On sam., 2014-06-21 at 19:50 -0400, Daniel Richard G. wrote:
> On Sat, 2014 Jun 21 10:33+0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> >
> > /etc/profile is for login shell, I guess that's the reason…
> Exactly. If I reconfigure my X terminal emulator to give me a login
> shell, then my profile initializations are run---but they are then run
> for every new shell I open, which is incorrect behavior. (It's not
> uncommon to start up background programs and such [like ssh-agent] in
> ~/.profile, as the file is by definition supposed to be run once per
> login session.)
Well, if you abuse the offered interface, then you have to deal with the
fallouts yourself.

There's a perfectly working solution which I already gave you. If you
don't want to use it, then there's not much we can do.


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