
I have prepared a NMU patch to fix this bug as a part of the T & S
portion of my NM application. 

The problem is not that the package owning the file has changed name.
acid_conf.php should never have been a conffile in the first place as
the postinst script always updated its contents based on the results of
debconf questions to substitute in the database connection parameters. 

This patch migrates acid_conf.php to be handled by ucf rather than as a
conffile. Additionally I have added logic to try and detect an upgrade
from an "unmodified" acid_conf.php so that the user is not prompted
unnecessarily during the Sarge -> Etch upgrade. This is achieved by
shipping a copy of the configuration file as it was in the 0.9.6b20-10
version of the package, recreating the original file with the
appropriate debconf values substituted in and creating an md5sum of that
file to pass to ucf. This results in the user being prompted only if
they have modified the file by hand. 

Obviously I'm not yet a DD so this NMU will be made by my AM (formorer)
at a later date. In the meantime packages are available in my repository
at http://www.mattb.net.nz/debian/

Kind Regards

Matt Brown
Mob +64 21 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz
diff -Nur acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10 acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10
--- acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10	1970-01-01 12:00:00.000000000 +1200
+++ acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10	2006-02-13 23:28:16.000000000 +1300
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+$ACID_VERSION = "0.9.6b20-5.1";
+/* Path to the DB abstraction library 
+ *  (Note: DO NOT include a trailing backslash after the directory)
+ *   e.g. $foo = "/tmp"      [OK]
+ *        $foo = "/tmp/"     [OK]
+ *        $foo = "c:\tmp"    [OK]
+ *        $foo = "c:\tmp\"   [WRONG]
+ */
+$DBlib_path = "/usr/share/adodb";
+/* The type of underlying alert database
+ * 
+ *  MySQL       : "mysql"
+ *  PostgresSQL : "postgres"
+ *  MS SQL Server : "mssql"
+ */
+$DBtype = "DBTYPE";
+/* Alert DB connection parameters
+ *   - $alert_dbname   : MySQL database name of Snort alert DB
+ *   - $alert_host     : host on which the DB is stored
+ *   - $alert_port     : port on which to access the DB
+ *   - $alert_user     : login to the database with this user
+ *   - $alert_password : password of the DB user
+ *
+ *  This information can be gleaned from the Snort database
+ *  output plugin configuration.
+ */
+$alert_dbname   = "ALERT_NAME";
+$alert_host     = "ALERT_HOST";
+$alert_port     = "ALERT_PORT";
+$alert_user     = "ALERT_USER";
+$alert_password = "ALERT_PASSWORD";
+/* Archive DB connection parameters */
+$archive_dbname   = "ARCHIVE_NAME";
+$archive_host     = "ARCHIVE_HOST";
+$archive_port     = "ARCHIVE_PORT";
+$archive_user     = "ARCHIVE_USER";
+$archive_password = "ARCHIVE_PASSWORD";
+/* Type of DB connection to use
+ *   1  : use a persistant connection (pconnect)
+ *   2  : use a normal connection (connect)
+ */
+$db_connect_method = 1;
+/* Use referential integrity
+ *   1  : use
+ *   0  : ignore (not installed)
+ *
+ * Note: Only PostgreSQL and MS-SQL Server databases support
+ *       referential integrity.  Use the associated
+ *       create_acid_tbls_?_extra.sql script to add this
+ *       functionality to the database.
+ *
+ *       Referential integrity will greatly improve the
+ *       speed of record deletion, but also slow record
+ *       insertion.
+ */
+$use_referential_integrity = 0;
+/* Path to the graphing library 
+ *  (Note: DO NOT include a trailing backslash after the directory)
+ */
+$ChartLib_path = "/usr/share/phplot";
+/* File format of charts ('png', 'jpeg', 'gif') */
+$chart_file_format = "png";
+/* Chart default colors - (red, green, blue)
+ *    - $chart_bg_color_default    : background color of chart
+ *    - $chart_lgrid_color_default : gridline color of chart
+ *    - $chart_bar_color_default   : bar/line color of chart
+ */
+$chart_bg_color_default     = array(255,255,255);
+$chart_lgrid_color_default  = array(205,205,205);
+$chart_bar_color_default    = array(190, 5, 5);
+/* Maximum number of rows per criteria element */
+$MAX_ROWS = 10;
+/* Number of rows to display for any query results */
+$show_rows = 50;
+/* Number of items to return during a snapshot
+ *  Last _X_ # of alerts/unique alerts/ports/IP
+ */
+$last_num_alerts = 15;
+$last_num_ualerts = 15;
+$last_num_uports = 15;
+$last_num_uaddr = 15;
+/* Number of items to return during a snapshot
+ *  Most Frequent unique alerts/IPs/ports
+ */
+$freq_num_alerts = 5;
+$freq_num_uaddr = 15;
+$freq_num_uports = 15;
+/* Number of scroll buttons to use when displaying query results */
+$max_scroll_buttons = 12;
+/* Debug mode     - how much debugging information should be shown
+ * Timing mode    - display timing information
+ * SQL trace mode - log SQL statements
+ *   0 : no extra information
+ *   1 : debugging information
+ *   2 : extended debugging information
+ *
+ * HTML no cache - whether a no-cache directive should be sent
+ *                 to the browser (should be = 1 for IE)
+ * 
+ * SQL trace file - file to log SQL traces
+ */
+$debug_mode = 0;
+$debug_time_mode = 1;
+$html_no_cache = 1;
+$sql_trace_mode = 0;
+$sql_trace_file = "";
+/* Auto-Screen refresh
+ * - Refresh_Stat_Page - Should certain statistics pages refresh?
+ * - Stat_Page_Refresh_Time - refresh interval (in seconds)
+ */
+$refresh_stat_page = 1;
+$stat_page_refresh_time = 180;
+/* Display First/Previous/Last timestamps for alerts or
+ * just First/Last on the Unique Alert listing.
+ *    1: yes
+ *    0: no
+ */
+$show_previous_alert = 0;
+/* Sets maximum execution time (in seconds) of any particular page. 
+ * Note: this overrides the PHP configuration file variable 
+ *       max_execution_time.  Thus script can run for a total of
+ *       ($max_script_runtime + max_execution_time) seconds 
+ */
+$max_script_runtime = 180;
+/* How should the IP address criteria be entered in the Search screen?
+ *   1 : each octet is a separate field
+ *   2 : entire address is as a single field
+ */
+$ip_address_input = 2;
+/* Should a combo box with possible signatures be displayed on the
+ * search form. (Requires Javascript)
+ *   0 : disabled
+ *   1 : show only non pre-processor signatures (e.g., ignore portscans)
+ *   2 : show all signatures
+ */
+$use_sig_list = 0;
+/* Resolve IP to FQDN (on certain queries?) 
+ *    1 : yes
+ *    0 : no 
+ */
+$resolve_IP = 1;
+/* Should summary stats be calculated on every Query Results page
+ * (Enabling this option will slow page loading time)
+ */
+$show_summary_stats = 0;
+/* DNS cache lifetime (in minutes) */
+$dns_cache_lifetime = 20160;
+/* Whois information cache lifetime (in minutes) */
+$whois_cache_lifetime = 40320;
+/* Snort spp_portscan log file */
+$portscan_file = "";
+/* Event cache Auto-update
+ *
+ *  Should the event cache be verified and updated on every
+ *  page log?  Otherwise, the cache will have to be explicitly
+ *  updated from the 'cache and status' page.
+ *
+ *  Note: enabling this option could substantially slow down
+ *  the page loading time when there are many uncached alerts.
+ *  However, this is only a one-time penalty.
+ *
+ *   1 : yes
+ *   0 : no
+ */
+$event_cache_auto_update = 1;
+/* Maintain a history of the visited pages so that the "Back"
+ * button can be used.
+ *
+ * Note: Enabling this option will cause the PHP-session to
+ * grow substantially after many pages have been viewed causing
+ * a slow down in page loading time. Periodically return to the
+ * main page to clear the history.
+ *
+ *   1 : yes
+ *   0 : no
+ */
+$maintain_history = 1;
+/* Level of detail to display on the main page.
+ *
+ * Note: The presence of summary statistics will slow page loading time
+ *
+ *   1 : show both the links and summary statistics
+ *   0 : show only the links and a count of the number of alerts
+ */
+$main_page_detail = 1;
+ * External URLs
+ */
+/* Whois query */
+$external_whois_link = "http://www.samspade.org/t/ipwhois?a=";;
+//$external_whois_link = "http://www.geektools.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?targetnic=auto&query=";
+ /* DNS query */
+$external_dns_link = "http://www.samspade.org/t/dns?a=";;
+/* SamSpade "all" query */
+$external_all_link = "http://www.samspade.org/t/lookat?a=";;
+/* TCP/UDP port database */
+$external_port_link = "http://www.snort.org/ports.html?port=";;
+//$external_port_link = "http://www.portsdb.org/bin/portsdb.cgi?portnumber=";;
+/* Signature references */
+$external_sig_link = array("bugtraq"   => array("http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/";, ""),
+                           "snort"     => array("http://www.snort.org/snort-db/sid.html?sid=";, ""),
+                           "cve"       => array("http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=";, ""),
+                           "nessus"       => array("http://cgi.nessus.org/plugins/dump.php3?id=";, ""),
+                           "arachnids" => array("http://www.whitehats.com/info/ids";, ""),
+                           "mcafee"    => array("http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_";, ".htm"),
+                           "icat"      => array("http://icat.nist.gov/icat.cfm?cvename=";, ""));
+/* Email Alert action
+ *
+ * - action_email_from : email address to use in the FROM field of the mail message
+ * - action_email_subject : subject to use for the mail message
+ * - action_email_msg : additional text to include in the body of the mail message
+ * - action_email_mode : specifies how the alert information should be enclosed
+ *     0 : alerts should be in the body of the message
+ *     1 : alerts should be enclosed in an attachment
+ */
+$action_email_from = "ACID Alert <acid>";
+$action_email_subject = "ACID Incident Report";
+$action_email_msg = "";
+$action_email_mode = 0;
+/* Custom (user) PHP session handlers
+ *
+ * - use_user_session : sets whether user PHP session can be used (configured
+ *                      with the session.save_handler variable in php.ini)
+ *      0 : no
+ *      1 : yes (assuming that 'user_session_path' and 'user_session_function'
+ *               are configured correctly)
+ * - user_session_path : file to include that implements the custom PHP session
+ *                       handler
+ * - user_session_function : function to invoke in the custom session
+ *                           implementation that will register the session handler
+ *                           functions
+ */
+$use_user_session = 0;
+$user_session_path = "";
+$user_session_function = "";
diff -Nur acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/changelog acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/changelog
--- acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/changelog	2006-02-13 23:28:31.000000000 +1300
+++ acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/changelog	2006-02-13 23:28:16.000000000 +1300
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+acidlab (0.9.6b20-13.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload
+  * Fixed incorrect handling of /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php (Closes: #337992)
+    - acid_conf.php cannot be a conffile as the maintainer scripts modify it
+    - Added dependency on ucf and use that to manage acid_conf.php
+    - Attempt to recreate previous 'unmodified' acid_conf.php from the 
+      0.9.6b20-10 package and use its md5sum to prevent unccessary prompting
+      if possible. This should make sarge -> etch upgrades go smoothly if 
+      the user has not modified the conf file.
+ -- Matt Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:12:43 +1300
 acidlab (0.9.6b20-13) unstable; urgency=high
   * Patch [013] SECURITY fix:
diff -Nur acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/control acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/control
--- acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/control	2006-02-13 23:28:31.000000000 +1300
+++ acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/control	2006-02-13 23:28:16.000000000 +1300
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 Package: acidlab
 Architecture: all
-Depends: php4 | php3 | php4-cli | php3-cgi, php4-gd | php3-gd | php3-cgi-gd, apache | httpd, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.7), libphp-phplot (>= 4.4.6-3), libphp-adodb (>= 4.50-1), debconf | debconf-2.0, acidlab-pgsql | acidlab-mysql
+Depends: php4 | php3 | php4-cli | php3-cgi, php4-gd | php3-gd | php3-cgi-gd, apache | httpd, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.7), libphp-phplot (>= 4.4.6-3), libphp-adodb (>= 4.50-1), debconf | debconf-2.0, acidlab-pgsql | acidlab-mysql, ucf
 Suggests: snort-mysql | snort-pgsql
 Description: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases
  The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis
diff -Nur acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/packages acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/packages
--- acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/packages	2006-02-13 23:28:31.000000000 +1300
+++ acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/packages	2006-02-13 23:28:16.000000000 +1300
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 Package: acidlab
 Architecture: all
-Depends: php4 | php3 | php4-cli | php3-cgi, php4-gd | php3-gd | php3-cgi-gd, apache | httpd, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.7), libphp-phplot (>= 4.4.6-3), libphp-adodb (>= 4.50-1), debconf | debconf-2.0, acidlab-pgsql | acidlab-mysql
+Depends: php4 | php3 | php4-cli | php3-cgi, php4-gd | php3-gd | php3-cgi-gd, apache | httpd, wwwconfig-common (>= 0.0.7), libphp-phplot (>= 4.4.6-3), libphp-adodb (>= 4.50-1), debconf | debconf-2.0, acidlab-pgsql | acidlab-mysql, ucf
 Suggests: snort-mysql | snort-pgsql 
 Description: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases
  The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis 
@@ -107,15 +107,13 @@
  yada install -data -into /usr/share/acidlab *.php *.html *.css *.sql *.inc
  yada install -dir /etc/acidlab
  rm -f $ROOT/usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf.php 
- yada install -conffile -into /etc/acidlab acid_conf.php 
  ln -s /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php $ROOT/usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf.php
+ yada install -into /usr/share/acidlab -as acid_conf.dist acid_conf.php 
+ yada install -into /usr/share/acidlab -as acid_conf-0.9.6b20-10.dist debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10
  yada install -conffile -subdir acidlab -as apache.conf debian/acidlab.apache.conf
  yada install -doc README README.mssql TODO CREDITS html-doc/*html* html-doc/*gif* html-doc/*jpg*
  yada install -doc -as changelog CHANGELOG
  yada install -doc -as README.Debian debian/README
-Finalize: sh
- chown root:www-data $ROOT/etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
- chmod 0640 $ROOT/etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
  Template: acidlab/webserver
  Type: select
@@ -285,10 +283,33 @@
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@$archive_user@
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@$archive_password@
-     cat /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php | sed -f /etc/acidlab/acidlab$$.conf \
-         > /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.$$ && mv /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.$$ \
-         /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
-     rm -f /etc/acidlab/acidlab$$.conf
+     # If we're upgrading from 0.9.6b20-13 or earlier deal with acid_conf.php
+     # which was mistakenly marked as a conffile!
+      if [ "$2" != "" -a "$2" != "<>" ]; then
+         if /usr/bin/dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "0.9.6b20-13.1"; then
+             # Try our best to recreate the old 'unmodified' conffile with
+             # only the DB parameters substituted in
+             cat /usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf-0.9.6b20-10.dist | \
+                 sed -f /etc/acidlab/acidlab$$.conf > \
+                 /etc/acidlab/acid_conf-10.php.$$
+             # Save an MD5sum of it for ucf to use
+             /usr/bin/md5sum /etc/acidlab/acid_conf-10.php.$$ | \
+                 sed 's/  .*/ 0.9.6b20-10/' > /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.md5sum
+             # Clean up
+             rm -f /etc/acidlab/acid_conf-10.php.$$
+         fi
+     fi
+     # Ensure md5sum file exists
+     touch /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.md5sum
+     # Generate new config file
+     cat /usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf.dist | \
+     	 sed -f /etc/acidlab/acidlab$$.conf > \
+	 /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.$$ &&  \
+         /usr/bin/ucf --sum-file /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.md5sum \
+	 /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.$$ \
+         /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php </dev/tty >/dev/tty
+     rm -f /etc/acidlab/acidlab$$.conf &>/dev/null 
+     rm -f /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.$$ &>/dev/null
  chmod 0640 /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
  chown root:www-data /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
@@ -313,6 +334,11 @@
                  restart="$restart $server"
+         # Clean up ucf 
+         rm -f /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
+         ucf --purge /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php
+         rm -f /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php.md5sum
+         # Clean up directory
          test -d /etc/acidlab && rm -rf /etc/acidlab
diff -Nur acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/rules acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/rules
--- acidlab-0.9.6b20/debian/rules	2006-02-13 23:28:31.000000000 +1300
+++ acidlab-0.9.6b20-matt/debian/rules	2006-02-13 23:28:16.000000000 +1300
@@ -271,8 +271,9 @@
 	echo -E 'yada install -data -into /usr/share/acidlab *.php *.html *.css *.sql *.inc';\
 	echo -E 'yada install -dir /etc/acidlab';\
 	echo -E 'rm -f $$ROOT/usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf.php';\
-	echo -E 'yada install -conffile -into /etc/acidlab acid_conf.php';\
 	echo -E 'ln -s /etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php $$ROOT/usr/share/acidlab/acid_conf.php';\
+	echo -E 'yada install -into /usr/share/acidlab -as acid_conf.dist acid_conf.php';\
+	echo -E 'yada install -into /usr/share/acidlab -as acid_conf-0.9.6b20-10.dist debian/acid_conf.php-0.9.6b20-10';\
 	echo -E 'yada install -conffile -subdir acidlab -as apache.conf debian/acidlab.apache.conf';\
 	echo -E 'yada install -doc README README.mssql TODO CREDITS html-doc/*html* html-doc/*gif* html-doc/*jpg*';\
 	echo -E 'yada install -doc -as changelog CHANGELOG';\
@@ -349,23 +350,6 @@
 	@[ -f $(shell which yada) -a -f debian/rules ]
 	chown -R 0.0 debian/tmp-acidlab
 	chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX debian/tmp-acidlab
-	@umask 022 \
-	  && export pwd="$$(pwd)" \
-	  && export ROOT="$$(pwd)/debian/tmp-acidlab" \
-	  && export TMPROOT="$$(pwd)/debian/tmp" \
-	  && export CONTROL="$$(pwd)/debian/tmp-acidlab/DEBIAN" \
-	  && export PACKAGE="acidlab" \
-	  && export SOURCE="acidlab" \
-	  && export VERSION="$(VERSION)" \
-	  && export DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU="$(DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU)" \
-	  && export DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE="$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)" \
-	  && export DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU="$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU)" \
-	echo -E 'eval "yada () { perl $$(which yada) \"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; }"; set -e; set -v';\
-	echo -E 'chown root:www-data $$ROOT/etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php';\
-	echo -E 'chmod 0640 $$ROOT/etc/acidlab/acid_conf.php') | /bin/sh
 	@if [ -d debian/tmp-acidlab/usr/doc/acidlab ]; then \
 	  echo "*** Yada warning: /usr/doc/acidlab should be /usr/share/doc/acidlab";\

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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