-Caveat Lector-


US air industry launches massive attack on jobs

By Jerry White

20 September 2001


Without a murmur of protest from the news media, the politicians or, least
of all, the trade unions, the US airline and aerospace industries have
launched a massive attack on the jobs and living standards of their
workers. The destruction of tens of thousands of jobs is an early signal
that the working class will bear the brunt of the Bush administrations war
on terrorism.

American Airlines announcement Wednesday that it will eliminate 20,000
jobs brings the total cuts planned by major US carriers to over 60,000.
This includes 20,000 at United, 12,000 at Continental and 11,000 at US
Airways. Northwest, Delta and Southwest airlines are scheduled shortly to
make public their job-cutting plans. A preliminary report earlier this
week said the number four carrier, Northwest Airlines, is expected cut at
least 10,000 jobs.

Smaller US carriers have also announced job cuts, including American Trans
Air (1,500), American West Airlines (2,000) and Midwest Airlines (1,700),
which said it was shutting down for good.

Aircraft-maker Boeing said it would cut up to 31,000 jobs, or 30 percent
of its workforce, because of falling orders for new planes. The bulk of
the jobs will be lost at jet manufacturing facilities in the Seattle area
and in Wichita, Kansas.

Massive job cuts are not limited to the US. Several overseas companies
announced job cuts, including British Airways, which will eliminate 7,000
jobs, and Virgin Airlines, which is cutting 1,200. Others, including the
Dutch carrier KLM, Air France and Lufthansa, are scaling back routes and
planning an undisclosed number of job cuts.

Airline executives, who are currently lobbying the federal government for
a $24 billion package of tax breaks, loans and direct aid to bail out the
industry, have declared that even with the assistance, 100,000 jobs will
be wiped out. Industry analysts say that for every one job eliminated by
the major airlines, six more in related industries will be wiped out. That
adds up to a potential loss of 600,000 jobs.

The airlines have blamed the crisis on last weeks terror attacks and the
losses they incurred because of the suspension of flights, the falloff in
air travel, and the high cost of security and insurance. Without question
these events dealt a massive blow to the industry.

However, prior to the terror attacks on New York and Washington the air
carriers were reeling from the impact of the economic slowdown, high fuel
costs and a sharp decline in business travel, the airlines most lucrative
source of income. Analysts had anticipated $1.5 billion in losses for
2001, and pointed to overcapacity in the industry, as well as the airlines
$26 billion debt load, as signs that further consolidation was in store.

Well before the events of September 11 corporate executives were working
out plans for drastic cost-cutting measures, including the elimination of
thousands of jobs. Airline and aerospace executives have now latched onto
the tragic events of last week to escalate their attack on the labor

Industry officials and Wall Street analysts had complained about the labor
contracts won by pilots, flight attendants and ground workers during the
recent period of tight labor markets. After giving up concessions in the
early 1990swhen the airlines faced a crisis brought on by the last
recessionairline workers have fought to recoup their losses over the past
several years, a period of record profits for the carriers. The same is
true for workers at Boeing, including white-collar workers who waged an
unprecedented strike against the company.

Now the companies aim to use the hammer of mass unemployment to intimidate
workers, dampen their militancy and make way for new concessions. The Wall
Street Journal acknowledged that the airlines are citing the events of
September 11 to circumvent whatever minimum job protection workers had.
Both the pilots and flight attendants at US Airways, the Journal noted,
have no-furlough clauses in their contracts, but those might be
unenforceable if the company can prove that last weeks attack was an act
of war.

In the face of this attack, the working class has no mass organizations to
defend its interests. The AFL-CIO trade union bureaucracy has proclaimed
its eagerness to collaborate even more closely with management. In a joint
press conference with the US Chamber of Commerce earlier this week,
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said, The attack on America will only steel
the determination of our nations workers and businesses to overcome the
challenge that has been thrown down. We hope it will also inspire both
business and labor to work together to overcome many of the issues that
have divided us.

At Boeing, a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists
acknowledged the need for job cuts, asking only that the company spread
them equitably and make sure some of this burden is put on the
subcontractors and vendors.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Association of Flight Attendants
at US Airways is working with the company on plans for payroll reductions
through extended maternity leaves, paternity leaves, voluntary leaves of
absence and other unpaid arrangements. At AirTran, the pilots union has
already agreed to temporary pay cuts and reduced flying schedules in a
move the low-fare carrier says will reduce labor costs by 22 percent.

At Congressional hearings held Wednesday on plans for a government bailout
of the airlines, Teamsters President James P. Hoffa sat alongside airline
executives at the witness table, a gesture aimed at reassuring Wall Street
that the unions will not oppose the mass layoffs.

It is remarkable that no voice in the media or the political establishment
so much as questions the right of the airline and aerospace companies to
destroy, at a stroke, over 100,000 jobs. Such a massive attack on the
working population is accepted as entirely within the prerogatives of the
corporate elite.

The fact that so many working class families can be suddenly thrown onto
the scrap heap, without any legal recourse or any opposition from within
the political system, underscores the degree to which workers in America,
when it comes to their economic well-being and conditions of labor, have
no rights. The ruthless manner in which the corporate giants pursue their
economic interests, whatever the cost to the working class, should be
borne in mind when working people are called on to sacrifice and even die
in the name of national unity and democracy.

The scale of the announced layoffs may, in part, be calculated to increase
pressure on the government to meet the airlines demands for a federal
bailout. In fact, little pressure was needed. Almost overnight the entire
political system and media swung into motion behind the demands of the

But while there are urgent calls for emergency aid to shore up the
airlines, there are no calls for emergency aid to support the laid-off
workers or bail out the communities that will be devastated by the job

Bush has presented the bailout of the industry as a patriotic measure,
which, like his war preparations, is supposedly aimed at protecting the
American people from the impact of terrorism. In addition to a cash
infusion, the president is proposing to bar punitive damages and
consolidate all lawsuits against American and United airlines into a
single federal court. He also wants the government to pick up any costs
for compensation or damages that exceed the airlines insurance coverage.

No politician of either party is so much as suggesting that a bailout be
contingent on a rescinding of the layoffs. Nor is there a demand that, in
return for billions in public funds, the airline executives cut their
multimillion-dollar compensation packages, or accept restrictions on
future profit margins.

Continental CEO Gordon Bethune, for example, made $3.1 million in 2000,
while Donald Carty, his counterpart at Americans parent company AMR, took
in $2.12 million. Unlike the 11,000 workers US Airways is discardingwho
will at best receive several months of unemployment benefits before losing
their incomes and medical insurancethe companys three top executives are
guaranteed a $45 million severance package if they leave by November 12.

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                         DEFINING APARTHEID

Article 2 of the "International Convention of the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid" of 1973 clearly defined the
term "crime of apartheid." This includes similar policies and practices
of segregation and discrimination as practiced in South Africa and
which also apply to inhuman acts committed for the purpose of the
establishment and maintaining of domination by one racial group over
another. This includes the deliberated imposition of living conditions
calculated to cause physical destruction and any legislative or other
measures preventing a racial group from full development of their
political, social, economic and cultural life.  This is an accurate
description of what the zionists are doing to the Palestinian people
with the full support of the USA.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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