Dear Paul,

You are correct. Problem is with software running on Microsoft operating system accessing rsync server (and man page), not rsync documentation. Once I was granted physical access, documentation displayed correctly on terminal.

I apologize for taking your time, my hope had been to improve the usability of the documentation for all users. May the next thing you have to deal with be simpler and actual.

Peter Rooney


Quoting Paul Slootman <>:

On Mon 15 Mar 2010, peter rooney wrote:

Man page is unreadable in all common pagers (more, most, less (and even
cat!)).  In particular, the section "INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES" is
rendered useless.

It looks fine here.

I'm wondering whether some combination of your environment is
contributing to the problem?  Try it e.g. on the linux console,
or with a different terminal emulator. Maybe try setting LANG=C as a
test? (It works fine here with LANG=en_US.UTF-8; I don't have
en_CA.UTF-8 handy.)

I'm sure that if there was a real problem with the manpage that it would
have been brought to my attention somewhere earlier in the 1.5 years
that version has existed.

You might also try a more recent version, e.g. from

Paul Slootman

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