Package: gksu
Severity: normal
Version: 2.0.0-5

The "preserve-env" option does not work as advertised:

     --preserve-env, -k
           Preserve the current environments, does not set $HOME nor
           $PATH, for example.

As a testcase:

 % export FOO="bar"
 % gksu -- /bin/sh -c "echo FOO=\$FOO"
 % gksu -k -- /bin/sh -c "echo FOO=\$FOO"

I would have expected that, when specifying "-k", gksu would preserve the FOO
environment variable for the target program.

At least in gksudo mode, specifying "--preserve-env" seems to just toggle
passing "-H" to sudo, which toggles whether HOME is preserved:

 % gksu -- /bin/sh -c "echo HOME=\$HOME"
 % gksu -k -- /bin/sh -c "echo HOME=\$HOME"

To really have "Preserve the current environments" semantics, shouldn't -H
be replaced with -E?


Chris Lamb, UK                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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