Hello everyone,

I am trying to use the cdrom debian-installer to install Debian on an arm64
I am using the weekly snapshot of testing.

- Concerning the cdrom, I use an SDcard that I mount to cdrom using:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /cdrom
I get in the logs:
Jan  1 00:01:36 cdrom-detect: Detected CD with 'testing' (buster)

- Ethernet I leave it not configured as the drivers are not working for
this platform (on another topic I'm trying to build a kernel with the
correct drivers).
So no ethernet/network connection available.

I can then go through the installation process to the point "Install base
system". It fails and returns the following error:
Debootstrap Error
 │ Failed to determine the codename for the release.

And in the logs:
Jan  1 00:06:00 main-menu[205]: INFO: Menu item 'bootstrap-base' selected
Jan  1 00:06:00 base-installer: error: exiting on error
Jan  1 00:06:09 main-menu[205]: WARNING **: Configuring 'bootstrap-base'
failed with error code 1
Jan  1 00:06:09 main-menu[205]: WARNING **: Menu item 'bootstrap-base'

Any idea on what I should / could do to install the system ?

Thanks in advance,



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