Package: gnome-panel
Version: 2.22.0-1
Severity: normal

Right now I have both the Weather report applet and the Clock applet
on my panel.  Both are set at the same location, yet they show different
weather.  Furthermore, the submenu for the Clock shows yet other weather
for the same location.

Right now, I see:

8 °C, Clear Sky -- Weather Applet
        with: Feels like: 6.4 °C, Dew point: 2.0 °C
7 °C, Clear Sky -- Clock (status bar)
4.9 °C, Clear Sky -- Clock (hover and menu)

Normally, the Weather applet "Feels like:" temperature is in sync
with the clock status bar value (which, BTW, seems wrong, it should show
the real temperature), but sometimes, like now, they get out of sync.

Regards: David
 /) David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /) Rime on my window           (\
//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   //  Diamond-white roses of fire //
\)    (/   Beautiful hoar-frost       (/

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