PS: an inelegant workaround is to run apt more than once.

It is neater to install fontconfig early (tested, works),

    + --essential-hook='chroot $1 apt install fontconfig -y'

...rather than install linux-image-generic late, or
switch plymouth over to a fontful theme and sit through a second initrd rebuild.
(mkinitramfs is quite slow, even with --include=pigz).
I haven't tested the below strategies today, but they've worked in the past.

    - --include=linux-image-amd64/bullseye-backports
    + --customize-hook='chroot $1 apt install 

    - --include=desktop-base
    + --customize-hook='chroot $1 apt install desktop-base'
    + --customize-hook='chroot $1 update-initramfs -u -k all'

    - --include=desktop-base
    + --customize-hook='chroot $1 plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd 

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