to take away guns from
people, in conflict with the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens,
Dhanapala told a news conference.

"I did not get the impression that they have been orchestrated. They are
differently worded, but clearly they all labor under the same
misapprehension about the conference," he said.

Dhanapala's office released a pamphlet called "Setting the Record Straight"
to address the misconceptions they contained and explain what the conference
hopes to achieve.

"The focus of the conference is on illicit trade in small arms, not the
legal trade, manufacture or ownership of weapons," the pamphlet stressed.
"The U.N. conference will have no effect on the rights of civilians to
legally own and bear arms."

Delegates are expected to adopt a program of action, which is not legally
binding, to curb and ultimately eliminate illegal trafficking in assault
rifles and other small arms that have become the weapons of choice in many
internal conflicts around the world.

Asked about the fears of some Americans that the United Nations is trying to
take away their guns, Secretary-General Kofi Annan stressed that the main
goal of the conference is to try to control the illicit arms trade "to
ensure that guns do not get into the wrong hands."

"When you look at the history of the last 20 years or so, most of the
killing in the world, apart from the AIDS epidemic, is being done by small
arms," he said.

About a dozen gun-rights groups, including the U.S. National Rifle
Association, are among the 177 non-governmental organizations accredited to
attend the two-week conference which begins Monday.

Dhanapala said these groups will be able to attend all public meetings and
will choose several representatives to make statements at one official
conference session.

U.N. conventional arms expert Joao Honwana, a top conference official, said
it wasn't up to the U.N. Department for Disarmament Affairs to judge whether
the e-mails and letters constituted a threat.

"The objective of turning these e-mail and communications to the U.N.
security was precisely to allow them to assess them from a perspective of
threat to the organization of the conference and take whatever necessary
measures they found appropriate, which is what they are doing," he said.

"They analyze those communications, and I'm sure that they will contact with
the appropriate institutions in this country and elsewhere to make sure that
whatever is said in those e-mails does not represent a major threat to the
organization of this conference," Honwana said.

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