Hello all,

I came across a similar issue today during 'apt-get upgrade' on my Debian unstable amd64 machine. The system was installed back in 2014 as Debian Wheezy and through the years (dist-)upgraded until the current unstable. The minissdpd package was probably installed as part of the system installation at the beginning as it was completely unknown to me (and I have never dealt with its configuration). DPKG failed with the following message:
Nastavuje se balík minissdpd (1.5.20190824-1) …
Job for minissdpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status minissdpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript minissdpd, action "restart" failed.
● minissdpd.service - keep memory of all UPnP devices that announced themselves Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/minissdpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-08-29 16:08:28 CEST; 23ms ago
       Docs: man:minissdpd(1)
Process: 16207 ExecCondition=/usr/lib/minissdpd/minissdpd-systemd-wrapper -t ${MiniSSDPd_INTERFACE_ADDRESS} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 16208 ExecStart=/usr/lib/minissdpd/minissdpd-systemd-wrapper ${MiniSSDPd_INTERFACE_ADDRESS} $MiniSSDPd_OTHER_OPTIONS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: Error parsing address/mask (or interface name) : eth0 srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: can't parse "eth0" as a valid address or interface name srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: Usage: /usr/sbin/minissdpd [-d] [-6] [-s socket] [-p pidfile] [-t TTL] [-f device] -i <interface> [-i <interface2>] ... srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: <interface> is either an IPv4 address with mask such as srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]:, or an interface name such as eth0. srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: By default, socket will be open as /var/run/minissdpd.sock srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[16208]: and pid written to file /var/run/minissdpd.pid srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN systemd[1]: minissdpd.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN systemd[1]: minissdpd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. srp 29 16:08:28 P01-MARTIN systemd[1]: Failed to start keep memory of all UPnP devices that announced themselves.
dpkg: chyba při zpracovávání balíku minissdpd (--configure):
installed minissdpd package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

After that, I tried changing the '/etc/default/minissdpd' config file to reflect my current interface name ('enp0s25'), but after running 'apt-get upgrade' again, it was rewritten back to 'eth0' (like Dann wrote) and the same error was returned.

After finding this bug report, I tried the 'debconf-show minissdpd' which reported:
  minissdpd/ip6: false
* minissdpd/listen: eth0
* minissdpd/start_daemon: true
* minissdpd/why_I_am_here:
I changed it using a short script (as I don't know a better way as of now):
debconf-set-selections <<- 'END'
        minissdpd       minissdpd/listen \
                string enp0s25
And 'debconf-show minissdpd' reported:
* minissdpd/start_daemon: true
* minissdpd/listen: enp0s25
  minissdpd/ip6: false
* minissdpd/why_I_am_here:
After that, 'apt-get upgrade' finished successfully and also 'enp0s25' was written into the '/etc/default/minissdpd' config file (overwriting the 'eth0' left there from the attempt mentioned above).

Looking into the script '/var/lib/dpkg/info/minissdpd.config' (as Thomas pointed out) with my minimal bash knowledge, it seems to me, that it fetches the values from the '/etc/default/minissdpd' config file first (https://salsa.debian.org/miniupnp-team/minissdpd/-/blob/debian-sid/debian/minissdpd.config#L24) to overwrite them with values from debconf later (https://salsa.debian.org/miniupnp-team/minissdpd/-/blob/debian-sid/debian/minissdpd.config#L38). I don't know, if this is the required behaviour to be able to use debconf, but it seems to me as the possible source of the reported problem.

Best regards

Martin Šturc

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