On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 01:28:12PM +0200, Thibaut VARENE wrote:
> > In the wannabuild case, having zero users resulted in bitrot.  Not at
> Not zero, 1 ;)
> Problem is, I've delayed for a very longtime the upgrade because every
> new version had a tendency to break backward compat with config files
> and such. I was running sbuild/buildd 0.58-something from db.d.o until
> I decided to move. The upgrade wasn't painless, but at least it
> worked. What prompts me for the wanna-build move is the lack of
> --built support from the old version, but that's not a really big deal
> either. Also I hoped that moving to what's in squeeze would mean
> moving to something slightly more "supported". Seems it's not really
> the case...

The sbuild and buildd versions in squeeze are pretty much identical to
what's in use on the buildds.  Those are well supported.  It's really
just wanna-build that's not been well maintained, and that's primarily
because its main user (the buildd infrastructure) is using a separate
implementation.  The wanna-build.git implementation is what's in
production use, hence my recommendation to go with that.  It should
also work well with the versions of buildd and sbuild in the archive.

> > all good, and that was why it was removed.  The actual bugs in it are
> > most likely fairly simple to fix--it just needs someone with the time
> > to do it.  Most are as a result of changes in other parts of the
> > codebase.
> Well, I'd be glad to help, but I have no idea how to do that...

All of the code is in the git repository at


It was removed in commits cb5ffa9e..94cf8c68

% git shortlog cb5ffa9e..94cf8c68
Roger Leigh (5):
      wanna-build: Remove
      etc: Remove wanna-build.conf
      Sbuild::DB::Client*: Rename to Buildd::Client*
      NEWS: Document wanna-build removal
      debian: Amend wanna-build removal comments

It would certainly be possible to revert the commits and add it back.

While wanna-build.git replaced MLDBM support entirely with PostgreSQL,
I instead modularised the database code as separate MLDBM and Postgres
backends, so allow both to be used.  I lacked the time to complete
the Postgres backend, however.  This was also prior to the
wanna-build.git move to Postgres, and I lacked the time to merge their
changes--one reason for dropping it was to not needlessly duplicate
their work.

> > Note that the new wanna-build above uses PostgreSQL rather than
> > MLDBM, so has a number of advantages over the old neuro version.
> Given the limited number of packages being handled (about 80), it's
> not worth the hassle. I planned to keep using the MLDBM backend. Is it
> broken?

It's no longer present.  In the wanna-build.git repo, the MLDBM support
was replaced entirely with Postgres support, AFAICT.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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