Severity: normal

When reviewing lists, I get offered to review messages that have
already been categorized as spam and removed from the archives, so
in I see:

  <list link>

  Spam message removed

  The spam message that used to be here has been removed.

  Return to the index of messages.

Because I have not seen the contents, I always leave it categorized
as "Unsure", and it disappears from the current review batch until the
site regenerates its indices (?) on the next Sunday. Then they reappear
again, potentially intermingled with fresh messages to review.

I'm always tempted to mark them as "Spam" to try to get them to go away,
but as that seems wrong, I never do that. :) Also because this seems like
something that should not be presented for review.

(I checked the bug list and while #678817 seemed similar, I don't
think it's the same, but then maybe I don't understand that report.)


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